Browse millions of wholesale art prints from 1+ million independent artists and iconic global brands. Receive 25 - 75% off Fine Art America prices!
2 Years Ago
Hello Member
Uploading images on Fine Art America is half of the work. The other half is marketing. Fine Art America is a platform for artists and photographers to run their own businesses. The artists that are successful on Fine Art America do outside marketing to promote their work and we offer a handful of different marketing tools to help you e.g. Shopping Cart Widget, Email Campaign, etc. So I would definitely take a look at these features (found 'Settings') to help get some sort of marketing plan in action.
Being an active member on Fine Art America is also a plus - we have a very large community of artists and photographers. 'Favouriting' images, leaving comments, participating in discussion forums, etc., are big ways to get your work noticed! I would also look into uploading more images.
We have over 7 million images listed on Fine Art America with any you have loaded, , so if there is no marketing and promotion done on your end, your images will get lost in the mix. If you follow all of these suggestions you will appear higher and more often in the search engine.
We cannot tell why some sell and why some do not so we cannot give that kind of advice. However, here are some great posts on the forum and elsewhere about marketing your work. Please log in to view some of them
Marketing course I was doing for members in the discussions every week (other posts linked at the bottom of the first)
Transparency in Discussions (written by the owner of Pixels/FAA)
What Is Marketing In Reality (opens in different site - Mine)
Marketing Plan
Marketing: Let's see your Pixels Artist Sites!
Checklist For Success In Print Sales.
Marketing 101 By Mike Savad
A Few Reasons Y U May Not Be Selling
Marketing Yourself
Promoting Your Art
Six Month Observation About Marketing
Evaluating Your Own Work To Sell
Elephant In The Room - Maybe Your Art Just Isnt That Good...
The Formula To Pricing Art?
Lots of reading but worth it.
Abbie Shores
Manager, Fine Art America |
Reply Order
2 Years Ago
Oh my goodness THANK YOU! I swear, it seems like every single day someone posts a new thread asking "how do I increase my sales?"
This thread is a perfect solution!!!
2 Years Ago
I predict that no one will see this post. Even if it was bright yellow, and blinking and with dancing monkey's around it.
For anyone new that is seeing this thread, look at your work:
do you only have 2 things? Upload more things.
Is it covered in watermarks? Don't do that.
Would you buy or hang your own work in a nice frame? No? It may not sell. Or at least be hard to advertise.
Is the work yours? Great!
Or was it lifted from the net at random? Erase it, it will only get you into trouble down the line. And without a consistent set of styles you won't be recognized down the line.
Selling art isn't a side gig or hustle, it takes a lot of work and effort to do this.
----Mike Savad
2 Years Ago
Thank you so much, Abbie!
I can't wait to dive into all of the information you've shared.
I appreciate all the work you've done putting this together.
This may give me some ideas for marketing my fiction, too.
Tambra Nicole Kendall
2 Years Ago
My checklist is listed twice. Thank you!! But the most recent version is called "Checklist For Success In Print Sales (version 3)". As the site changes and in order to fit with best practices based on what is said by members and moderators, I last updated it 3 years ago. Not a lot has changed since then. I will eventually do an update and include a link to how to set up the AW using Cloudflare and also mention about the default image order, once that is settled.
2 Years Ago
Thank you for putting this list together. A lot to read, but I intend to work through it. There is so much great artwork on FAA that it is daunting to even consider marketing one's own work.
2 Years Ago
Thank YOU Abbie & FAA Fellows...
I want to believe that I know how to market since that's my B.S. Undergrad degree... BS is right, IDK anything in this 21st C economy... So I am going super slow, but this is exactly what I need to study... I don't have a solid base. In grad sch, Digi Publishing I recall Doctorow saying something like you need 1,000 people as a base that will buy anything & everything you do! WOW great formula! I like that. So I need to do something about shaking off my resistance and finding a base audience... Hoping for new inspiration, GJ glorijean
2 Years Ago
I shall read through this thread diligently, everyone is looking for the Holy Grail when it comes to sales!
2 Years Ago
Although I have just joined this community and I am writing to you from Romania, I will read all the articles with interest.
I wish you a creative day!
2 Years Ago
Wow, this is a very helpful thread! I will certainly be taking all of these things into consideration. Marketing has not been my strength so I look forward to implementing these tips.
2 Years Ago
Hi Abbey,
I am new here and just read your post. Thank you for the input, I sure will take it into consideration. I am new in the market as well, so all that I can read about it will help me.
2 Years Ago
Great list Abbie. Thanks for putting it together. Some of the stuff I've already been asking myself (I know I'm no Ansel Adams, but keep asking myself what I could do better, are there photos I'd cull from my gallery. etc). As time goes by I'll try to read through the links.
As I go through the list of links to check them out, I've found one that don't work for me (don't know why). is one.
2 Years Ago
Bonjour ,merci beaucoup pour les conseils ,c'est vrai qu'il y a tellement de photographies et de peinture sur le site . Alors si de notre coté nous ne faisons rien , alors rien n'avance ;Cordialement .
2 Years Ago
Thank you so much for the tips to increase sales. I’m a new member specialising in photography and I was struggling with that bit but this thread offers the perfect solutions for sales!!
2 Years Ago
Hi all, I've been on Fine Art America for a few years now and I have made about 17 sales in about 5 years. I just bought a premium membership and In going to try to really push and make more sales with this platform so this is a perfect thread for me.
2 Years Ago
I'm interested in learning how to be more efficient in this I just created my account today.
2 Years Ago
Broken link.
