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David Dehner

3 Years Ago

New Members - Start Here

I Just Joined Fine Art America / Pixels Now What Do I Do?

OK – you have some great photographs or you have been painting and have a bit of an inventory that can make you some money.
So you joined FAA and you are ready to sell your original paintings and/or prints of your photographs and/or paintings and great products featuring your images.

Great move on your part, FAA is the perfect place to do all that, but how do you get started?

You could just start posting your images and filling in the info required and hit the submit button – There, that was easy, now just wait for the sales to roll in. Right?

Not quite that easy - Although some members do just that and actually make some sales. If that is what your intent is you can stop reading and go for it.

If you are serious and want to have the best chance at success then let’s do it the right way.

1. Profile Image

Uploading a profile image is very important for your success. You can use any image you want. (G Rated Only). Some members think the wackier the image the more attention it will get. That is entirely up to you.

My feeling is post an image that will instill confidence in your potential customers. A nice portrait of yourself is a good choice (close up) not so far away that you cannot be seen.

One of your best paintings or photographs can also be a fine choice – but do pick an image and complete your Profile Image. If you do not place a profile image you will not be found on FAA/Pixels.

2. Enter Your Biography

I would suggest before you go any further you should enter your Biography. Here is where you tell your story.

Author Martin Stellar said.

Even if your story is in itself not all that unique or remarkable, you need to tell it and I'm about to explain why. This is important: Don't think for one moment that your story isn't important or remarkable enough. Your story is important. It is remarkable.

Not because of what that story is, but – and this is the crux of the whole idea – because your story makes you more human. Telling your story makes it easier for people to identify with you. You become more relatable to others when you have a story, any story (as long as it's true of course). People will be more endeared to you; people will like you more because of your story.

And that is the great importance of it all: People need to know, like and trust before they decide to buy something. Your story largely takes care of that liking part. Trust me. Even if you feel that your story isn't spectacular or doesn't matter. It's your story.

It matters. It helps people like you more; it helps build trust and engagement. Your story helps you sell your art.

Tell your story.

Just a few things that should not be in your story. Do not say things like.

“I am an amateur”. “Please buy my images, I need the money”. “I just purchased a camera and started shooting”. “Last week I bought my first canvas and found I love to paint”.

If any of these things are true – you don’t need to lie – Just don’t add them to your Biography.

3. Default Settings

Now is a great time to fill in all your markups – this is the amount of profit you get for each sale.

Go to Settings and then GENERAL click on the DEFAULT SETTINGS. Take your time and fill in all your markups. When you are finished do not forget to click the SAVE CHANGES button.

If there are items you do not wish to sell - just leave the mark-up blank - no -0 no - dash - just blank.

Now when you upload images all your markups will automatically fill with the amounts you selected in the DEFAULT SETTINGS.


That is entirely up to you – no one can tell you what to charge for your work. If you’re unsure you can search the site and see what other artist are charging for their work.

4. Create Your First Product

You’re ready to upload your first image

Make sure your presentation is impeccable. When your artwork is poorly photographed, it says you don't value it. Take a look at your photos or scans and be honest with yourself about this. Is your work treated and shown as if it has great value? Give your work the treatment and presentation it deserves.

Just above your profile image - Click Upload Image.

TITLE – Give it a short but descriptive title – “A Beautiful Scene” will not tell perceptive buyers that your image is actually a Butterfly on wildflowers in Central Park.

The site will automatically populate keywords and descriptions, Plus, you have the flexibility to supplement or modify the autogenerated metadata according to your preferences. Whether you want to add additional keywords or fine-tune the descriptions, the choice is yours.

KEYWORDS – Very important for internal search – you can use up to 500 characters, use them all if you can. Note: they must relate to the image. Do not use words or phrases that have nothing to do with the image you are uploading.

DESCRIPTION - Just like your biography when you're uploading art into your gallery, use the "Description" field to tell the story behind the art. Google loves a good story and that can help you in searches. Tell what it is, where it is, why you created it or photographed it.

Pick your Artwork Category and fill in your medium,

Now scroll down and adjust your image on the products you wish to sell. Taking a few moments now to adjust the images will let your potential buyers see them in the best viewpoint.

Don’t forget to hit the SUBMIT button when you are done.

Now you have your first image posted, Very little will happen until you have at least 10 images posted. 100, 200 or 1000 is even better.

Once you get started on any POD site - It is up to you to drive customers to your work. The site will advertise the general site but it is not their job to drive customers to your specific work - that is your job. Use social media, blogs, business cards, art shows, anything that will drive folks to see your work on your sales page.

5. Getting Paid

You followed all the suggestions above and you’re ready for your 1st sale but you need to do the following to get paid your markup.

Go to Settings and then Accounting open Payment Information and enter your PayPal email address. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can set one up for free by visiting

If you live in the USA before leaving Accounting open Tax Information and fill out all the information.

Remember – you won’t get paid until you complete this section.

6. Settings

Take a tour of Settings, open all the links and take your time reading all the great things you can do with your new membership. There is a wealth of information at your fingertips.

If you still have questions go to the Main Discussion board and open the “Sticky” posts. Grab a cup of your favorite beverage because there is a great deal of helpful information there.

Still have questions? Search for your question on the main discussion board - Not There? - Post your question on the main discussion board – There are a lot of friendly and knowledgeable members ready to assist.

Note: do not post private information on the discussion board it is a public forum.

Still scratching your head about an unanswered question? Get to the bottom of any page and open the Contact Us button.

Customer Service (For Orders Only)

Technical Support is for members with technical questions about using the site.

Good Luck, Welcome and Enjoy

David Dehner

Reply Order

Post Reply

David, I reactivated this so people could ask for help direct. I hope you do not mind


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

I was surprised to see it here - But No - I do not mind at all.


Monisha Singh

3 Years Ago

Thank you, this post was very informative because I just joined today.


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Your welcome Monisha - glad it was helpful


Stefani Ivanova

3 Years Ago

This was really helpful thanks!


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Your welcome Stefani - Remember to rotate your profile picture so we can see you better : )


Sally Stone

3 Years Ago

Thanks for reposting this, Abbie. This was very helpful in getting me started.
I have a question about submitting art:

I'd like to submit a .png that's used only for t-shirts.
I'd like to submit a separate .jpg with my own background for other artwork.

If I do NOT want the .png to be used for other artwork, do I simply delete the pricing? Please advise.

I have a second question about image collections and galleries.
Does the art I upload automatically populate my image collections? If not, how do I set up galleries and image collections?

Thanks for your support as I figure out the workflow here!javascript: document.replyForm.submit();



David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Sally,

When you are uploading an image each product (Apparel, Puzzles, Tote Bags, etc.) will have a "Customize Product" Button, select that button and that will allow you to size the image and upload other images such as PNG images.

So you can upload a JPG for the main image and also upload a PNG for select products.


On your main page - click on "Collections" just below your profile image >

Top Center of page click on "Create New Collection" >

Fill in the collection Name and Description > Don't forget to hit the submit button >

Now - While you are uploading an image and customizing products you will see your collections and you can chose to add that image to any of your collections.

I would suggest you go ahead and hit the "Upload Image" button just above your Profile Picture and run though a practice upload - you can back out anytime before you hit submit and this will help you get used to the upload tool.

Same with the rest of the site - just visit all the areas of the site to see what everything does.



3 Years Ago

Im having trouble submitting my artwork due to the file format and I have tried several acceptable formats could someone be kind enough to instruct me the proper way so I don't pull what little hair I have left out.


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Tony,

This can happen when you have just uploaded from an SD card version or are using a mobile device. Their updates stopped images saving as jpg and are now saving as HEIC or HEIF

You can go into your settings on your mobile devise and change it to not do that.

This can also happen to any image.

You may need to open your photo editor and open the image and then RE-SAVE AS jpg or png


Lyne LM Seguin

3 Years Ago

Hi My name is showing Lyne Seguin, but I wish for my art for my profile, that LM Séguin would show no accent is ok
can you help me please thank you

if I want a shower curtain with one of my paintings for surprise, how could I proceed, thank you, i would buy it myself. Thank you


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Lyne,

If you only want your name changed next to your Profile Image you can follow the instructions below.

But if you want your URL changed you will need to contact Tech Support by scrolling to the footer of this page and using the Contact Us button.

To only change the name next to your profile image:
Hover over your name (Upper Right Corner) then - on the drop down menu
Click (Settings > Scroll down and hit (Contact Information) > Change your name and don’t forget to hit (Save Changes)
Remember – doing this will only make changes to the name on the screen – it will not change your URL

To purchase a Shower Curtain:

Go to your Pixels Store -

Sign in with your normal sign in information

Select the image you want > Click Home Décor > Shower Curtain and make your purchase.

