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Call Me Abbie - Abbie Shores

9 Months Ago

Scams And Phishing

Do NOT reply to these people as your email is then added to a database for scammers and spam


Are they asking you for money? NFTs, for artwork to purchase? Yeah, probably a scam.

Money... Not allowed in this site so if you see a contest, group, etc where someone asks you to go off-site, or to pay... Scam. Please tell me...

NFT they offer thousands. You have to go to a store to convert your art. You pay a little. They change their mind as they now have your money... And your artwork

Artwork to purchase... This always makes me laugh. This is a sales site. Your work is there fully priced. Ready to purchase!!! They do not contact you.

Originals are different and you may be contacted about them.

You tell them what it costs, not the other way around.
If they offer a price up front, SCAM
Never accept a cheque or any amount over the price of the artwork.
Never allow them to use their own shipping company.... Ever.
Add on the cost of insurance to your artwork, and the cost of packaging!
Use bank transfer if possible.
Send only after the money has cleared in your bank and you're happy. NEVER send before even if they say its for a special occasion. They should have thought of that earlier and can always put in a card they've purchased something special for the person.
Always send with proof of receipt at the other end. Costs more but you will never be sorry.



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Felix Mizioznikov

9 Months Ago

Happened to me yesterday. thank for spreading the word.


Nina Prommer

9 Months Ago

great post, thanks Abbie

if in doubt, always ask in the forum before answering a weird request or search the discussions

also helps to search the net with the wording they use, this is how I figured fast that someone offering me a paid job is trying to scam me (they offer photographer jobs, painter jobs, other art related jobs)


Thank You
These two scammers emailed me for NFTs via Fine Art America.
If you get an email from them just block.

Alavez Jaden

Tyson Richard


Judy Kay

9 Months Ago

What about Zellie? Disregard,,,google warns against it!


Lana De Lucia

9 Months Ago

Scams, Scams everywhere! I just recently got an email with just about what you have stated. They want to offer you $$$ and want several pieces and they ask are these prints are still available. NFT's get these all the time on Facebook in private groups too.

Please don't fall prey to these scammers.


John Hughes

9 Months Ago

This seems to be a repeated question about whether it is a good idea to deal with these requests yet a reading of Abbie's Post clearly answers the question.

"Artwork to purchase... This always makes me laugh. This is a sales site. Your work is there fully priced. Ready to purchase!!! They do not contact you."


Susan Spitz

9 Months Ago

The reason I'm asking this question is that I did do my research and read about premium accounts, and I quote:

"Your Premium Website

To help you sell online, you've now got your own website!

This is the most powerful print-on-demand website you'll find anywhere online."

I received an email with this wording...

I would love to purchase your artworks, its unique appearance and your creativity behind them is really captivating. I’d love to know if they are available for sales because I’d love to add them to my collection"
Would this be a scam or something allowable on FAA?
I am confused about the wording of the Premium membership and must not be reading it correctly.


Bill Swartwout

9 Months Ago

@Sussn - Yes, that is a scam. I received an email with almost the exact working a few days ago.


Susan Spitz

9 Months Ago

@ Bill Swartwout Thanks, Bill, I thought it might be a scam. I appreciate your help.


Donna Kaluzniak

9 Months Ago

Yes, just had an "offer" from Alexander Estes, who wanted to buy 4 of my artworks for $2800/each - explained NFTs would be used. I was suspicious. Glad this info is on the forum!


Suzy Quigley

9 Months Ago

I have had two such scams in the past week. I answer that my work is available on Fine Art America.


Susan Spitz

9 Months Ago

@Donna and Suzy, I'm so glad we have this forum also. It's a shame so many are out there trying to scam us. I will reply that he may purchase my work on Fine Art America if he's interested. Thanks and happy creating!!!


Nora Lem

9 Months Ago

Thank you Abbie. Thank you everyone :)


Lana De Lucia

9 Months Ago

I think from the response to this subject matter, "Scammers," it is evident (DO NOT) engage with any of them, as you will be deceived and ripped off!
I don't understand why FAA does not vet these emails and just block them totally.


Belinda Krause

9 Months Ago

I received a request this week by a Mr. Austin. Wanted to purchase several items. Okay, please do. LOL


Lynn Sprowl

9 Months Ago

Hi!! I just got this....
I replied that all my purchases are through Fine Art America.
donotreply- at -

Fri, May 10 at 9:48 AM

Angelica Grullon


Hey there!
I just wanted to say that your artwork is seriously amazing! I love how you've managed to bring your ideas to life in such a creative and skilled way.
I'm interested in buying a few of your artworks for my exhibition, about 5-10 artworks, but I'm only interested in buying them as NFTS.
Could you let me know what's available and how I can make it happen?
New Message from this person
Angelica Grullon


Do you accept zelle payments then


Susan Spitz

9 Months Ago

Thanks for all this important information, Abby. They just said they liked my work and wanted to purchase some images from me. I didn't answer them but plan to tell them to go through FAA for their purchase. They didn't mention "how" they wanted to pay, it didn't get that far. Well, I'm glad I posted so now when this happens in the future, I will know what to say.