The link to the article A Few Reasons Why You May Not Be Selling is broken.
Here is a working link.
2 Years Ago
@Jeremy Lee I have found that twitter and using specific hashtags has gotten a bunch of notice and attention. I started in May and have over 200 followers. I am sure most of them are other artists, and some are bots, but I am getting an average of between two hundred and three hundred clicks a day. It tends to be on the higher side if and when I promote specific items.
2 Years Ago
Thank you for this information. It is very helpful. I am new to this community. There are so so many extraordinary artist here. I am just in awe. I really appreciate this helpful advice and information.
2 Years Ago
THANK YOU for compiling this...of course, I still have questions! Especially for you that have seen some success in increasing sales. Just a bit about me; I've been an FAA member for years. I've got give or take 1,000 photos posted here. To now, I've had minimal success selling, but like another artist mentioned, I mostly started as a way to archive and share my stuff with the wider public. I'd like to change that. I really LIKE FAA, and since I've been here so long, I'd like to make it work. But I find the site a bit daunting. I enter and occasionally win contests.
So, my questions are these:
1. Bloggers, where do you blog? On FAA? Your own site? Somewhere else? I love writing, so this part of marketing is not daunting; I just want to post where it will have the greatest impact.
2. I need BABY STEPS...where do I start incrementally, with marketing?
3. I don't say a lot in the discussions (this is an exception) because I'm not sure what I'm supposed to say besides "nice work." Do they really help increase sales?
4 The ONLY criticism I can levy against FAA is that since increased sales floats all boats including theirs, I'm not certain why FAA does not have a more comprehensive marketing manual or system for us "connection Luddites. Do they have one I'm missing? (besides this helpful list that is).
2 Years Ago
What great knowledge, can't wait to work my way all the way through this. Thanks for the insight!
2 Years Ago
Nice info. but realistically, FAA is a sea of artwork/photography. Millions upon millions of images for a buyer to look at. So let's not hold our breath for sales here.
2 Years Ago
Nice post! As a new member it's good to know I might not get a lot of responses right away.
2 Years Ago
Social media is going to be my main focus for promotion. Is anyone else advertising only this way?
2 Years Ago
Thank you Abbie for your information and advice, which is very helpful to me as a new person
2 Years Ago
Very informative thread much needed for me and cooperate in engaging into promoting me …. am a novice in this.
2 Years Ago
Photography arts don't sell much here in compare to Painting. And wildlife are the worst performers. Nobody wants to hang a print of any animal in their office or home walls. The advent of digital display and easy access to photos from internet have killed fine art photography.
2 Years Ago
@amazing - Lots of places have wild life, such as every calendar and nat geo. Offices may want animals, veterinarians, taxidermists, hunters, lovers of that animal. It depends how its presented as an image and to whom.
Ask a painter and they will say that photos sell better.
Fine art photos are dead, but there is more competition. You have to figure out how to stand above the rest, which is the hard part. Mostly it depends who you show it too. Like a homesteader might want pictures of moose and squirrel... Or bears.
----Mike Savad
2 Years Ago
I am too years old working as artist but my online marketing might be lacking as I am new to social networking..... Firstly I would prefer to be well known and well appreciated for my talent..
2 Years Ago
Esse post me ajudou muito, eu sou iniciante em tudo, na arte, nas vendas, na vida. São tantas perguntas sem respostas que me deixam sem saber o que pensar, más vou continuar tentando
2 Years Ago
Will there be an announcement for Thanksgiving promotions and timeline so we can start marketing?
Thank you
2 Years Ago
Thanks for the advice when people are new they will ask for help, thanks for helping me, greatly appreciated
2 Years Ago
Why don’t I get notified when FAA is having sales? I get the weekly email about what pictures have been viewed but never get any notice about sales. Please help.
2 Years Ago
Our mail is sometimes removed from the ISP side of the site, seen as spam. I use a gmail address and get all mail. Its a good idea to keep it as gmail as customers mail may also vanish. You may get some mail, but like on comcast, they will give it now and then so you never know its a problem until you do know.
----Mike Savad
2 Years Ago
Its very true alot of artists look at the traditional way of selling through the gallery and think online sales is similar but its more like trying to stand out in a 500 000person art fair. We have to utilize other means of standing out and attracting an audience. A successful business man once said to maintain his personal brand he does 12 public talks, 52 interviews, posts 3 times a week and writes 1 book per year.
2 Years Ago
Hello, I read this suggestion in the thread Elephant in the room:
"Why not just have a separate free site,put up what YOU think are your ten BEST pieces and see what happens."
Did anyone try it, please? Thank you!
2 Years Ago
Abbie, please fix the link for A Few Reasons Why You May Not Be Selling in your list above. Thank you.
2 Years Ago
I don’t know about the elephant in the room thing. Maybe your Art isn’t that good. That’s not true. It is all about marketing. What is ugly to some may be beautiful to someone else. Nobody’s art is ugly or not good. Everyone is unique in their own way. There are people making billions with just three lines on a canvas.
2 Years Ago
Excellent. For years I have tried to sell my paintings through Fine Art but I have not been sucessful but this year I tried very hard to publicize my work. Thanks for the ideas of different artist shared.
2 Years Ago
Excellent pointers and couldn't agree more on the marketing aspect. As they say, a mediocre product with great marketing will always beats an awesome product without it. That said, I found this platform to be pretty robust although I think the FB integration may not be working any longer as I've heard they keep changing policies on external access, etc. Will have to investigate unless someone here knows otherwise and can advise? Happy New Year and well wishes to all!