The price you see on the screen is your price without your mark-up


Kathleen McCoy

3 Years Ago

Thank you for this information. I've been hopefully doing this correctly all this time, but I'm going back over things to make certain now.
I find it hard sharing information about myself, but if needs must then I will. I will try and make it more interesting to potential (hopefully) customers.


Ashley Pruitt

3 Years Ago

Will you get paid using the PayPal linked to the email the account is setup with or will it ask for you preferred PayPal when the time comes?


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Kathleen, I often go over my site to see what needs to be cleaned up or changed - Thanks for dropping by and reading my post. Glad you found some helpful information.

Hi Ashley, Welcome to FAA / Pixels glad you joined - - Have Fun creating and I wish you luck. - You just need to add the PayPal email you used to open your PP account.


Sally Stone

3 Years Ago

Hi David,

Thanks for the tips. I'm going to try them out in the next couple of days. I don't mind experimenting, but having a few guideposts along the way is extremely helpful.

I'm also enjoying everyone else's questions and your answers. Very helpful.



Santosh Khadgaha

3 Years Ago

Great information shared for beginners on FAA. i just joined & thank you for the help extended.


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

I look forward to seeing some of your work Sally.

Welcome to FAA / Pixels Santosh - Good luck with your new endeavor.


Ann Pimblott

3 Years Ago

Thank you so much this was helpful. I have a question, I uploaded my bio on the fine Art America site but when I go to my personal pixel site my bio says coming soon. How do I add my bio to my personal website?


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Ann,

I see your Bio on your Fine Art America and your Pixels sites.

When it comes to your Premium Pixels site you will need to enter your Bio again - the Bio does not auto fill in the premium site.

Open your Premium Pixels site > Sign In > Click Edit (Upper right) > Click Homepage (Left Menu) > Click About > Fill in your info and don't forget to hit Save Changes when your done.


Ann Pimblott

3 Years Ago

Thank you so much David I have updated it now. I know where to come with my questions now. 🙂


Ann Pimblott

3 Years Ago

Actually I just thought of another question. I have had one of my paintings featured in a group and I want to post a picture of it and thank them. How do I upload the picture to the message?


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Ann,

Just open the image in question >

Scroll down the right hand side until you see EMBED >

Under Embed - copy the code >

Paste that code in the discussion post >

NOTE: you will only see the code until you hit "Post Reply" - then the image will show


Leslie Brasher

3 Years Ago

David, this is such helpful information. Thank you!!! I have been trying to figure out if there is a way to have one of my images only visible to people I give a link to. I'm in a group of artists, and we want to upload the group logo so that members can order items with the logo. But we don't want people who are NOT members to be able to purchase items with the logo on them. Is this possible?

Thank you!


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Leslie,

Yes there is a great way to do just that.

With a private collection - I see you already have three collections so this will be easy for you.

Making A Private Collection

You can make a private collection where only you or someone you give the password to can view the images in that collection.

to your account

Open “Collections” Just under your Profile Image

Near the top of the page (Center) open “Create New Collection”

Name the Collection and just under Collection Description open the drop-down menu on Password Protected and select yes – Enter Password and don’t forget to hit “Submit” before closing.

Note: when you are signed-in you will be able to see the password protected images – But visitors cannot see them without the password.

If you want to keep those images private do not put them in any collection except that private collection.

You can have more than one private collection if you need to.

Now - give your group the password and you can all see them. - But no one else can.


Stephanie Herington

3 Years Ago

Thanks for all the info David! Do you believe the premium membership is worth it starting out? Thanks!


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Steph,

I certainly do believe the premium membership is well worth it.

The premium Pixels site alone is more than worth the $30.00 (Since your own work and no other artist's can be seen there)

Then there is the fact that you can upload thousands of works instead of just 25.



3 Years Ago

Hi David ,

Thank you for these important and distinctive signs.

Please accept my sincerest gratitude.


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Your Welcome Majed - Welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels


Leah Young

3 Years Ago

Hi Dave. Thank you for this thread. I am so confused about pricing. I understand that I can enter a markup but where do I find the base price for prints, etc.


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Leah,

All markups are input in USD.

FAA does not work with percentages.

You are licensing images to show on products FAA sells. You are not selling the products. Therefore FAA prices the products and you tell FAA what dollar markup you want for the size image used

You can add your markup for $10 for an 8.0' x 6.4' ... $25 for a 12.0' x 9.6'... or $199 etc. Whatever you want..


The final prices are a collaboration of

1. What you put in your markup. That is what you will actually earn for a sale.
2. If your markup is $50 or under, FAA adds $5. If your markup is over $50 FAA adds $5 + 10%
3. Plus FAA’s printing costs


All of FAA’s wall décor is custom priced and produced based on your unique image sizes. So the easiest way to figure out base costs for your unique image sizes is to set all of your print markups for that image to $1. Then just see the resulting retail prices by size, and subtract your $1 markup by size to figure out our base costs for each.

Because FAA’s shipping prices are also specific to your custom image sizes, the easiest way to figure out shipping charges is to add one of your images as a canvas print (or any other wall décor option that you want to figure out ship costs for) to a cart on our FAA or site, enter a US or international shipping address representative of where your customers are likely to be shipping your orders to, and see the ship price that the site shows you.


The Price and Dimensions area should be totally ignored if you are not selling original sculptures, paintings etc. We do not charge or take commissions on these.


If you choose not to sell something, leave the space for markup totally blank. Not even a space.


Use DEFAULT SETTINGS to set your markup for future images

You can see the base prices of all non-print products by opening Default Settings


While signed into your account

Hover over the blue line below your name (Upper right hand corner)

On the drop-down menu click on (Settings)

Click on (Default Settings)

Scroll down and Set your markup for the products you wish to sell, don’t forget to click (Save Changes)

Note: If you do not wish to sell a certain product (Leave the markup blank) no 0 no dash

This will set prices on all your future images you upload.


Asta Soegaard

3 Years Ago

Helpful thanks :)


Anjana Jain

3 Years Ago

Hi David, the information provided has been really helpful to me, thank you! :-)


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Asta and Anjana,

Welcome to FAA / Pixels good luck in your new endeavor.

Glad the information has helped.


Charlene Adler

3 Years Ago

Thank you David for all the good information. Although I have been a member for several months now, I still found some good information after rereading the New Member message.


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Charlene,

Funny you should mention that -

I dig-in behind Settings and even after 10 years - I still learn something new.

Same with following the discussion forum - One of the artist will answer a question for someone and I will think - Darn! I didn't know that.


Jasmine Constant

3 Years Ago

This is super helpful! Thanks!


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Your welcome Jasmine - welcome to Fine Art America - Have fun creating and good luck selling.


Martin Rincon

3 Years Ago

Thanks a bunch.


Rahmad Refaldo

3 Years Ago

Am I the one who will print and send orders such as pillows, towels and so on??


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Welcome to FAA Martin and Rahmad,

Rahmad - No - You create and post wonderful images, market your site and get paid your markup - FAA does everything else.

FAA Manages the site - takes care of the sale - collects the money - prints the products - packages the order - ships the order to the customer - handles any returns or cancelations and sends the markup to you.


Patrick Coscas

3 Years Ago

Tx a lot David for this post. I really appreciate. I just started with FAA and am going to write my biography as you mentioned.


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Your welcome Patrick - Glad you joined - I wish you good sales.


Je suis toute nouvelle; le forum est très important . On ne se sent pas trop isolée dans le monde créatif de FAA,
entre la découverte du Site, le vocabulaire technique , la rigueur dans l'application des connaissances générales.
Je ne suis pas encore bien au fait pour les majorations de prix , et une Biographie bien construite.
Votre soutien Abbie et David est bienvenu.
Merci pour votre patience et disponibilité.
Bonne soirée


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Bonjour Ruth,

Je vois que vous avez déjà évalué plusieurs de vos œuvres.

Nous ne pouvons pas vous dire combien facturer - vous devrez facturer ce que vous pensez que votre travail vaut - vous pouvez jeter un coup d'œil sur le site et voir ce que les autres artistes facturent.

À propos de votre biographie - vous pouvez lire ce que je suggère en haut de cette page - Parlez simplement de vous en tant qu'artiste et du type de travail que vous aimez créer


Brenda Wrisley

3 Years Ago

Thank you. I enjoy this site so much. It's a learning tool on self promotion and marketing.
Start out slow and just hang in there...NEVER give up. Blessings.....


Bonjour et merci David pour les conseils
Je vais regarder pour avoir une idée pour les majorations
Bon samedi


Hello Brenda
@ : votre message : "Commencez lentement et accrochez-vous... N'abandonnez JAMAIS. Bénédictions....."
Vous avez raison, il faut prendre le temps; rien ne sert de courir


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Brenda and welcome to FAA.

