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Yolanda Caporn

3 Months Ago

Pinterest Pins Missing Link To Faa Or Pixels Site

When I pin something to Pinterest from my Pixels or FAA site using the Pinterest save extension, there is no link to the website on the pin. I've just noticed this now and don't know how long it's been happening. I am part of a FAA group board and when I go into pins that others have pinned to that board from FAA, there is no link on their pins either. I don't have this problem when pinning from other sites. Is it just me or does everybody have the same problem?

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Dale Kincaid

3 Months Ago

It seems as though Pinterest has made some changes. When I am logged out of Pinterest the links on all pins are visibly clickable. When I am logged into Pinterest the links to other people's pins are the same, but are hidden on my pins under the 3 dot menu at the top.


Yolanda Caporn

3 Months Ago

Interesting. Who would know that you have to click on the three dots to get to the website? Seems like a backwards step to change it so that you have to click on the three dots. Actually, it doesn't seem like a Pinterest change because then it would be the case if I pinned from other sites as well but it is only when I pin from FAA/Pixels (using the Pinterest extension) that there is no obvious link to the site.


Shelli Fitzpatrick

3 Months Ago

I looked at my profile incognito (in a private window) so I could see what the public sees and the link to the website is very visible as a big button on my recent pin that I pinned this morning. So it seems the extra click on the three dots is only for you when you are logged into your Pinterest. Potential buyers still see the link right up front.


Jennifer White

3 Months Ago

With the changes they've made, it does look like pins shared through the pinterest extension is missing the website, but it is seen under the 3 dots which is inconvenient. Most people are logged in when looking at Pinterest and I'm seeing the same on everyone else's pins too but it's different if logged out. Pins that are done organically still show the website logged in or not.


Yolanda Caporn

3 Months Ago

Thanks Shelli and Jennifer. I agree with Jennifer that most people are logged in when looking at Pinterest so they won't see the links on anyone's pins, just like I'm not seeing the links, without clicking on the three dots (and who would know that they're supposed to click on the three dots). I don't understand why it is only FAA and not other sites. Is this a glitch with FAA?


Stephen Fuller

3 Months Ago

I'm seeing a difference between FAA versus another site than I pin from. Since the Pinterest icon on FAA, the Pinterest app, and the Pinterest browser extension don't work for me, all of my pins for FAA are created manually - upload an image, and fill in the form, including the link. None of them show the link - you have to click the three dots for a dropdown menu to find the link. The link works when I click it, but I don't know if the URL maybe differs in some way from creating through the other aforementioned methods?

The pins I've created from another platform on Pinterest all show the link, no matter how I created them.

If it helps for troubleshooting, I was looking specifically at pins of acrylic prints, with URLS that point back to FAA, not Pixels.


I've let Sean know


Yolanda Caporn

3 Months Ago

Thanks Abbie.


Shelli Fitzpatrick

3 Months Ago

Thanks for that bit Jennifer. It seems that organic pins are the latest thing they are pushing. that is unfortunate for us and I also think it is for them as well. They need to make it more user friendly for everyone no matter how we save pins. That is very short sighted of them if you ask me and probably won't last very long. We may just have to wait it out. Like a lot of the changes in the past it might be a passing fad.


Yolanda Caporn

3 Months Ago

Shelli, I don't think this is a Pinterest issue, but rather a FAA issue. I can see links on all my posts on Pinterest except the ones I have pinned from FAA/Pixels.


Gary Whitton

3 Months Ago

It should carry over the title and description from FAA too, and the last time I checked it wasn't doing that, so I stopped pinning.


Rahdne Zola

3 Months Ago

And here I was thinking it was an issue with Pinterest. I've noticed this for a while since I have Pinterest Boards for 2 of the groups I administer on FAA and pin images to them on a regular basis. It would be great if FAA could fix this so that links will appear again. Please keep us posted, Abbie. Thanks for bringing this up, Yolanda!


Matthias Hauser

3 Months Ago

As Shelli mentioned, Pinterest is constantly trying new things (some seem quite stupid at first glance). Most of the time I just keep cool and carry on ;-)

I pinned some FAA images yesterday (from my Artist Website) and checked the links. Well, they were visible for some hours. Then they vanished and I had to click the 3 dots (I guess no one is doing this) to see the 'visit site' link.