2 Years Ago
I really appreciate your tips! They are incredibly helpful and I'm sure they will be instrumental in increasing my sales on Fine Art America. Thank you for sharing your expertise with the community.
As a new artist, I am constantly learning and trying to improve my craft. I am so grateful to have access to valuable resources like these tips, which are helping me to navigate the world of fine art sales. While I have a lot to learn, I am excited to continue growing and improving as an artist. Thank you for your guidance and support.
I would like to add some tips I've research on the internet:
1. Make sure to optimize your artist profile and portfolio. Include high-quality images of your work, a professional headshot, and a detailed artist statement.
2. Utilize social media to promote your work. Share your new pieces and updates on your social media accounts, and consider creating a dedicated artist page on platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
3. Participate in art fairs and exhibitions. These events can be a great way to get your work in front of new audiences and potentially make sales.
4. Consider offering discounts or promotions to encourage sales. This could include offering a discount to first-time buyers or running a limited-time sale on select pieces.
5. Reach out to potential collectors and galleries directly. This can be a more personal and targeted approach to making sales.
6. Consistently create new work and add it to your portfolio. This helps to keep your portfolio fresh and ensures that you have a range of pieces available for potential buyers to choose from.
7. Use Fine Art America's marketing tools, such as their email list and targeted advertising options, to reach new audiences and promote your work.
2 Years Ago
Hello Abby,
Thankyou for your post.
Thouht you might like to see this link below
I just saw this today
Its only got Brooklyn Bridge page for sponsorship, when I search to find suitable plages for my own keywords, I cant find the appropriate link in the centre of the page as advised.
Is this something new FineArt America are doing?
Best regards
2 Years Ago
Very helpful information, thank you for this it really helped put things in perspective.
2 Years Ago
I have a lot to read I see. Yes, it takes a lot of time, hard work and dedication.
I was gone for two years dealing with cancer in the family. I just started back again. I have to start all over again.
1 Year Ago
Thank you so much for this valuable information! I am currently going through the free modules to learn how to market my art.
I am so grateful to Fine Art America for the information you provide and the services you have for the customers to purchase a wide variety of items made from the original art that has been carefully photographed and downloaded.
1 Year Ago
Put your pixels/FAA site on your business card and attach it to every "real world" image you sell, and hand them out at real world events. I do sell better here at places I've been in the world with my artwork and my business cards. I'd like to see FAA?Pixels attach a sticker with our websites to the back of sold artwork here.
1 Year Ago
Problem I have with sending people to my FAA presence is, I have another website that I know if I send them their instead, when the look at my photo they don't get the other "Oh here are other images that have the same search terms. Those I send can to easilly got sucked into all of Fine Art America. There are tens of thousands of amateur photographers that under-price their work for affirmation as it isn't their career. A flooded market with good but not best work at half the price is hard for the souvenir shopper to pass up. Getty Images ruined the stock photo industry from a photographers standpoint the same way, only more insidiously. Oh well, a life of photography I was hoping to have a decent retirement from it, I have failed.
1 Year Ago
Thanks for the info. I just joined Pixels as a photographer. I'll be reading these articles!
1 Year Ago
Daryl, you don't send people to FAA. You send them to a premium site. No other people there
1 Year Ago
Jenny Armitage, that would be a great idea and probably lead to more sales for the artist and FAA / Pixels
1 Year Ago
Thank you very much for the advice and tips, this is all new to me so I really appreciate the heads up. It's going to be an interesting learning curve!
1 Year Ago
All really great advice and tips! Thank you so much to everyone who has put time and effort into helping those like myself who are new here! Appreciate you all.
1 Year Ago
@mark - were they your images? Usually they erase accounts if the images were taken from other places, copyright issues, or trademark issues. Or if they were returned, you don't get the cash.
There are always bad eggs that will complain about such things, but usually the case is, the images were never theirs to sell. The site isn't a scam. Artists are paid, provided the right amount of alloted time goes by and the items weren't returned. Also if you didn't have your paypal set up, SS number etc, you won't get paid. Or if you don't accept the money in paypal.
----Mike Savad
1 Year Ago
Also make sure you are logging into the right account, that 4 by your name says there are a few others with your name. And I have seen people make extra accounts then log into the wrong one.
There is a mark bently crabbe here, related?
----Mike Savad
1 Year Ago
New artist to this site. Hoping to begin earning extra revenue and get some much needed feedback on my work
1 Year Ago
I don't have a need to sell. It is nice to have reprints, as for the original work I am most pleased to know the person loves it and will give it a good home.
1 Year Ago
New here and I’m glad I came across this post. This is really helpful for a lot of people including me, thank you for taking the time to post it.
1 Year Ago
Hi Abbie, and any others reading! Thank you so much for this discussion post heading, not only am I new to painting but I'm also new to FineArt America! I can't wait to understand this site more, as well as my own art and my own individual self. I'm very confident in my art, of course I can always grow and learn as a painter, honestly my only issue right now is both marketing and increasing sales. Honestly, baby steps are important as well considering that I just created my account around a week ago, so maybe I just need to continue grounding myself in FAA, socializing, and learning about the community that I'm apart of now. But Abbie, again thank you for the post and I can't wait to read your tips. Thank you so much!
1 Year Ago
I'm new here but I look forward to learning your wisdom. Thank you for helping everyone out with your knowledge!
1 Year Ago
Hey Abbie,
I wanted to reach out and thank you for the insightful marketing tips you provided. I appreciate the time and effort you put into sharing your knowledge and expertise with others.
I am grateful for your generosity and support.