You are so right, The best way is to take your time, do it right the first time around and you wont need to play catch-up later.

So many artists rush in as fast as they can and end up needing to correct everything they did later - down the road.


Kate Towers

3 Years Ago

Great info thanks !


Through The Lense

3 Years Ago

Hi, I’m new obviously lol…. I’m uploading JPEG photos, but for some reason they’re all loaded sideways. Am I missing a setting or something? Thank you in advance for any ideas or suggestions !


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Welcome to Fine Art America Kate and TTL

@Through The Lens - I see the images you have uploaded are not loaded sideways - are you still having issues?

A while back we had a few problems with uploading and it was traced to rented servers - it did not last long and was fixed fairly quickly.


Metrx Design

3 Years Ago

Thank you for posting, just joined today having been on similar websites so great to quickly learn how it works on fine art america!


Mary Baldwin

3 Years Ago

Thank you for the helpful tips! I just started yesterday and love seeing all the talent!


Evalena Hallgren

3 Years Ago

I'm new here and not the most PCsavy person. I did pay for premium and am trying to figure out all the ins and outs. I spent hours reading all the help Mr. Dehner provides Thank You
I can't find an answer to how my uploaded picture are different sizes? The only image big enough for a duvet cover is my trout and the zebra, but I thought all are uploaded the same?

Please tell me what I'm doing wrong
Thank You Evalena


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Sebastian, Mary and EvaLena

Welcome to Fine Art America.

EvaLena - You question about sizes:

At FAA / the only size that matters is Pixels - meaning the size of the image i.e. 4000 x 6000 pixels.

For instance - if you go to your FAA home page and click on one of your images - then roll your mouse over the open image - you will see a green box - click the green box and a full resolution will open stating your pixel size at the top.

An average image size may be 6000 x 4000 pixels - and that size may fit most products - including a 60" x 40" print.

However - it still may not totally cover some products - like the duvet cover.

Some of your images are far too small for many of our products - you may need to re-photograph or re-scan some of your images.

The link below shows the template size for all FAA products.

When you photograph or scan your paintings - photograph or scan at the highest resolution.

I hope this helps - If you have any other questions - Just ask


Anna Short

3 Years Ago

Thank you for posting this information. I just read it and have learned something new already. I am interested in figuring out the template sized images. I will try that soon. I am not sure if my photo's are sized correctly and this might help. Also, are there any discussion boards for Marketing on Social Media? Thanks.


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Anna, Welcome to FAA / Pixels

There are lots of threads for marketing - you can just do a search on the main discussion forum.

In the meantime - hit the link below its a great place to start


Evalena Hallgren

3 Years Ago

Thank you for explaining and responding so quickly


Bonjour David
Merci pour les explications, cela soulage d'intégrer peu à peu
Bonne journée


Julie Doke

3 Years Ago

Thanks this is really helpful in getting started and understanding how the process works!


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Your Welcome EvaLena, Ruth and Julie,

So glad that I could be of some assistance to you.


Leslie Brasher

3 Years Ago

David, thank you so much for your answer to my question a week ago. I posted the question and then had a lot of stuff come up that kept me from coming back to the computer to say thanks. I really appreciate your willingness to help!


Mahnaz Hasan Khan

3 Years Ago

Thanks David.
Selling is a challenge. In addition to Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, what do you recommend?


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

You are welcome Leslie and Mahnaz,

Mahnaz, Those SM sites are just fine - The best SM site is the one that you have lots of followers and you are active in groups - you can post on all of them but I would suggest you pick a favorite and put some time in on that one.

Beside SM there are lots of things you can do to market yourself.

Here are some great things to do from Abbie



3 Years Ago

Thank you, helpful and informative


High Click Company

3 Years Ago

Hello! Im trying to set up the TAX section for US residents, but after i fill all boxes and try to save the info, i get the following message in red:

OOPS... SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT Please enter your TAX ID as nine digits with no spaces or dashes.

There is no box to put this number, and also... i dont know where to find this number.

I beg for help!!! And thanks in advance!!!


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi High Click, Welcome to FAA

I noticed that you are originally from Bolivia – so we must first establish if you do indeed have a Social Security Number.

In the United States, a Social Security number (SSN) is a nine-digit number issued to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and temporary (working) residents

If you do have a Social Security Card – That is the 9 digit number you need to enter.

Sign In to your FAA account.

Hover you mouse over your name – Upper right corner of you FAA page. – On the Drop Down Menu

Enter Settings>

Scroll down to Accounting>

Open Tax Info (US Only) >

Left side of screen – Drop Down Menu – you can choose SSN or EIN – you want to choose SSN

Enter you 9 digit Social Security Number with no spaces and no dashes>

Complete the rest of the form and don’t forget to hit Submit.

If you do not have a Social Security Number – You can apply for one using this form



3 Years Ago

Thank you, this post was very informative


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Kathy and Aydin and welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels

So glad you joined us and I wish you success in creating and selling.


Anjana Jain

3 Years Ago

Hi David! Is there any option of playing advertisement here on fineartamerica like other websites to make our listing popular?


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Anjana,

Fine Art America / Pixels has four Discount Programs designed to maximize your sales.

One of them advertises your products for you on Google, Facebook, and Instagram.

You should already be opted into these programs. You can opt into or out of any of these programs at any time. To read about them and make sure you are opted in go to.

Settings> Special Features> Discount Programs>

Here you can read about and opt in or out of the Discount Programs –

If you make changes – don’t forget to hit “Save Changes” before you leave.

Of course you can post your work in any Social Media site you belong to for free and don’t forget to add a link back to your FAA sales page.

You can also use paid advertising on Google, Facebook, Instagram, etc. – but that will cost you money.

For more marketing advice follow the link below:


Sandy Jackman

3 Years Ago

Hi I love this group shows so much in helping in marketing and show what we xan do .I'm new to this and I just don't have clue what to do in alot of stuff.


Thank You


Barbara Cooledge

3 Years Ago

I am trying to upload a new image. I have done this many times. But today when I go to profile page, upload image, choose file, nothing happens. Anyone else experience this today or in the past?


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Welcome Sandy and Sandra, Nice to have you here - Good luck to you both..

Barbara - No - I just uploaded about 20 min ago - No Problems - Did you try a different browser?


Bonjour David,
Comme vous avez noté le message ci-dessus,, j'ai quelque souci . je viens de m'inscrire à Paypal
et je reçois cet avis de FAA :

"Veuillez saisir une ADRESSE E-MAIL PAYPAL correctement formatée."

Dois-je commencer à saisir par https ou autre?
Merci d'avance


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Salut Ruth

Utilisez simplement l'adresse e-mail que vous avez utilisée pour votre compte PayPal

Par example


Merci David; je vais
Bonne soirée


Li Kreativli

3 Years Ago

Thanks so much for the info. Ot os really helpful for someone who just came here and has no odea how everything works.


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Li, Glad you found this post helpful - Welcome to FAA and good luck creating and selling.


Jay Hanley

3 Years Ago

Hi! How do I attach images to discussion posts? All I see is "I want to follow this discussion" and "Please notify by email".

Thank you.


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Jay - Welcome to FAA / Pixels,

Open the image you want to post

Scroll down the right hand side of the image page

When you get to EMBED – copy the Embed code and past it to the discussion / Image Thread

Note: Only the code will show until after you hit “Post Reply” – then your image will show.


Bonsoir David,

Vos conseils ont produit le bon résultat


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Heureux de l'entendre Ruth - Bravo


Hannah Megan

2 Years Ago

Great post!


Ana Garcia Arias

2 Years Ago

I found very helpful how to set up the payment method, thank you


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Welcome to FAA / Pixels Elizabeth and Ana,

Glad you found this post helpful

Have fun creating and good luck selling.


how can i add my price for my drawing


Bill Waterson

2 Years Ago

Hi. Have a question about the Twitter connection. Every time I post something new on Twitter I get about 8 views. Is that "real" views or just views on Twitter? The visits comes almost directly and then... nothing. Is it really people on Twitter visiting FAA?

I've had just one sale and that was before I got the subscription (25 posters maximum). Now with almost 200 I sell nothing.

Thanks for all the help you provide.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Raymond,

Since you already have your drawings for sale as prints - I believe you want to know how to price and sell your original drawings.

When you upload a new drawing you will notice an area that is entitled "Original Artwork"

Fill in the information that it asks for - Width - Hight - Price - and where it asks "For Sale" click on YES.


Since you already have some drawings uploaded you will need to EDIT them in order to place those drawings for sale - just do the following.

Open one of your drawings by clicking on it>

At the bottom of the image click on EDIT>

Now - scroll down to "Original Artwork" and follow the instructions above.