And yes, it seems to differ. Other pins from other sites still have visible links.


Cynthia Fletcher

2 Months Ago

It is a recent change. I just got a Pinterest account 4 weeks ago and it was showing the links on each image then.
I just noticed this week, all the links have disappeared.


Yolanda Caporn

2 Months Ago

It doesn't seem to matter whether you create an organic pin or use the Pinterest extension, the link does not show up. I've tried creating a pin organically and pasting the link in but it still doesn't show on the pin. Nobody would know to click on the three dots. I wonder what is the point of pinning from FAA to Pinterest at all if the link isn't there? This is definitely an FAA issue as I have no problems with any other site I pin from.


Shelli Fitzpatrick

2 Months Ago

Well I was going to complain because the pins I saved from FAA main site actually have a link to the FineArtAmerica Pinterest page that shows on the front without clicking the three dots, which you do have to do to see my page on FAA and look at the product I pinned.

But when I clicked on it I noticed that one of my own images is being used as the cover for a board called "Aircraft" So... how can I complain about that? I can't. They have over a million followers and 10 million monthly views as opposed to my 2.5 thousand followers and 195 thousand monthly views.

So I just checked and the pins from my premium website do not have that link as it should be... unfortunately you do have to click the three dots to visit my site.

And yep, you are right, the pins from my other sites all have a link back to the product page right up front, so I am also inclined to think this is an issue on FAA side not Pinterest.

I do want to thank whoever pins for the FAA Pinterest boards for using my image as a cover! that exposure is priceless to me.


Stephen Fuller

2 Months Ago

Pinterest is where I promote my work, so this serves as a disincentive for me to upgrade to a premium account. I wish it were otherwise, but this creates further doubt about the value of expanding my efforts here. It's already easier for me to do so from competing platforms where I face fewer limitations, so I guess I'll be shifting my focus elsewhere.


Shelli Fitzpatrick

2 Months Ago


I just pinned some work from my premium site and the link is on the front of the Pin now !! not hidden behind the three dots!

This is very good and I hope it is here to stay!

Thank you to Abbie and Sean for getting this fixed for us!

Caveat:: I use the browser pin it button extension to make my pins with... so if it is not working for you from the art page you might look into installing the pinit button.

((sorry that is not a live link, copy and paste it into your search bar and it should work))


Stephen Fuller

2 Months Ago

I'm seeing the link while logged in on a new pin - for now. I think I'll wait awhile to see if it holds, before I think about whether to bother redoing my previous pins.


Yolanda Caporn

2 Months Ago

Oh Shelli you had me so excited - but unfortunately it was short lived. I've tried from FAA site and my premium site and tried pinning different ways, including being logged in and out, but I just cannot get that link to show up, and yes, I have the browser pin extension but it still doesn't work.


Shelli Fitzpatrick

2 Months Ago

Sorry to hear that Yolanda!

Maybe it is being fixed in stages. I will check again soon and see if it is still working for me


Matthias Hauser

2 Months Ago

@Shelli: Are your links still visible on the front of the Pin? I pinned some this morning (from my Artist Website), and the links were there. Now all of them are gone, hiding behind the three dots.


Shelli Fitzpatrick

2 Months Ago

Just wow! @ Mathias, Yeah mine are gone now too behind the three dots.

Then some of mine have "Shop the look" that leads potential buyers off of my pin before they even figure out where the link is hidden... very disappointing.

I am sure if we paid for ads the link would be right up front. That is probably what this is all about. monetizing Pins for Pinterest benefit.


Stephen Fuller

2 Months Ago

The pin I created manually yesterday still has the link up front. We'll see how long that lasts.

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Yolanda Caporn

2 Months Ago

How did you go Stephen? For me, I finally got a link on one of my pins yesterday and today it's gone.


Yolanda Caporn

20 Days Ago

Thanks Abbie.


Stephen Fuller

20 Days Ago

Thanks, Abbie!

It would mean a lot to those of us who chiefly (or only) promote on Pinterest, which has a big audience.


Yolanda Caporn

20 Days Ago

I agree with Stephen as Pinterest is the site I use the most. I can pin things without worrying that people are going to get sick of me always trying to sell something.