1 Year Ago
Thank you for this important hints and tips. I'm new at and this does help me to go further with my art sales.
1 Year Ago
Hi Abbie and everybody else! Im having issues, I don't see any photos when I visit my Shop-page even though I've uploaded several photos and collections!
1 Year Ago
Hi Martin,
On your Image page I see 17 images -
On your Collections Page I see 4 collections -
On your Shop page I see 2 collections and 17 images -
It takes some time for all images and collections to show everywhere on the site
1 Year Ago
Hi I've been out of FAA for about three years for health reasons. I came back the other day and have taken all my art work down and now I'm replacing it all with my new up to date Art Work.
I have just had a friend say " Shaun did you know your work isn't showing in your gallery" I'm not sure what that means as when I uploaded my images I thought that was all I had to do.. Could someone please let me know what I have to do to get my images into my gallery.
Thank you... Regards Shaun.
1 Year Ago
Hi Shaun,
Welcome back!
You are doing everything right - There are issues with the servers that are being worked on - they effect search and timely posting of uploads.
Your images will take some time to show everywhere on the site.
Here is a post from Abbie:
1 Year Ago
Thank you so much. Even though I have a degree in marketing, it's always better to keep sharp.
1 Year Ago
I am new here and very glad that threads like this are available!! thank you and I am excited to start my journey here!
1 Year Ago
I only list on FineArtAmerica. I don't mess with the other sites mentioned by many and average 350 sales per month. Would suggest that the KEY is number of images online and key words on your image.
1 Year Ago
Thank you Abby, for this opportunity to help me and others to find better ways for marketing and help increase sales!
I will soon start reading this.
1 Year Ago
We have just joined FineArtAmerica community. We would certainly like to learn how we could grow on this platform ?
We are still in the process of uploading our content here. Please visit and share your comments!!
Artella Studio
1 Year Ago
We have just joined FineArtAmerica community. We would certainly like to learn how we could grow on this platform ?
Best Regards
Karim Boudaoud
1 Year Ago
Thank you for this Abbie!
I am pretty active with promoting my work on my social pages.
This is vaulable information to help drive more sales. I cant wait to check out the features and get selling!
1 Year Ago
and I didn't even have to buy a self-help book, that's pretty cool. It looks like lots of useful information is all right here. That's good because there is so much garbage on the internet that we have to sort through, I look forward to reading it.
1 Year Ago
Muchas gracias por tus consejos. Veo que tras publicar tu obra, queda un duro y largo trabajo.
1 Year Ago
Hello, thank you for these tips im a young artist willing to get better at art and make more money. But do you have any suggestions on how to take a clear image of your painting?
1 Year Ago
I’ve been a member for over ten years. Fine Art has sold one (1) piece in that time. I’ve done far better on my own with commissions. Doing specifically what the customer wants. Spent a lot of money on festivals and it was all wasted. Better to get on a “ call for artists” list in your town and state. I’ve had numerous images stolen and offer for sale by a Chinese website. When I wrote on their website that I was selling images for less than the stollen site they disappeared.
1 Year Ago
Here are some tips for photographing your artwork, or scanning it if that's an option for you. These tips can help you get the best possible image of your work:
Use a camera with at least 10-12 megapixels, and make sure it has a manual focus lens. This will help make sure your image is clear and high quality. The higher the megapixels, the larger the image file will be, which is important if you want to offer large prints.
Put your camera on a tripod if you have one, or use something like a stack of books to keep it steady. This will help prevent blurring or shaky images.
Try to take your photos outside in natural light, and adjust your camera's white balance settings so that the colors in your image look accurate.
When you export your image, try to use the highest possible file size while still keeping it under 25 megabytes.
At our site, we don't crop or change the shape of your images to fit standard sizes. Instead, we allow artists to upload their work as is, so you have the freedom to showcase your art in the way that you want.
I hope this helps, but let me know if you have any other questions or if there's anything else I can help you with!
Best regards,
1 Year Ago
I joined FAA in 2019 but started to add my images this year. I only have approximately 60.
I have just opened an Etsy store for my art prints, but so far the views whether there or here are few to none.
I am really trying and hopefully here some of you will take a look at my work and give me some advice.
My work is abstract and all my images are adjusted to the correct pixels.
Thank you so much.
1 Year Ago
Hello everyone,
I just wanted to drop a quick message to express my interest in participating in all the activities related to the sale of paintings and photographs on this forum. I appreciate all the advice that has been shared here so far, and I am eager to learn more about how I can promote my work effectively.
I understand that there are no "magic formulas" for success, but I believe that it's important to try to give your work as much visibility as possible both in o out this web. So, I'm committed to participating in discussions, sharing my work on social media, and attending events whenever possible.
Thank you all for your support, and I look forward to connecting with other artists and enthusiasts in this community.
Best regards,
1 Year Ago
I am finding it increasingly difficult to sell anything on Fine Art America, despite regularly uploading new work and trying to advertise it on social media etc? My sales have got lower and lower, over the last couple of years, to the point where its only just worth staying on the platform. Maybe I should engage more with other artists on the site, but I'm not sure this would help?
1 Year Ago
Sales are down for many people at this time of year and then rise again in the next month or two. It happens every year. Some people get more and some get less
Engaging with artists is a good place to start however
Valerie, just go through the links above. They really can help
1 Year Ago
I am new to this site and am experiencing issues with getting sales as well. I found this through another individual from my home state that was selling his artwork. Even though I have attempted to not watermark my photos, as suggested through the setup process, I am still not getting much traction. What are some tips for how I can at least get some shares on certain things? Thanks!