Don't forget to hit the SUBMIT button when you are done.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Bill,

When you post to Social Media you can certainly get a few real visits up front - but most of the 5 to 10 first visits are Bots.

Bots or Web Crawlers, are good things

Web crawlers go by many names, including spiders, robots, and bots, and these descriptive names sum up what they do. They crawl across the World Wide Web to index pages for search engines.

Search engines don’t magically know what website pages exist on the Internet. The programs have to crawl and index them before they can deliver the right pages for keywords and phrases, or the words people use to find a useful page.

It can take a bit of time to get a following on any POD site - the best way to get eyes on your work is marketing. Follow the link below for some good suggestions on marketing. You are already using Twitter and that is a good start.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

For Everyone...

Here is another great marketing thread from Abbie that we all should read.


Gabi Saba

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much, i am new to the site and this was very helpful


Clara Whalen

2 Years Ago

Thank you for posting, I am new to the site and looking for answers which I found here!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello Gabi and Clara - Welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels - have a great time creating and we wish you many sales


Sally Stone

2 Years Ago

Hi David,

I began the product creation process and it seemed pretty intuitive. But when I got to the pricing, I was confused.

For example, the base price of a notebook was showing as $20, which is really high if I want to resell.

So I loaded and found people were selling notebooks for as low as $14 -- much more reasonable for the consumer.

I assume this is happening for all the products, but I didn't check them all.

So why am I getting such a high base price?



David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Sally,

Can you explain where you are seeing a base price of $20.

The base price for a notebook is $12.

Go to Settings> Default Settings> scroll down and you should see the base price for all products except prints.


Sally Stone

2 Years Ago

Hi David -

I'm not able to replicate what I saw yesterday... fortunately. I didn't take a screenshot. Perhaps I mistook another base price for the notebook? I'm not sure. Anyway, gratefully, I'm seeing $12 now.

Thank you


Chelvie Mary Duites

2 Years Ago

Thank you for this, very helpful.


Preston Frencheater

2 Years Ago

Thank you for your advice.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Your welcome Chelvie and Preston,

Welcome to FAA / Pixels - we are glad you decided to join..


Oceane Zamor-Laurent

2 Years Ago

Hi, thank you for this post, I’m new so it was helpful.


Carrie Kearns

2 Years Ago

Do I nessaerly have to wait 30 days as a member from the date I signed up to be in a contest or to join one?


Vaibhav Kumar Sharma

2 Years Ago



David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Welcome Oceane, Carrie and Vaibhav,

Glad you joined us - take a good look around and get to know what you can do with your new membership.

Carrie - Yes - the 30 day rule is to prevent people joining just for the contests.


Catherine Thiem

2 Years Ago

I am a new member and trying to get my site set up but having a hard time navigating the site. Still can't figure out how to add photos to my collections. Is there a tutorial somewhere that I can watch? Thx


Carrie Kearns

2 Years Ago

I'm trying to find the website page to the "price mark up" page for their products (Coffee mugs, phone cases n tote bags) so forth. Haha, I found it yesterday but now I TOTALLY CAN NOT find that website page today! I guess I got lost in this website! PLZ guide me to this particular website page. I want to adjust the prices for the products with my artwork.

Thank u! C.K.

UPDATE -- HAHA, I just saw post that 2 days ago from a Lady named Sally. U had helped her with the "price mark up" website page. Guess what... I found it! 😆 Thank u David for helping us! This thread was helpful! 👍


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Catherine,

To Add Images to a Collection

Select “Collections” just under your profile picture

Go to the collection you want to add images to

Click “Edit” under the collection

Click “Images Not In Collection”

Scroll down and hit the “ADD” button for each image you wish to add

Don’t forget to hit “Submit” when you are finished

PLUS: Don't forget - when you are uploading a new image you can choose the collections you want to add that new image to - by check marking each "gallery" you want it in.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Carrie,

So glad you found your way..

Just for future reference - Default settings will set prices for future uploads and Bulk Edit will set / change prices on images you have already uploaded.

It all looks complicated but once you do it four or five times - it's easy : )

Set Default Settings: For all Future Uploads

While signed into your account

Hover over the blue line below your name (Upper right hand corner)

On the drop-down menu click on (Settings)

Click on (Default Settings)

Scroll down and Set your markup for the products you wish to sell, don’t forget to click (Save Changes)

Note: If you do not wish to sell a certain product (Leave the markup blank) no 0 no dash

This will set prices on all your future images you upload.

Set / change - Bulk Edit Prices: For all images already uploaded

While signed into your account

Hover over the blue line below your name (Upper right hand corner)

On the drop-down menu click on (Settings)

Click on (Bulk Edit Prices)

Click on (Show All Images)

Checkmark the square to select all images

Checkmark the square to select all 6 of your images

Click (Edit Checked Images Simultaneously)

Scroll down and Checkmark square to the extreme right of products you want to adjust price

Set the price for your markup, and do not forget to click the (Submit button) when finished

Note: If you do not wish to sell a certain product (Leave the markup blank) no 0 no dash

This will set / change all your current image prices


Bernard Bleach

2 Years Ago

Hi David.
Hope you are well.

I just wanted to know when it comes to photographers images is it best to upload a cropped image or an image with a white border. I know buyers can enlarge or crop an image to match a phone case etc but looking at posters I personally would probably want a white border around it. Having not bought an image I dont know if that is an option. What is the best thing to do.
Best regards, in antisipation,
Bernard Bleach.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Bernard, I am well - thank you,

It is best to upload images with clean cropped edges (No Borders)

The prints that should have white borderers are done at the printers - if you add a border there would be two borders

Of course your Triptych works - like your flowers and keys would be placed on a background that is normally white or color - I have a few of them - It is fine to have some white or color edge around that type image.


Evelyne Bertrand

2 Years Ago

Hi everyone, I am pleasantly surprised... I opened my account a few hours ago...I already have some followers! There's life here!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Evelyne, Welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels.

Yes, the site is very active - even more so if you stay active inside and outside the site.

Once you have more than 10 images (That is when FAA search will pick you up) and you start following all the great tips in the discussion forum.

That is when you can get active in the Forum - Groups - Contests - Social Media etc. etc. - That is when things really start happening for you.

Have fun creating and good luck selling.


Justin Howes

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the information, it has really helped!


Catherine Thiem

2 Years Ago

Currently I have zenfolio as my website and it is quite expensive and they just upped their fees again. One of the things I like about it is when someone buys a print I get an email and then I can upload the full watermarked image to be printed. Does Fine Art America have this option as well? If so where can I read about how the selling works? Thx


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Justin, Your Welcome - so glad the info was helpful.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Catherine,

When you upload your images to FAA - you upload your highest quality and largest pixel image that you have - under 25 MB.

Your original image is stored on secure servers and never on the internet - an image under 900Pxels of you upload is shown in your sales pages.

When you image sells - FAA - uses the stored image from their secure server to print.

I hope this answers your question.. You have Beautiful Photography...

NOTE: we are not permitted to post the names of competing POD sites here on the discussion forum - would you remove the name of that other company Please.


Evelyne Bertrand

2 Years Ago

Hi, how can I modify an advertisement (example: prices or description) without deleting it?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Evelyne,

While you are signed in:

Open the image you want to make changes to>

Click on the EDIT button - under the image>

Scroll down and make any changes>

Don't forget to hit SUBMIT when you are done.


Jessica Meredith

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the guidance here. What are some thoughts on descriptions in the painting listing itself? While my art does have a lot of meaning to me on why I choose to paint the images I do, I also don't want to restrict someone else's personal experience by clouding their own formulation of meaning and what may connect them with the piece. Thanks anyone for any thoughts on this!


OUPS... QUELQUE CHOSE N'EST PAS CORRECT Veuillez utiliser uniquement AZ dans le titre de votre œuvre.

Bonjour David
Comme vous avez vu le message ci-dessus, cela m'est arrivé 4 fois maintenant lorsque je saisis un titre
J'ai déjà AZ dans une autre création; pourquoi répéter le titre; cela ne peut -il pas prêter à confusion ?
Il m'est arrivé que deux images ayant le titre similaire se chevauchent lors d'un téléchargement
Merci d'avance et bon après-midi


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Jessica,

This is a great question and something everyone struggles with – including me. : )

I can give you the basics – as I know them.

To start your description:

Describe the image as if you are on the phone with someone who cannot see the image. That is what Google and other search engines are – someone who cannot see the image. They will place your post in search according to your description.

I agree with your assessment of clouding the viewer’s perception of what to experience while looking at an image.
You can always notate why you painted it but add that art has its own distinct meaning to each viewer.