Shelli Fitzpatrick

20 Days Ago

I have a long standing art related page there with hundreds of boards and an average of 300K views a month. I know Pinterest drives traffic and generates sales for me on the other platform where I sell art because I have tracking codes that confirm it.

I like to promote on Pinterest because it's not social media. People go there looking for ideas and to shop and Pins are evergreen. They are always there.

I have recent sales with tracking codes from pins that I pinned back in 2018 still being found, clicked on and the product was purchased.

I do so hope that Sean will get his verified merchant status back so that we won't feel like it is a waste of time promoting our work here on Pinterest!


Jennifer White

19 Days Ago

Has anyone noticed that Pinterest doesn't find any of the product images anymore from the personal pixels site? It started on Saturday.

Example 1 - I will go to a product like a bag, then to pin, I click on the Pin It button installed on my task bar and it used to pull of different images for me to select from. Now it will only offer the main images. It says there are no other image so you can only select the image which isn't right because you're trying to sell a bag.

Example 2 - since that doesn't work, I have tried this and it also failed...I go to Pinterest, create a new pin, for the image I click on Save from again says there are no images to pin and the tracking parameters need to be removed from the link!!

Therefore it is forcing us to do everything ourselves manually which is way to time consuming.

I'm using Chrome, Windows 11. Also - I don't have any issues with other sites, just the AW personal pixels site. Seems to be ok on FAA.


Shelli Fitzpatrick

19 Days Ago

I just tested it Jennifer and the pin share button on the page pulled up the tote bag image but then threw me an error and wouldn't pin it.

My pin it browser button extension works perfectly.

It pulls up several different images to choose from and then actually pins them.

(All this from my personal site.)


Jennifer White

19 Days Ago

I updated my headshot and logo on Saturday and then this issue started after that. I wonder if that has anything to do with it? Abbie - have you heard of these issues I posted above?


Jennifer White

19 Days Ago

In messing with it more, The products come up on my older images but nothing on images in last month or so which is strange. Never had issues with pinterest not seeing my products images until I did the updates Saturday.

Now it's telling me my personal AW Pixels site does not allow me to save pins? All my settings look to be fine. I have emailed Pinterest to see if on their end.


Yolanda Caporn

19 Days Ago

Jennifer, I just tried pinning a tote bag and had no problems and it pulled up different images to pin too. However there is still the same old problem of no link to the site. I really wish FAA would fix this!


Jennifer White

19 Days Ago

If you open a pin and click on the 3 dots, that's where the visit website is now. At least that's where it is on mine since the last pinterest update a few months ago. It is frustrating that you can't click on the image anymore.

Could someone that uses the pinterest extension button try one of mine that I'm having issues with and see if you see all the products? Wish I knew how to attached a screenshot in there. Here's one that I'm not able to pin a product of. The only thing that comes up is the logo, ad 3D thing and the main image. Not products.


Shelli Fitzpatrick

19 Days Ago

Hi Jennifer, my browser button is doing the same thing on your tote bag. It pulls up your logo and the main image but that is all. Just to make sure I also tried one of my own from my artist website while I was logged out and mine is working as expected.

It does seem to be something to do with your site. But I don't know what that might be. Have you opened a tech ticket yet?

Also re: the topic of this thread, Hopefully Sean will get his verified merchant status fixed and we will have a prominent link on our pins without the three dots.


Yolanda Caporn

19 Days Ago

Jennifer, I tried pinning your tote bag from your link and had no luck. However, when I go to your site and pin from there it works. I tried two tote bags and I was able to pin both of them and I had the choice of which items to pin when I clicked on the Pinterest extension.

No link though - apart from under the three dots which, in my opinion, most people wouldn't know it was there. I just can't understand why this is taking so long. It has been two months now!


Jennifer White

18 Days Ago

Yolanda - If you tried any of my older images those seem to still work for some reason.

Shelli - Thanks, guess I'll send an email to tech.


Shelli Fitzpatrick

18 Days Ago

Hope you get it sorted out Jennifer! you have already been through the wringer lately! I love your new profile pic too btw!