1 Year Ago
@stephanie - all I can say is - it takes time. Looking at your images, many are way too small. Even for a card. Actually only some are too small, the 600xwhatever sizes are too small. You want to be more wordy with your descriptions and keywords. Then you have to read through all the links and do them.
Marketing 101 by Mike Savad
Why Your Work May Not Be Selling - By Mike Savad
Evaluating Your Own Work To Sell – By Mike Savad
How To Critique And Edit Your Own Work For Better Sales
The importance of Descriptions and Keywords by Mike Savad
here are mine.
You can't upload and wait, you have to promote yourself where ever you can. But it could take months or years to sell things. There is a lot of competition. My general note is, upload things that would catch your eye if you saw it in a group of other images, or that you would buy yourself for your own house.
----Mike Savad
1 Year Ago
I am uploading for years without any sales and am trying to deactivate the watermark. I just hope it will help!
1 Year Ago
I have a question. I'm trying to market my site like crazy as I need to sell. When entering my site a customer to see how it looks and works, when I click on "Collections," as if to take me to my other collections, instead my click takes me to a gazillion other artworks which are not mine? In that way then, if I'm doing all this marketing to try and sell my products, when you click on collections, my images are lost in the vast array of images none done by me? How do I keep my clients and my products of advertising on my site, otherwise it is a waste of my time to market if my clients or those that have seen my ads then are led off somewhere else not on my site and artwork? Linda.
1 Year Ago
Hi Linda,
You are clicking on the main collections - that will show all collections on the site -
You want to click on your collections - just under your profile picture -
Plus - Don't Forget
Your Fine Art America site will show all substrates of prints and Home Décor only.
Your Pixels site will show all substrates of prints and ALL other products.
This is where you want to send your potential customers if you have not upgraded to premium.
If you have upgraded to Premium your Pixels Premium site will show all substrates of prints and ALL other products.
This will be the site you want to send your potential customers – They will see only your art work with no distractions or links to other artists work.
Your Artist sign-in and password is the same for all three sites.
Note: when you have a question - please post it to one area of the discussion forum - when you post the same question in multiple threads - you are spamming the forum - Thank you
1 Year Ago
I just received the prestigious Maxwell Award of Excellence from the Dog Writers Association of America for my short story collection - HOUNDS OF MERCY
( Can I sell photo images from the book? Also want to change my ID to Michael A. Hoffman so my images don't remain listed along with other Michael Hoffmans who don't post Rhodesian Ridgeback images.
1 Year Ago
Terimakasih pencerahannya, saya akan terus belajar, cara pemasaran sampai berhasil, ternyata kreatif dan bisa membuat karya saja tidak cukup tapi harus bisa belajar manajemen dan pemasaran juga...
1 Year Ago
Thank you for the information! I am new and will see what happens after following all the steps. Fingers crossed!
1 Year Ago
Thank you for sharing! Also a small advice, I believe many people here use LinkedIn so maybe that's one of platforms where you can create marketing for your art. Or drive people from Instagram :)
1 Year Ago
Hello, I’m a new follower. People say I do great artwork. I do various projects. How could I get more sales?
1 Year Ago
Thank you Abbie for some very good information. As you say marketing is everything. There are so many great artist out there, so its naturally hard to be visable in the mix. But with hard work comes rewards. Keep it going everyone. you will get there eventually:)
1 Year Ago
As far as I know, comments give you a sweet feeling inside. But since they are too easy to rig, they don't count for anything as far as I know. There is no point in commenting on work. Getting likes, fav's, featured in groups, I think those help, a bit.
I have never made a single comment, and I only follow my mother and that's it. People comment thinking they will get buyers to click on their name for just being there. Sort of like a friend of a friend of a famous person. Commenting is more or less a waste of time and some people have the comments turned off.
EDIT this was to answer jennifer which she extracted the question, but it still stands, as far as I know comments are for fun.
----Mike Savad
1 Year Ago
Hello fam,
I am new here and don't know much about this platform, in fact I am not a tech savvy. My husband introduced me with couple of online selling platforms. but still don't know how the whole thing works. So please help with setting up the store and with the sell.
1 Year Ago
Thanks Mike for your answer. I think I deleted my question about "do comments help" because I noticed Abbie's comment in the top saying it does help. So I went back to continuing my commenting. The reason I was doing it was because I thought when others comment on my work, it would help in searches not because my comments on others and hoping for someone to visit me bc of my comment. So you don't think comment helps on our own works?
I've been in the habit of participating in comment threads because I want comments on every one of my images I upload for so long it's hard to let go but I really need to find best use of my time for marketing. Really would like to increase sales more. I was hoping to be at an average of 10/sales month by end of this year but still at 6-7 (slower during summer)
1 Year Ago
Its possible in theory that it might attract google. But I would think that you can then spam your own page with comments and stuff it with keywords. I guess its worth a try but google may ping you on it.
I have the comments on there as I think it might encourage a sale. If they got it then I will too. And I think it helps add a little bit of bulk, but can't say it helps one way or the other. I let comments happen naturally. Marketing should be outside the site, not working the site.
----Mike Savad
1 Year Ago
Thanks Mike. I've just been questioning it because some of the biggest sellers here don't have many comments on their work I've noticed. It'll be a hard transition for me but maybe I shouldn't worry so much about making sure I have comments on my images. Would save me probably 15 mins a day that I could use to do a blog or marketing video instead as I'm not seeing comments increasing sales but videos and blogs get more attention.