I hope this helps – It is only my opinion


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Bonjour Ruth,

Ce que signifie cet avertissement - vous ne pouvez pas entrer de caractères spéciaux tels que des virgules, des points, des points d'interrogation, même des apostrophes peuvent provoquer cet avertissement.

Vous ne pouvez ajouter que des lettres et rien d'autre à un titre.

J'espère que ça aide.


Amine Cadi

2 Years Ago


Good evening.

I receive this message

Social Media Apps Facebook

Error accessing the application
We're sorry, but the app you're trying to use doesn't exist or has been disabled.
Thank you for your interventions


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Amine,

The Auto Post from Facebook has been discontinued by Facebook - No longer works - you can still use Twitter Auto Post.

You can also use the Facebook share button and you can post manually to Facebook - that is what I do.


Amine Cadi

2 Years Ago

David Dehner

thank you very much for your clarification
I will follow your recommendations
Beautiful evening


C'était aussi simple que cela
Merci David, téléchargement satisfaisant
Bonne soirée


William Davies

2 Years Ago

Northern Lights print quality is horrendous. The blues are black and the greens are brown. Very dissatisfied with purchase. Won't make the return deadline so now I'm stuck with the purchase. Probably just throw it out. Total waste of time.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi William,

Sorry to hear your are having this issue - please contact Customer Service and they will assist you to make this right.

Use this link:

Or this phone number



Melissa Atchley

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much! I have no idea what to do or where to begin and how to even take pictures of my paintings. This is very helpful.


Godly Zay

2 Years Ago

thank u


Mawra Tahreem

2 Years Ago

How to start now .. as I am new here


Ricardo Luis

2 Years Ago

I wish I had seen this thread when I joined.

Fortunately I did nothing wrong, but gather new and better information about what to do and how to do it.

Thank you, David!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello Melissa, Godly, Mawra and Ricardo welcome to FAA / Pixels and our discussion forum.

So glad you all decided to join.


Evelyne Bertrand

2 Years Ago

Quality of printings and misconceptions possible of the website: Mister Dehner I can upload some image with a very low dpi (96), the system judge it by size, and propose me a variety of printing supports for that image size. And there's no message from FAA warning against the poor quality of my dpi before I'm putting that image online. Could be a big issue for customers?
Some printing on-demand companies as ** inc etc. have a website that judges the qualité of images submitted by the artist for impression and divides it between poor, medium, and good. There's is no doubt for the artists. Thank you for your attention.


Liath Hawke

2 Years Ago

Hi. Not sure where to ask this but is there a way to change the URL? I'm using my pen name for my art but now the URL that links to my shop is using my real name. I have no problem with it really but I would like to be consistent. Is it possible to change that in some way? Does anyone know how?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Evelyne,

It is true - FAA / Pixels does not rate your images as they are uploaded - It is entirely up to the artist to make sure what they upload is clean, clear, cropped and ready to print.

If - For some reason your sold image cannot print - FAA will contact you and tell you why it cannot print and give you the opportunity to fix what is wrong so the sale can go though.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Liath,

Abbie can change you URL to whatever you want - as long as it isn't already taken : )

I will let Abbie know that you wish to change it.-

What is the new URL you wish to have??


Liath Hawke

2 Years Ago

Thank you David! I just want it to go to my pen name, Liath LaVerne Hawke if possible! So or or something similar if it needs a number in it. I'm not very picky but I just want it to match.


Ciet Friethoff

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much for these words ,i must admit i feel a bit let alone in this . I thought to have someone here for one-on-one e-mail traffic but i am not getting any answers from anybody i send my emails to.I even woke up one day not seeing back any of my uploads and again no response on my mail .By three days after i reloaded again my works someone wrote me back he saw my works :((( and that was the end of the help
Or i sold some cups and want to know the status if they have been shipped or not ,where to go??And commands have been canceled because the shipment is half the price of the purchase ??? I live in Europe ,make it in Europe !!
Anyway i struggle on
I want to stay possitive
So shine the light please
Kind regards



David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Ciet,

Let me see if I can sort some of this out for you Ciet.

Q – Not getting answers from anyone?

A – When you need assistance you can post your question on the main discussion forum or you can use this Contact Us Button at the bottom of any page.

Customer Service (For Orders Only)

Technical Support is for members with technical questions about using the site.

Always check you spam folders in your email for replies.

Q – I want to know the status if my sold items have shipped?

A – Go to Settings> Scroll down to Accounting> Click on Sales> and Balance.

This is where you will see your sales and if any were canceled or returned.

Only the customer can see when the items were shipped – you cannot.

If you purchase something you can see when it shipped in “Purchases”

Q – Order being canceled due to shipping cost – where is it being shipped from?

A – Shipping is very expensive and I do not see the cost going down any time soon – or ever.

FAA ships worldwide from many locations – But not all locations manufacture and ship all products offered – so some products need to be shipped from other countries.

The link below is a list of all manufacturing facilities and the products that each produce.

I do hope this helps you.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Liath,

Abbie took care of your request for a URL change - It is now completed : )


Ciet Friethoff

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the time you took responding me . I know ofcourse the costs of transport are everywhere an issue but i thoughtFFA was much more introduced in manufacturing in Europe but i see it is not producing any of the merchandise like bags or textiles even puzzles etc .That makes it to hard to sell .Imagine to buy a puzzle and a cup together make €100,- add shipping costs of €45,- .This customer is not going to buy
I don’t know if FAA is willing to get foot in Europe ?It dramatically need to change this .An average shipment price in Europe is around €20 at most .I have no arguments to defend since all these articles are simple to buy in border-free Europe .
Q: i did but no responds
Untill now you are the only person helping
Many thanks
The link you gave me shows the sell we make but i would like to know the delivery-date to know if everything is working as hoped

Thank you very much for your time


Ricardo Luis

2 Years Ago

Hi everyone!
I'm a new member, and I'm having an issue with the watermark feature... When I started uploading (+- 2 weeks ago) I checked the box to turn on the watermark... But now I changed my mind, And I went to the photos, and unchecked it... but the watermark is still there...

Then I thought: "well, I'm going to delete the photos, and upload them again, leaving the watermark feature unchecked", so I did it... But even the fresh uploaded photos got watermarked ( and yes, I went to the default settings, and unchecked the watermark feature as well...)

Can anyone help me?

Thank you in advance.

Greetings from Portugal!


Liath Hawke

2 Years Ago

Thank you David and Abbie for changing it!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Ricardo,

Tech Support are the only ones that can take the watermark off the images already uploaded.

But since you deleted the images and re-uploaded them - that will also work.

I know you are still seeing the watermark - It will take 24 to 48 hours for the new images to appear because you used the same titles - It could take longer..

I noticed that two of your images have the exact same title - that can cause issues down the line - All images should have a different title - even if you just add a number or letter at the end of one.


Jim Carlen

2 Years Ago

Great info, thanks for the attention to detail and great advice.


The Zoegraphy

2 Years Ago

Thank you David, this was refreshing and helpful.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello Jim and Zoe - welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels

Have fun creating and good luck selling


Rizal Admiral budiman

2 Years Ago

Hello, i just joined yesterday


Milena Spirova

2 Years Ago

Very useful post! Thank you.



Ricardo Luis

2 Years Ago

Thank you, David!

I've changed the name of one the two "same name" photos, and now I have to wait to see if the watermarks disappear.


Peter Schoeman

2 Years Ago

Very helpful, thank you. I would like to know if Google and other search engines pick up the keywords when you post art? Or are those keywords only for FAA search?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Peter,

Keywords are mostly for internal search - Titles and Descriptions are mostly for external search engines


Melissa Atchley

2 Years Ago

How do you know what Group(s) are right for your art?
To be honest I have know idea what mine even is considered. I’m not trying To be rude or ignorant I’m just really confused.
Sorry and thanks!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Melissa,

I think your work leans toward Abstract.

But there are many groups that you can join and add work to - The group does not have to be just for abstract art.

Follow this link - I think you will find many of these groups fit general art that any artist can post to.- The first few pages are the most popular groups on FAA.

Pulse while you are on that page you can do a search for abstract


Melissa Atchley

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much!!


Charles Herrmann

2 Years Ago

This is very helpful, thank you!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

You are welcome Melissa.

Welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels Charles - So glad you decided to join us. Good luck creating and selling.


Tommi Kautiainen

2 Years Ago

thank you. really usefull information


Gabriella LaPlace

2 Years Ago



Clinton Muller

2 Years Ago

Hi all I just joined today, and i hope my journey will be awesome. I’ve noticed some talented designers on here. Let’s all have some fun and always encourage each other. Happy designing all.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello Tommi, Gabriella and Clinton,

Welcome to FAA / Pixels and thanks for joining us.

Take your time - read everything you can - get to know all the great things you can do with your new membership and most important - have fun and make friends.