Jennifer White

18 Days Ago

Thank you Shelli. I sent a ticket this am and so far only got the Ticket email. Hopefully they are working on it.


Yolanda Caporn

18 Days Ago

Jennifer, I love your profile pic too!

Still waiting in relation to the original topic ...


Jennifer White

17 Days Ago

Thank Yolanda.

Haven't heard anything yet. Will be glad when I can start pinning from the premium site again. I dont want to pin from FAA or Pixels as the person can go off and look at others but that's the only option I have right now. I have looked at all the settings and nothing has changed. Pinterest replied but was a generic reply. Don't even think they read my message or looked at the screenshoots. They responded for me to test the pinterest extention even when I told them it's working everywhere except for my Premium site.

Pinterest is always changing so I'm sure it's hard for Sean to keep up with.


As I have said, I have asked Sean about this and it is on his list. Please do not start contacting support. They only send it to me


Shelli Fitzpatrick

17 Days Ago

Abbie, Jennifer was opening a ticket on a different issue than what this thread is about.

She is having trouble getting her Pinterest share button to work on her premium site.


Jennifer White

17 Days Ago

Abbie - As Shelli mentioned - my issue is different. Started after I updated my headshot and logo on Saturday on my premium site. The Pinterest extension browser button (not just mine....others with the extension see same problem) does not find any of the product images. Please see my email and screenshots. It works fine on FAA and Pixels, but stopped working on my premium site. Pinterest says my Premium site is blocking images and says that website doesn't allow pins.


Jennifer White

17 Days Ago

I was trying to avoid starting another discussion but do I need to start a new discussion about my issue since it is different?

I have not received any email responses back. First email was yesterday am, then I emailed again this am after seeing Abbie's message by adding in the heading (my issue is different). I would love to be able to pin products again from Premium site but I still can't. Pinterest tells me the Premium site does not allow pins from the product pages. They say the issue has to do with the website blocking those product images. I'm not even able to do pins manually using the "Save From Site" option for the image. It says "Sorry! This site doesn't allow you to save Pins." or with the Pinterest extension button. It's too time consuming to save the image to computer then do a full manual pin.

All this started because I updated some things through the Premium Site. Didn't have any issues until I did that but I didn't touch anything that had to do with SM.


Yolanda Caporn

17 Days Ago

Jennifer - "I don't want to pin from FAA or Pixels as the person can go off and look at others" - I don't think that is the case with your Pixels site, only FAA.

Your issue with the Pinterest extension on your premium site is a different issue to this thread.


Jennifer White

16 Days Ago

I discovered a way to fix both problems temporarily (this discussion issue and my issue which Abbie, are 2 different issues)

Instead of using the Pinterest extension button (since it will not pull up products on my premium site - works for everyone else's premium sites and FAA/Pixels but not mine since I updated headshot/logo). I went to the product, right clicked it, select save to Pinterest and bingo, the product photo comes up as an option. Plus, it also ads the link in the pin so when Pinterest lookers scroll over the image, the Visit Site pops up. Here's one of the pins;


Shelli Fitzpatrick

16 Days Ago

Jennifer, all of us get the link in the pin at first... then after a period of time it disappears and gets hidden behind the three dots.

That is what this thread is about... and we think only Sean can fix it by making sure he is a verified merchant.

I clicked on your tote bag link in your last post and your link is already behind the three dots.


Yolanda Caporn

16 Days Ago

Actually, I just tried the way Jennifer mentioned (right clicking on the product) and it didn't put the link on the pin, so it seems to do it sometimes and not other times and when it does, it disappears behind the three dots after a couple of days.


Jennifer White

15 Days Ago

Sorry...I hope it all gets resolved soon.

I just don't understand my issue. Why I am the only one with the issue and I've sent 3 emails with 0 response. They think my issues is the same and I don't think they are reading my email. It's different and I seem to be the only one with the issue I have. So frustrating. This temp fix will help but it doesn't resolve it. If I don't hear anything today I'll post a seperate discussion because I would like to be able to pin again from premium site as normal.


Yolanda Caporn

15 Days Ago

Good idea to post a separate discussion Jennifer since it is a different issue than this one. Mind you, I don't know how long it will take for it to be resolved as I've been waiting over two months.


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