1 Year Ago
Be sure to put the sale on sales threads, that usually attracts people to post stuff. I also likes seeing congrats on sale as a way to remember that it sold at all.
I never follow people, I don't like images, I don't comment or worry I have comments or not. Its wasted energy. Entering contests help if you have something that fits the theme.
You could make a fake account to add comments if you really think it helps, but I doubt it really helps, if you want more keywords, pad out the descriptions more. If anything a comment is a link out of your site if customer clicked their picture.
----Mike Savad
1 Year Ago
Jerry Saltz - the art critic has some interesting thoughts - tips and perspectives on changes in the whole world and art as well:
Karim Samir Muhammad Rashid Ali
1 Year Ago
Thanks, I'm new to this so any tips and tricks would help me.
1 Year Ago
I like to Like other peoples' art, read my comments and thank people for them, then check out their art and find some favorites. I don't feel like it's a waste of energy... I enjoy Art appreciation activities like that. This is why I'm here, to enjoy Art and network with other artists.
1 Year Ago
Thank you for the tips. New here with classical paintings and drawings. Images coming soon!
1 Year Ago
This is the time for me to really increase my Social Media presence.
Timely post!
To sales
1 Year Ago
The idea of Sponsoring Pages should be added! I stumbled across it, any extra help is beneficial! Very good post.
Christina Fairhead Art and Merch
1 Year Ago
Hi Abbie, great article! Maybe it's time for me to follow your advice at last and revert my username to my full name instead... Please amend the account url to: "Christina Fairhead" instead.
Many thanks,
1 Year Ago
Grateful for this post. New member and I have been having my struggles that's for sure. I don't have a huge following on social media, so getting my name out there has been difficult.
1 Year Ago
Hello Abbie,
I just came across this thread. I am a new member (November 23). I will read it all, then read it again and then follow your advise and recommendations. Again thank you. This information should be and stay at the top of the discussion tab.
1 Year Ago
I appreciate the website to be able to post our work but, is the cost worth it? Living in a city affords many more options to print locally/high quality for less. Do artists here thrive selling through this site?
1 Year Ago
@jason - $30 isn't a lot of money, considering what you get. I doubt you could print much of anything for that price, you would have to pay over an over. Yes you can sell here, not everyone does. Many make a lot of money, some make way too much money. It really depends what you put into this site. If you don't put much effort in presenting the work or giving good descriptions, keywords or advertising. Then don't expect much in the way of sales. You have a lot of competition. You started in 2014, why ask this now?
----Mike Savad
1 Year Ago
Mines more of a Genuine Question, Im new here and wondering, is my end uploading my photos then the company print my photos on the products and ship them or is that something I have to do?
1 Year Ago
@zak - your responsibility
upload quality images.
Advertise images.
That's it.
The company deals with the printing, money, returns etc,.
----Mike Savad
1 Year Ago
Thanks for the tips, Abby. This is a great site and I am happy to be a part of such a supportive art community. And Happy New Year everyone!
1 Year Ago
Hi there, I want to spend some money on advertising and I am looking for someone who have the skills or know someone who have the skills to help me, and of course I will pay him/her besides that I will share with him/her some valuable information that will boost their revenue
1 Year Ago
I have been a professional artist for over forty years and I became so used to the gallery scene that I’m trying to shift gears into a new reality. Today’s world is very different. I’m on Facebook, and the rest of the social media platforms, so I decided to join Fine Art America in hope that it might give me more exposure?
Thanks very much! Karen Haughey
1 Year Ago
Thank you for sharing helpful information!! I am new to FAA and trying to work through my artworks
12 Months Ago
Thank you so much! I am reigniting my FAA portfolio after a long break and your words of wisdom and great ideas are kind and helpful!
11 Months Ago
Hello, I will definitely try to get back to sales since i have had limited sales, just a few things from friends. I don't upload as much material, since time is of the essence. I will start t gradually getting back and hopefully get some sales. Thanks for the tips as always
11 Months Ago
Very helpful and gives me energy to engage and continue uploaden! Just got a premium membership after a bit of doubting but I think I can make this work!
11 Months Ago
Thank you for all your helpful information! I have to change some titles on my artwork and upload photos of my paintings. I have more photos to upload too.
9 Months Ago
Thank you Abbie, for your excellent post. I have favourited this page, so I can peruse the information you have given. Although, I have done Print On Demand before, I think there is always something new I can learn. Especially when it comes to the marketing side of things! So, this information will be very useful. Have a great week! :) Regards Paul
9 Months Ago
Abbie, thanks for all of the great links to these helpful sales suggestions!
I look forward to implementing many of them since sometimes selling seems to be more difficult than creating.
9 Months Ago
Thank you so much for posting this! I look forward to going through all of the knowledge and help posted here.
9 Months Ago
Although my profile says I am here since 2019, I really started posting my work in 2023. I have had no sales yet. I would like to have at least one, so that I know what my artwork looks like for real. Anyway, my question is, has this post helped some of you getting more sales?
Thank you very much.
9 Months Ago
@valerie, you answered your own question. You only took it seriously for a year, it takes time to get sales. You have to advertise all the time. Abstract is hard to sell as it blends in with all other abstract, you also need more keywords. Many of the images I clicked on won't print because you enlarged it. I can't point to any one single one because they all seem to have digital issues of enlarging it too much. You can't enlarge them at all. If its digital, start larger. After those are fixed, beef up the descriptions more and add more keywords.
----Mike Savad
9 Months Ago
Thanks all for all you input on this topic, im sure i will be looking deeper into your ides for sales...
thanks chris
9 Months Ago
Thank you, I’ve just joined so lots to learn! I couldn’t get the shopping widget to work on my own website, if there anywhere I can find more info please?