Justin Williams

2 Years Ago

Thank You for your advice. This is a huge help for me.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Your Welcome Justin - and welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels


Linda Maria

2 Years Ago


I don't like that anyone can right click on an image and save to their computer. Also, the watermarks don't take to every photo. And, the watermarks aren't showing on any product. I can click art print and right click and save to my computer.
Not very secure at all. What do you think?
And I have written the company.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Linda,

Unfortunately, no site can protect work from copyright infringers who are adamant on having an image that is on their page.

As soon as you go to a site, the image is on your computer. No right-click or watermark stops that. All images go straight into a temp folder and can be grabbed from there by people who want it. That is how browsers are designed to make browsing and speed more efficient.

I only have to take a screenshot and I have any image I want, from any site.

FAA does, however, counter this with these options

1. They have no right-click on some pages but all mobiles and some browsers ignore that order. Nothing they can do about that.

2. They offer a watermark, although this does deter buyers.

3. Enlarging any thumbnails degrades the quality of the image terribly so it is useless for a print. Remember if they want the image for a phone wallpaper etc there is NOTHING they can do to stop that, even phones have screenshot takers

4. Your full resolution image is hidden away so people only see the low-resolution copy

5. On the full resolution preview on the main image pages, it only shows a small section and a border is actually removed. That way, even if people took the time to open all the full resolution image and copied each segment to stitch together, they would not get the complete image.

The low-resolution thumbnails and preview images are as safe as they can make them, your full images are not on the site


Sambel Pedes

2 Years Ago

Really useful post. Thank you


Amine Cadi

2 Years Ago

how to associate an image in discussions
Thank you


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Sambel, So glad you found this information useful - Welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels.

Hi Amine,

To Post FAA Images in Discussions / Image Threads

Open the image you want to post

Scroll down the right hand side of the image page

When you get to EMBED – copy the Embed code and past it to the discussion / Image Thread

Note: Only the code will show until after you hit “Post Reply” – then your image will show.


Amine Cadi

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much.


Megan Cornett

2 Years Ago

This was definitely very helpful !! Thank you.


Maximus Noteboom

2 Years Ago

Hi David, I hope you are well. I just started. I was wondering if you have any suggestions for getting yourself out there or improving my work? Thank you


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Megan and welcome to FAA / Pixels - Glad you decided to join.

Hi Maximus,

The image you have posted looks just fine - Don't forget use as many keywords as you can - as long as they have to do with the image you posted - using the location and name of the lake is always a good idea.

Once you get 10 images uploaded you will be in the search.

Take your time upload your best work and when you are ready for the world to see your work - follow this link from Abbie.. This will tell you how to get eyes on your work.


Maximus Noteboom

2 Years Ago

Oh wow that's actually really helpful David :) Thanks again.


Roberto Arroyo

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much David now I'll have to check on this post from time to time in order to make sure I get all this right. Hey avid would you pleas check my site to make sure I'm on the right track.
Again thank you, David


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Roberto,

First off – I like your images. When someone asks for my opinion I am very straight forward – Please don’t take it as anything but me being helpful.

Now – What you need to do to have the best chance of selling. IMHO

Your image “Lighted Sky” is a good size image 6000 x 4000 pixels – that size you are able to get a nice size print and will fit most products.

Unfortunately the other 9 images are way too small and you should re-upload all of them. Upload the original size your camera produced – Always set your camera / phone to the largest size available and then upload that size to FAA.

(From My original post)

TITLE – Give it a short but descriptive title – “A Beautiful Scene” will not tell perceptive buyers that your image is actually a Butterfly on wildflowers in Central Park.

DESCRIPTION - Just like your biography when you're uploading art into your gallery, use the "Description" field to tell the story behind the art. Google loves a good story and that can help you in searches. Tell what it is, where it is, why you painted it or photographed it.

Let’s talk about title and descriptions – all of yours can use some work – to save a lot of typing let’s just talk about the image entitled “Rock”.

Actually there are a lot more customers that would hang an image of the beach and ocean in their living room than there would be hanging an image of a rock.
Since it is a local beach I would go there – back up away from that rock and photograph the sandy path lined with high grasses leading to the ocean. That would be a great shot.

In the description you should mention why you were there – is it a beach you always visit?
Maybe that the path is used by many vacationers – or that it is a private beach and few people get to see such beauty.
Tell them what beach it is – if it is Hernando Beach in sunny Florida – say so.

You want to describe your work in the description area as if you are describing it to someone on the phone that cannot see it. Google Loves That.

The title – Maybe “Hideaway Beach on the Atlantic” Just something a bit more exciting than rock. : )

KEYWORDS – Very important for internal search – you can use up to 500 characters, use them all if you can. Note: they must relate to the image. Do not use words or phrases that have nothing to do with the image you are uploading.

I noticed you have maybe three or four keywords that are fairly generic – Your keywords are going to help determine where your image shows in the search. Again let’s use your “Rock” image.

Your keywords are rock, sand, grass, brown and landscape.

My suggestions would be. (After you change the rock image to the path to the ocean image)

ocean, beach, Hernando Beach, Florida, nature, water, coast, landscape, sea, grass, travel, vacation, sand, summer, sky, blue, coastline, tourism, shore, seascape, atlantic, sandy, wave, tropical, sun, seaside, sunlight, beautiful, sunny, outdoor, white, bay, scenic, paradise, holiday, horizon, waves, usa, beauty, scenery, outdoors, peace, Roberto Arroyo, Arroyo,

I do hope this helps you – After you get settled with uploading images and getting accustomed to the site – take a look at my other posts above – I posted a few links of great marketing advice so you can get your images in front of potential customers.


Wes Mussato

2 Years Ago

Excellent. Thank you


Amine Cadi

2 Years Ago

Hi David
by upgrading to the premium membership.

(This is a stand-alone shopping cart for your website. Copy and paste the "Embed Code" onto any page of your website, and the shopping cart, below, will appear. )

Copy and paste the "Embed Code" on any page of your website,

It seems that it does not work. Or that I don't know the tricks
Thank you


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello Wes,

You are welcome and welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels - We are glad you decided to join us -

Hello Amine,

Your website is your Premium Pixels website that you get when you upgrade to the $30.00 year membership.

It is a stand alone website and everything you upload to your FAA or Pixels pages will also upload to your Premium web site.

You do not need the stand-alone shopping cart on the premium site.

If you had your own site - for instance - - and you could manage the pages you could use the Pixels Shopping Crat on that site.


Amine Cadi

2 Years Ago

Thank you David

I have my website

what do you advise me to make better use of it?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago


Some artists go into edit mode and change the header or colors or image slides - you can do that if you wish.

I have not changed much of anything on my premium site.

Once you upgrade to Premium your Pixels Premium site will show all substrates of prints and ALL other products.

This will be the site you want to send your potential customers – They will see only your art work with no distractions or links to other artists work.

So when you post on social media - post a link back to your premium site.


Amine Cadi

2 Years Ago

Thank you David
your interventions are relevant.
always clear explanations


Judith Morales

2 Years Ago

Thank you for such an informative piece on getting started. Simple and clear. You helped me when I first joined and this really will help everyone! Thanks for creating it David!


Nina Lozej

2 Years Ago

I just joined FAA, thank you for the useful information!


Lucy Teng

2 Years Ago

As a new member, I really appreciated the helpful information. Thank you all so much!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello Judith, Nina and Lucy,

You are welcome, I am so glad that I could be a of some assistance.


Naheed Tasneem

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much David for the information!
I just joined and started adding my art. But I was getting disappointed very quickly. I know now that I have to keep adding more art work and get my socials redirected here as well.
I hope this works out :)


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Naheed,

You are correct - Like Abbie always says - "This is not a race - It is a marathon"

Good Luck to you!!


Lia Hanson

2 Years Ago

Thanks you


Raven Blackwuulf

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much for posting this amazing information, just joined here and I am looking forward to being a part of the network here.


Sue Creer

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the information.


Laura Otilia

2 Years Ago

Thank you for this post, it was very helpful!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello Lisa, Raven, Sue and Laura,

I would like to welcome you to Fine Art America / Pixels - We are glad you decided to join us.

Have fun creating and Good Luck selling.


Arifin Setiawan

2 Years Ago

Hi David,

Thank you for the information you made. I think it was so useful especially for us who are the new members. Should we join many of the contests in FAA?

Thank you!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Arifin,

Yes - Join contests that match your images - Contests have been know to produce sales - visitors do look at contest entries.


Rhonda Scott

2 Years Ago

Thank you very much for all the helpful info!


Zack Chiswell

2 Years Ago

Thanks for the help


Virginia McCutchen

2 Years Ago

This was really helpful


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello Rhonda, Zack and Virginia

Glad you found some of this information useful.

Welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels


Vision Refined

2 Years Ago

Hello everyone . I think i did the above right . How much time did it take you , to make that first sale ?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Vision,

Everyone is different for a multitude of reasons - I myself made my first sale on FAA / Pixels exactly one month after I joined.

From Abbie:

Uploading images on Fine Art America is half of the work. The other half is marketing. Fine Art America is a platform for artists and photographers to run their own businesses. The artists that are successful on Fine Art America do outside marketing to promote their work and we offer a handful of different marketing tools to help you e.g. Shopping Cart Widget, Email Campaign, etc. So I would definitely take a look at these features (found 'Settings') to help get some sort of marketing plan in action.

Being an active member on Fine Art America is also a plus - we have a very large community of artists and photographers. 'Favoriting' images, leaving comments, participating in discussion forums, etc., are big ways to get your work noticed! I would also look into uploading more images.

We have over 7 million images listed on Fine Art America, , so if there is no marketing and promotion done on your end, your images will get lost in the mix. If you follow all of these suggestions you will appear higher and more often in the search engine.

We cannot tell why some sell and why some do not so we cannot give that kind of advice.


Anna Vita

2 Years Ago

VERY helpful. Thank you, David!


Crafty Cathy

2 Years Ago

Great advice and I am acting on it!


Mohini Gupta

2 Years Ago

Its too Helpful!! Thank you


Virginia McCutchen

2 Years Ago

I'm still having problems uploading my art . I notice only around 9 or 10 the choose file button works but anytime after or before I press button and nothing happens it won't upload my photos. Do y'all only allow upload at a certain time. Because I'm stumped on why some days it works and some days it doesn't. I don't know if it's on my end are you end but every time I complain it works again. And I got a bunch of photos I need to upload. Help! I'm so frustrated


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Virginia,

From Abbie:

Please try a different browser first to make sure you do not have any extensions stopping you

Make sure the images are under 25mb

You are not uploading from a memory card but uploading to your computer and then loading here

Your filename is correct and shows no spaces or .'s where they should not be.

You are not using 'Redirect Remover' or 'Social Tracker Stopper' addons on the browser

Avast Anti-track has been shown to stop uploading. They have been informed but may not change anything

You have tried a different browser

It is taking under 15 minutes (any longer is a connection issue)

You have checked your cookies on your router and tried resetting it

Try a direct, wired connection (with an ethernet cord) before anything else and see if it improves.
If not, go here:
If your speeds are above 2 Mbps, that shouldn't be the problem.
If it's slower than 2 Mbps, you might want to look into upgrading your internet service to a higher speed.
Then head to:
If your grade is A or B, that shouldn't be the problem.
If it's C or lower, you might want to contact your internet service provider and tell them you've got poor line quality. They may send a tech out to check your lines.
95% of the time, slow internet speeds are due to high volumes of traffic taxing your service provider. Try testing your connection again in the morning or very late at night (at off-peak times).


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello Anna, Kathy and Mohini,

Welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels - Have fun creating and good luck selling.


Richard Brooks

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the informative introduction!


Ajaj Monir

2 Years Ago

Thanks for your information


Jennifer Santa Maria

2 Years Ago

Tips for photographing artwork? Struggling with this one. I've tried lighting of all types, at all angles, I've tried direct and indirect sunlight....I still have problems with shadows appearing and also the artwork bending and curving even when pinned at the corners. I don't have a fancy camera - just my Android Note on a tripod. How do other artists photograph their artwork?


Here you go

How To a photograph Your Artwork

Normally in the FAQ


Ciet Friethoff

2 Years Ago

I am very happy with all the information you give us here . That is why I also ask you the following question . Earlier I already expressed my concern about the fact that all merchandise from America has to come to Europe and I asked if it could soon come from Europe itself. Now I add that the height of the shipping costs caused by this seems even higher. I have a customer who buys about 10 items simultaneously but has to pay high shipping costs for each product while of course it will all be sent simultaneously in a non-bulky packaging. Why is my customer not getting a fair shipping price?
You must understand that since the Corona pandemic my customers are very aware of how to do that better and I have to compete with Amazon and Co.
I hope you can shine your light for me

Kind regards


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Ciet,

Here is a link to all our manufacturing locations

If everything is coming from one location it may help if you contact Customer Service to ask about shipping while the items are still in your shopping cart and ask them the same question.

Of course if the items are coming from different locations there will be separate shipping charges.


Ciet Friethoff

2 Years Ago

Perfect answer
Thank you so much and i will do so
Happy you are here for us 🤗


Pauline Rance

2 Years Ago

Thank you for this post.


Pauline Rance

2 Years Ago

Hello, I am experiencing a difficulty in uploading images. My images are jpg format and smaller than 25mb. I get error messages that my images are too large. Please assist me. Thanks.


Meredith Gould

2 Years Ago

New to FAA and this was super-helpful. Thanks!


Eric Takukam

2 Years Ago

Hello everyone. I am Eric from Cameroon. New to I Thank you to welcome me in this group.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello Pauline, Meredith and Eric,

Welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels

Pauline, (Difficulty Uploading)

This can happen when you have just uploaded from an SD card version or are using a mobile device. Their updates stopped images saving as jpg and are now saving as HEIC or HEIF

You can go into your settings on your mobile devise and change it to not do that.

This can also happen to any image.

You may need to open your photo editor and open the image and then RE-SAVE AS jpg

From Abbie:

Please try a different browser first to make sure you do not have any extensions stopping you

Make sure the images are under 25mb

You are not uploading from a memory card but uploading to your computer and then loading here

Your filename is correct and shows no spaces or .'s where they should not be.

You are not using 'Redirect Remover' or 'Social Tracker Stopper' addons on the browser

Avast Anti-track has been shown to stop uploading. They have been informed but may not change anything

You have tried a different browser

It is taking under 15 minutes (any longer is a connection issue)

You have checked your cookies on your router and tried resetting it

Try a direct, wired connection (with an ethernet cord) before anything else and see if it improves.

If not, go here:

If your speeds are above 2 Mbps, that shouldn't be the problem.

If it's slower than 2 Mbps, you might want to look into upgrading your internet service to a higher speed.

Then head to:

If your grade is A or B, that shouldn't be the problem.

If it's C or lower, you might want to contact your internet service provider and tell them you've got poor line quality. They may send a tech out to check your lines.

95% of the time, slow internet speeds are due to high volumes of traffic taxing your service provider. Try testing your connection again in the morning or very late at night (at off-peak times).


Baladeco Art

2 Years Ago

Thank you very much for all the helpful info!


Ann Gillard

2 Years Ago

This is great - thanks!


Abhijeet Ghorpade

2 Years Ago

Thanks for the suggestions and advises here.
It will help me as I am a new joiner in this group.


OOPS... SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT Your CREDIT CARD NUMBER is invalid. Please double check and re-enter the full card number.

Bonjour David

C'est le même message qui apparait en saisissant les informations pour l'abonnement Premium
J'ai téléphoné à ma Banque pour me renseigner sur les numéros au dos de la carte
Ils m'ont indiquée; mais cela ne fonctionne toujours pas
Je souhaite continuer à télécharger les images, mais ne puis encore aller au-delà des 25
Merci d'avance et bonne journée


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Bonjour Ruth,


Je suis désolé pour le problème que vous semblez avoir avec cette transaction.

Malheureusement, lorsqu'une carte de crédit est refusée, la seule information que nous recevons de notre processeur de carte de crédit est le mot "REFUSÉ".

Une carte de crédit peut être refusée pour plusieurs raisons :

1 Vous avez entré le mauvais numéro de carte.
2 Vous avez entré la mauvaise adresse de facturation.
3 Vous avez entré le mauvais numéro CVV2 (c'est-à-dire le numéro au dos de la carte).
4 Vous avez dépassé la limite de dépenses quotidiennes de votre carte (par exemple, 1 000 $ par jour).
5 Vous essayez d'utiliser une carte prépayée

Si votre carte a été refusée, veuillez vérifier que toutes les informations de votre carte de crédit sont correctes et essayez de soumettre à nouveau votre commande. Si votre carte est refusée la deuxième fois, assurez-vous que vous ne dépassez pas votre limite de dépenses quotidiennes.

Assurez-vous de saisir à nouveau TOUS les détails, pas seulement une partie qui a changé


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello Baladeco, Ann and Abhijeet,

Welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels - so glad you decided to join us.

Have fun creating and good luck selling


Bukola Aina

2 Years Ago

Thanks for the post. It was really helpful


Bonjour et merci David pour toutes les précisions


Osman hakan Peker

2 Years Ago

Thank you this article was very helpful


Tout va bien David
La Banque avait tout simplement bloqué
car ils attendaient la confirmation téléphonique.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Your Welcome Bukola and Osman - Glad you found the information useful


Je suis content que tout ait marché.