Nina Prommer

9 Months Ago

NEVER reply to these spammers, by sending you mail here they don't have your email but as soon as you reply they get your email to be used for more spamming and scamming


Gabriel Cusmir

9 Months Ago

I had so many offers for NFT´S that i will be a millionaire by this moment... never liked them and never trust them.
Why so many scammers around the world ?
It's very sad


Valerie Hartman

9 Months Ago

This happened to me this week. I have yet to have my first sale on FAA and I only have 24 followers. I think scammers go after artists/sellers like me, with few followers and not much exposure (although I am working on it). They probably assumed that artists with fewer followers are desperate and therefore easy targets. It's totally unfair. I mean, I am also on Behance and I get the same scams.


John Hughes

9 Months Ago

.Valerie, just ignore and delete them, keep active on the site, promote your work off site on Social Media, persevere and in time the sales will come.


Donna Anglesano

9 Months Ago

Thanks a lot. I just got an email from someone wanting my artwork for NFT. Definitely scam. I needed confirmation and you just gave it to me. Thanks again. Donna Anglesano


Kelly Bandalos

9 Months Ago

I have been involved in this process and artists who don’t understand the process are being approached by platforms, not people. They say they love your artwork but give vague information and guild you toward the platform of their involvement. Then you find out there are costs involved in this process and indeed other issues which are pollutants and have energy issues. There is rarely cash involved and your art will be sold over and over again and YOU receive a small commission. You don’t have control after that. You can blockchain copyright your work on other sites, but frankly this is a scam to get you to invest the $150 or more per piece of artwork. I have found there really isn’t anything better than selling your work directly or through a gallery. This intangible for of art, feels as valid at trading with pebbles. Don’t get scammed

The other scam is SEO optimization on your website. They prey on artists who aren’t very tech savvy .


Jenny Revitz Soper

9 Months Ago

I've received a couple of emails.

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Karthik Rathinam

9 Months Ago

Thanks for posting this @Abbie Shores and fellow artists for sharing your experiences. Art or an artist should never been scammed - thanks for the awareness!


Jan Luit

24 Days Ago



Thanks, Jan



23 Days Ago

Just received a e-mail from Austin Houge, he stated that he wanted to know how available my photos were and how he could order just a few of them for his upcoming project. I would think he would go through FAA to order. I have not sold anything yet. Sounds like a scam. ??


Edward Huse

22 Days Ago

- I just rec'd a highly complementary email in correct English, asking if my work was available, and how to buy a particular piece (that they didn't ID).
- I have never, ever had a single query letter of any kind
- should I answer at all? If you suggest I answer, what approach should I take? Any thoughts or suggestions will be much appreciated.


Read the top email. Both of those sound off

Never reply if not sure


Andrew Chambers

22 Days Ago

I was about to ask about a phishy message I received after posting up a lot of new art here. it came from "Johnathan Cohen." I replied and told him the whole thing sounded phishy and would not open any attachments or follow any link. In a reply message he said he wanted to bid on my work as an NFT. So I guess this is a common scam.

Honestly, aren't all NFTs a scam? saying, "legitimate NFT" seems like an oxymoron.


Edward Huse

22 Days Ago

thanks Debbie, I agree - I am waiting for a couple of days, for a friend to look at headers and stuff before even thinking about answering


Just got one .... Delete

Gregory Taylor

Artwork Purchase Inquiry

Hello friend, i just want to take a moment to compliment you on the incredible artwork i find on Fine Art America.
The way you capture emotion and little details in your designs is truly amazing.
Each piece tells a story, and your unique style shines through your work brilliantly.
Honestly, your talent has a remarkable ability to evoke feelings and provoke thoughts. Keep creating incredible artwork like this. your work is a gift to all who experience it!
I am interested in purchasing your artwork in high-quality digital files.

Best wishes."


David Smith

21 Days Ago


Don’t even bother. Just delete the email.

Unless you have original artwork for sale like paintings or drawings. There’s no reason for any potential customer to contact you. That’s the purpose of a POD site.

99.999999% of these emails are scams. It’s not worth compromising your email address to respond to them.


Mike Savad

21 Days Ago

Anyone who praises you heavily, then doesn't tell you what work they want, and are vague one what they will do with it, is a scam. Especially when they bring up a digital gallery in a specific state, which makes no sense. Or if they can only pay in eth or monopoly money or goats. Any random person offering $3400 (and its always about this amount), for just some work, more often than not its a scam. Hoping you won't understand the system, and the $1000 or more you put in to make it viable for crypto use, that money is gone and you won't get it back.