9 Months Ago
I stumbled upon this thread and tips, looks interesting. Although I do digital marketing, but have not looked into FAA with this perspective. Thanks, would like to get more tips from you
9 Months Ago
Thanks for the tips, Abbie! For about a year or two, I have received notifications about visits to my photos. They all seem to be coming from a few people in New York, Cupertino, California (Apple's headquaters), China and other locations. Of course, no attempt to leave me a message is ever included, so I have no way of starting a conversation about my work with them. As many times as this has happened, it's evident there is some interest there, but no way to follow up on it.
Gary Rea
9 Months Ago
@gary, people, bots etc visit, they don't all want to talk. If they wanted to contact you they can. You do need an avatar to be in the search, you must have unique titles or it confuses the system and the people. You must have descriptions if you want to be seen in google.
----Mike Savad
8 Months Ago
Let's just say, priceless information and tips! Follow them all, it can be a bit intimidating but it is doable, so thank you Abbie for sharing it.
Mark from
8 Months Ago
Thank you. I have been member for longtime and do have 80 + paintings and photographs, but haven't been able to sell prints or originals? Is there any secrets or process to make sales? I will review your article and post above to educate myself. Thank you for sharing. Dipali Shah
8 Months Ago
Thank You Abbie i cant wait to get started to look into the list you gave.I'm new at selling so this list is a huge help to get me started.
7 Months Ago
@caco - can you be more specific?
Because without images, it will be super hard to sell anything.
----Mike Savad
Christina Fairhead Art and Merch
7 Months Ago
I am a bit at a loss here. I do promote, I'm active every single day, I have more than 1600 works up in 19 collections (various styles and subjects) but I only ever had 9 sales in two years (last one in January 2024), the highest take $18 (!) What else should I be doing? Anybody else on the same boat?
7 Months Ago
Q - Does anyone actually sell anything here?
First of all, I want to say – that is a trifling question – and you are not the only one to ever ask it.
FAA / Pixels have been in business for 18 years – Hundreds of thousands of artists and iconic brands plus millions of images.
If no one was selling they would be out of business in just a few short months.
Lots of members sell some, some members sell lots and the members that struggle to sell need to open the links at the top of this thread to learn how to remedy that.
Most of that information is from artists that do sell on this site.
I must admit – my sales are mediocre compared to the big sellers –
I have two premium memberships and so far, I have had 4,713 sales – so to answer your question – Yes! Members actually sell here. Many members sell much, much more than I do. Much More…
7 Months Ago
I’m new to selling my photographs. I am an amateur astrophotographer who started taking photos of space a year ago and I’m just now confident enough in my skill level to justify trying to sell my work. So far I have just set up an account and had my friends check it out so I’m. Unsure of what comes next to get new people to check out my photos and hopefully buy some of my work.
6 Months Ago
How much can you sell will depends on several factors such as:
1. Quality of your photos or art
2. Type of your art vs the market demand for such art
3. Your sales & marketing skill
I've been here for about 4 years now. So far I've not sold a single print to a complete stranger. Most of the sales were to friends or acquaintances who got full discount on my commission part. There were few nice friends who refused to take discount. The bottom line is I've not yet break even the FAA membership charges in any of the year till now.
Initially I thought it's my marketing skill that lags significantly. I do post regularly in FB, Twitter, Pinterest and even on LinkedIn. I've an independent website too. Few times advertised in google, and boosted post in FB during the holiday season but they never generated any sale. I do get visitors, sometime more than a thousand a day, but they never end of placing an order. So I started to realize, maybe it's not the no.3 from the list above. Maybe my photos are not good enough to inspire people to hang it in their walls. Or maybe I should find a different marketplace.
MKX Studios Kristina Hernandez
6 Months Ago
Great information thank you for this post!!
6 Months Ago
Salve, ho venduto opere originali e copie su altri portali, su questo non sono riuscito a vendere niente fino ad ora, puoi aiutarmi a capire dove è il problema, grazie
6 Months Ago
Hello, I have been active on this website for several years, only a few scammers contacted me! I don't know, maybe my work is not good. I tried my best during these things, but it didn't help me. Is it possible for someone to guide me? Thank you
4 Months Ago
almost 38 thousand visitors to my work, yet no sales. I wouldn't know how to find out if i had sale though
4 Months Ago
@john Most are probably bots. Just like a normal store, you get a lot more people passing by the window than going in. And the ones that go in, don't always buy they look around then walk out again...
Go into settings and balance and or sales and its listed there. You'll want more keywords, descriptions, somewhat larger than 1024x1024, and you'll need to advertise to people that are into youngish boys. Set your collections up and sort out all the images you have in them so people don't have to wade through 31 pages of images. Fill in the bio also.
And you'll have to figure out the audience, who is into AI young males. As a side note, be sure to count the fingers before sending them up, some have more than needed giving away its AI. And if the customer see's it, they can also make their own. On the plus side you definitely have a consistent theme.
----Mike Savad
4 Months Ago
I have a question.... I have my works here already for more than 3 years, at the beginning I held only 25 pieces (what is given for free), than I sold some work, and this is encourage me to buy a wide account... So, I pay for this for two years approximately, but the result is very weak... I'm here from 2021 and had only 4 (!) print sales. If it was for free account, I wouldn't be disappointed, but... to pay and to have such a poor result is rather sad. I have a very big store here, the biggest of all platforms I participate (cause I put here photograph works that I don't put on others), but the result is bad, simply bad. You can say - may be your works aren't good? But for example, on Redbubble (where I entered essentially later that to FFA), I do have sales, not too much, but definitely more than here. And it is a free platform, I don't pay for my store there!
You may say - do something for promote your works, participate forums, discussions etc., but English is not my native language, it's not easy to me to read a lot of text, especially when there is a lot of things that aren't interesting to me, sorry. So, I do what I can - participate contests, but it doesn't work.
I seriously consider to close a payment account, to return to a free one, the thing that stop me - an amount of time I spend to raise such a lot of stuff. By the way, if the site would ask me about it - "if you want to continue to a payment account or not" - I probably would answer that I don't want to continue, but the site simply took the money for the next year.... I think it isn't fare, you must to ask! If there is some button that manage it, please show me where is it, cause if the things will continue as them, I will close a "big" account next time.
Christina Fairhead Art and Merch
4 Months Ago
Hi Tanya. It does take an awful lot of time (weeks to months) for the uploads to filter through and start appearing in searches and with the algorithm favoring both older stuff and successful sellers --who will always come first in searches--it's just a numbers' game mostly besides having, of course, a large and diverse portfolio. Now, 300 items is not "a lot" by any stretch of the imagination when there exist many hundreds of thousands of artists on the site. I just surpassed 2000 items in my portfolio and have had very sparse and insignificant sales so far. Other portfolios exist with more than 15000 works. Demographics play also a role. $30 annually is not a lot of money for unlimited inventories and the site does not take a "tier fee" unlike Redbubble. If you check their tier fees for standard accounts (anybody who does't sell hundreds every day) you'll see you pay 50%+ for every sale you make! I moved away years ago. Finally, as with any annual subscription you can cancel future payments by removing your credit card straight from your account settings.
4 Months Ago started your pay account in 2021 and only had 4 print sales since. I noticed you have only 300 images for sale. Considering the small number of works you are offering for sale I would have to say your sales are far above average. There are millions of images for sale on FAA so the fact that you managed to sell 4 out of 300 you have for sale is amazing. If I had similar sales statistics commensurate to the thousands of images I have for sale I'd be able to live solely off my FAA income. Keep adding more work to your account. By the way, I think your paintings are marvelous!
3 Months Ago
Hi. For all who need more sales, please check earlier replies, there are a lot of great advice on this thread and a few others.
SHORTLY again to those who are very new to how artists can get sales:
Add images daily or weekly. To rise higher in the FAA search, remember favs, comments, contest wins, and sales are very important factors of the 25 which affect your images here on FAA. Views from other member dont matter. Views from outside FAA matters.
So join groups, be active in the promos and you give and gain favs, comments and views. Enter contests. Try to make sales. Focus on getting people come to your page on FAA or Pixels.
To gain sales, you have to do some form of marketing, outside FAA. There are plenty of art shops to buy from, so make yourself visible to the people who love to buy wall art, cards, home decor, puzzles, mugs and other lovely products.
My most sold images are usually my oldest images with the most views from non-FAA members (so there is logic in the tip from FAA that favs, comments, views from outside FAA, and sales matter)
I have sold 400+ products. Sales for me on FAA has been down 2024. That is a something many have said about their art too. So it is a worldwide economic reason, not that our art isnt good anymore :)
Use social media. Let the world see your art. They cant find you among 10 million artists in the world, if you dont make yourself visible.
Share from FAA and the link goes out with the sharing.
Join group promos where we have social media sharing.
Tell your friends and family to support you: view and comment here on FAA. And why not buy something sometimes. :)
If you know how, start a blog. Many are for free or cost only 20 USD or similar per year.
Sales is not easy, for anyone in any industry globally, you have to work hard for it.
ps. The RB facts I read above are not correct, but as we should not discuss other art sales pages here, I dont correct the false information. :)
Work hard and you will get sales!
3 Months Ago
@lauren - groups are not the best place to get noticed, you are better off going to facebook or whatever social thing you use. Make sure everything has a good description and lots of related keywords. Like you have a trump image but no keywords anywhere beyond the title. Also add a bio.
----Mike Savad
2 Months Ago
Thank you for sharing these resources! I’m still trying to figure out how to get an actual sale so I’m looking forward to studying the links and reviewing the advice in the comments. 😅
2 Months Ago
Thank you for this important information because I am new to this platform , any tips that will help to get some exposure and hopefully generate sales is really appreciated.
2 Months Ago
Thanks for the information! I'm new here. I'll read everything carefully.
Hugs from Brazil!
1 Month Ago
I thought I would share some recent adjustments to key words and to default settings that I have made.
My sales had dropped, and I have been reworking my key words to remove "products" that I included and found out that was not a good idea, e.g. metal print, print, coffee mugs, duvet cover, etc.
I also changed my visitor entry page to the "shop" view, and changed my image sort order from set myself to "show the best selling images first".
Suddenly, two sales!
Christina Fairhead Art and Merch
1 Month Ago
Interesting tip. Thanks a million!
1 Month Ago
Thank you so much for this post.
I think there is a need for FAA to create more options to share on other social platforms .
1 Month Ago
I’m definitely looking into this info, thank you so much. It helps others like myself who are doing this for the very first time.
1 Month Ago
There is a lot to learn on this website. I feel that it is not just about simply selling but also about connecting different artists. It’s a great experience, and I think these tips will make it even better.
1 Month Ago
Thank you for this info. I've been on here a few years now. Still learning and adjusting to get higher in the algorithms to be noticed. Slow and steady wins the race, right? LOL
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