---Mike Savad


Luiz Lima

21 Days Ago

I guess my photos are being noticed, at least by the scammers.

donotreply- at -
Thu, Jan 9, 8:35 PM (10 days ago)
to me

Sophia texeira

Art Purchase

Hello Luis Lima,

I hope you're well, The creativity in your artwork is truly inspiring. It’s refreshing to see such a unique approach.
I'm impressed, it's captivating and i would love to explore the possibility of purchasing some of your work to feature in our collection. I believe your art will resonate with the audience.

Looking forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards.


Spring Lake Designs

21 Days Ago

I also received the Sophia Teixeira ego stroking email and just deleted it.


Edward Fielding

19 Days Ago

They seem to come daily now.


Lisa Boots

18 Days Ago

So glad I looked this up on the discussion page... I received this email via FAA - -

Ricardo Lucas


I recently came across your stunning artwork and I wanted to reach out to express my sincere admiration for your talent and creativity. The pieces you have created truly captivate me. I am writing to inquire whether your artwork is available for sale. If so, I would be greatly interested in learning more about its availability, pricing, and any other relevant details. Please let me know if there is an opportunity for me to acquire this exceptional piece for my personal collection."

Since it seemed like a genuine request, I responded asking for more info.
Below is the response I got with 4 of my instagram pictures. Now I'm nervous that he has my personal email since I wasn't able to reply via FAA (he's not a member).

"These are my favourite at the moment.
I would love to have them as NFT for my upcoming art exhibition and i can attest to the credibility of your work and I'm sure it will be a big deal in the market place. So for this reason i don't mind paying up to 3eth each for the selected artworks."


Kimberly Anne Stevens

18 Days Ago

I also had this happen to me two days ago. Please be aware of the scams. Luckily we had a clue they were likely scamming us. Be safe out there!


WESTERN UNION email to you about being paid, IS a scam

DUBAI AUCTION is a scam is not us.... We are. Com


Barbara Authier

15 Days Ago

Hi I unfortunately feel for the scam . I didn’t read this first. I have a detective working on my case right now. If anyone has any information they can share with me I would appreciate it. Any names they are using for prime I want to bring this guy Down So now one else falls for this. Thank you
Barbara Authier


David Dehner

15 Days Ago

Fake Toll Collection - Just a bit off topic - these scammers are everywhere


Dean Crow

13 Days Ago

find them and eliminate them !!
where is seal team 6 !!!

scammers are scummers.


Ram PK

12 Days Ago



Anthony Dillon

12 Days Ago

I had the western union email, for Penmon Lighthouse.


Amanda Dinan

10 Days Ago

Thank you for posting was receiving unsolicited offers like this I never responded to them


Noosha Dastjerdi

8 Days Ago

The theme of your post was so eye-opening for any who seeking for more online security and online contents. thank you...


Mark Bradley

6 Days Ago

Yeah I get a lot of these kinds of messages especially on Instagram 😔 it really is disheartening...and makes you wonder are there actually any real people out there on the internet? or is everybody just a bot & a scammer trying to take your money ? it really does suck because as artists we actually work very hard and are trying to give something back to the world. only to be met with disingenuous selfish and predatory people. It really can put you in a black hole emotionally which can really diminish that creative Spark that we as artists really need.


Genevieve Esson

5 Days Ago

Yes, I received an inquiry via FB Page business Messenger: "Well we are going to be buying your original artworks, but the collectors I work with are elite art collectors who are investing in purchasing artwork that has been showcased on the Google Gallery due to its reputation. This is the reason we are paying up to $30,000 for your artworks. If you can upload the pictures of the artworks on the gallery, the gallery will make the artworks available for the collectors to buy from inside the gallery. This process gives the collectors confidence that they are purchasing from a popular and well-known gallery created by Google."

"After you have received the payment for the artworks from the gallery, we can discuss the shipping details. This includes arranging the delivery of the original artworks to the locations chosen by the collectors."

Here's the website:


Holly Lawrence

5 Days Ago

Hello to all members,

I am new to this community, and this is my first post here. I would like to share some of my experiences regarding phishing, which often affects large communities like this one, especially when financial transactions are involved.

Since then, I have been very cautious about sharing any information that could lead an attacker to my personal data. I hope that I won't encounter any unpleasant situations here and that my previous negative experience was simply the result of my own carelessness and lack of education about online fraud.

Once again, I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to become a part of this community and to share experiences with esteemed artists.

Best regards!


Wonders Of Wall Art

4 Days Ago



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