Je vois que votre nouveau site Premium Pixels est déjà en place et actif


Karine Nantel Legros

2 Years Ago

Hello I entered my PayPal email and click submit
It says your changes have been saved for a moment and disappears.. like if I haven’t submit..
I guess it’s all good..?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Karine,

Open Settings > Scroll down to Accounting > Open Payment Information > If your PayPal email address is there – your good.

If it is not there – enter it and hit SUBMIT again..


Karine Nantel Legros

2 Years Ago

Thank you:)
I saw after that I had received many confirmation email as I pressed more than once:)


From Natures Arms Art

2 Years Ago

Great info, thanks.


Essam Falcon

2 Years Ago

Iwanna discuss about that


Ai Dabbler

2 Years Ago

Hello David,

How can I upload a custom Collection Logo?
Can I use existing 'work' and use it as a Collection Logo?

Many thanks for all your help.



David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Szymon,

Go to your Collections Tab under your Profile Image

Click EDIT under the collection you want to work with>

Scroll down and pick the image you want and click USE AS LOGO on the extreme right hand side>

Don’t forget to hit SUBMIT before you leave


Ai Dabbler

2 Years Ago

Thank you:)


Nicola Garner

2 Years Ago

This is very helpful. I am just starting out on FAA. My main problem is taking photos that work on the site. I have taken photos of all the paintings I have sold but discovered the pixels weren't high enough to print from. I have since changed the settings on my iphone and it seems to be working but I only have recent paintings to post. I am also having a hard time getting quality photos. The one I just posted was actually subtle shades of purple but it looks bright blue. Also the clouds and pink doesn't stand out like the original. Any suggestions to improve please?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Nicola,

Your paintings are very nice indeed. Wonderful work.

What a shame you don't have good photographs of your prior paintings - The original photographs should not be enlarged - due to pixilation / blurriness issues.

You should always use the best camera / phone / scanner you have - and always set on the highest size / quality.

Rich is our resident expert at photographing your work - follow this link for his thread on photographing originals.

Note: Each monitor is a bit different - so colors and shades will look different than the original - monitors should be calibrated to show proper colors and shades.

The images you upload are the colors and shades that will print - but each persons monitor may show slight differences


Nicola Garner

2 Years Ago

Hi David,

Thank you for responding. I will use the link you provided. I'm going to hang my latest one at work so maybe I will get a better picture there. I have more natural light than at my house. I also have two more originals I can take a photo of.



Barbara Hutchins

2 Years Ago

Hi David,
Thanks for the helpful info on how to use the site. Giving it a whirl!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello Barbara,

Welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels - So glad you found this information helpful -


Madisson Del Cristo

2 Years Ago

This was very helpful thank you!


Ciet Friethoff

2 Years Ago

Hi David
I am very shocked
A lot of my collection is disappearing
I see many strange effects on my website and i lost 75 of my uploaded works
I have sent a message ofcourse
But this did already happen to me in the beginning
I thought it was my mistake not knowing how and what
Now i realy need to know if this is happening more often and why and if more people live this horrible event

Thank you


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Ciet,

I sent you a Private message


Priya Garg

2 Years Ago

I am a new artist from india


Xiaowei Kuang

2 Years Ago

Oh this taught me, thanks for the help


Enas Elgehmi

2 Years Ago

how will I receive the money? and why can't I decide on the price as it gives me meager prices for what I've been working for hours


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Enas,

Q – How will I receive my money?

A – You get paid though PayPal

You need to do the following to get paid your markup.

Go to Settings and then Accounting open Payment Information and enter your PayPal email address. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can set one up for free by visiting

Remember – you won’t get paid until you complete this section.

Q – How do I set my prices (Markup)

A - You will need to enter your own markup – that is the amount of money you receive for each sale.

Go to Settings and then GENERAL click on the DEFAULT SETTINGS. Take your time and fill in all your markups. When you are finished do not forget to click the SAVE CHANGES button.

If there are items you do not wish to sell - just leave the mark-up blank - no -0 no - dash - just blank.

Now when you upload images all your markups will automatically fill with the amounts you selected in the DEFAULT SETTINGS.

To change the markup on the image you already have uploaded.
Click Edit under the image and scroll down to change your markup on each product – don’t forget to hit Submit when you are done.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello Madisson, Priya and Xiaowei

Welcome to FAA / Pixels - so glad you decided to join us.

Have fun creating and good luck selling


M Scott Photography

2 Years Ago

Good morning. How do I post an image to a discussion thread?

Thank you


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Michael,

To post an image in a discussion thread.

Open the image you want to post

Scroll down the right hand side of the image page

When you get to EMBED – copy the Embed code and past it to the discussion / Image Thread

Note: Only the code will show until after you hit “Post Reply” – then your image will show.


Willow Vandoloski

2 Years Ago

Thank you for sharing this information! Starting out can be overwhelming but this really relieved that anxiety I had!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Willow,

Thank you for joining us here at FAA / Pixels.

Most of my life I caused Anxiety - so glad for once I relived it : - )

Have fun creating and good luck selling


Chakib ELkhllioui

2 Years Ago

THANK YOU so much for that , is importan any beginning in it


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Chakib,

Welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels - Glad this thread has helped you -


Charlotte Hickman

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the info!


Reaux Leon

2 Years Ago

Thanks so much for the info, it really helped me get started!!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello Charlotte and Reaux,

Welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels - so glad you decided to join us.

Have fun creating and good luck selling


Sabina Pamfili

2 Years Ago

I just read all the advice you posted for New members and I love the way you said it. THANK YOU for the advice and thank you for making me smile. I am a relatively new member even though I joined in 2018. Like I tell in my profile, life got in the way and I stopped for a while. Now I am back and I will have to come and visit the discussions here because I still have a lot to learn about uploading my work and even 'getting it ready' to actually be uploaded. If you could direct me to a link relating to what else I need to know, please let me know.
Again, thank you.


Virginia McCutchen

2 Years Ago

Thank you but what sites tend to help bring in sells the most


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Sabrina,

Welcome Back - I am so glad you found this information useful -

To answer your question - there are so many helpful artists that have posted great information - I picked Rich's post about copying images because that is one of the fist important things we need to get right upfront.

If you need help with other subjects - the best thing to do is run a search for that subject in the main discussion forum - Lots of great information.

Have fun creating - Good Luck selling


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Virginia, Welcome to FAA / Pixels,

Q - What sites tend to bring in sales the most?

I believe you are referring to Social Media Sites?

Any Social Media site can be a great way to get potential buyers eyes on your work.

Which site to use is a great question - if there was one that produced the most sales all of us would be using it : )

You can post a couple of your images on all the SM site each day and you may get some response - but it is best to pick one or two and work on them - build a following -

interact with potential buyers - post with links back to your sales page - It will take work and time before you see results.

Here is a link that could help get your work in front of potential buyers


Milo Vaughan

2 Years Ago

Thank you!


Ingrid Lindberg

2 Years Ago

Thanks so much for posting this. Been using this site blindly without any strategy. I'll get my bio up today. :)


Miguel Bergseng

2 Years Ago

thank you


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Milo, Ingrid and Miguel,

Welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels - Glad the information was helpful.

Have fun creating and good luck selling..



2 Years Ago

Thank you for the vital information, much appreciated!


Bayuktx Artstudio

2 Years Ago



David Schram

2 Years Ago

Thank you for this post - love it...


Celine Williams

2 Years Ago

I just started here and this is wonderful advice. Thank you!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello Kathy, Bayuktx, David and Celine,

Your welcome - So glad you found this information helpful.

It's great you all decided to join us here at FAA / Pixels


Karen Burns

2 Years Ago

Thank you for this post. It is very helpful. I do have questions that I’m not easily finding answers to, pertaining to discussions and contests. What is an embedded code, and how do I submit that?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Karen,

Post FAA Images in Discussions / Image Threads

Open the image you want to post

Scroll down the right hand side of the image page

When you get to EMBED – copy the Embed code and past it to the discussion / Image Thread

Note: Only the code will show until after you hit “Post Reply” – then your image will show.

When it comes to contests:

Open the contest you want to enter

Scroll down the right hand side of the contest page

When you get to JOIN THE CONTEST - click to submit your artwork

Under the artwork you want to submit click ADD



2 Years Ago

There is really helpful me and other so thank you sir.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Welcome to FAA / Pixels Grant and Moradhawj - glad you decided to join us,

Grant - If you only want to sell Greeting Cards - you will need to sell at least one print size - or your cards will not show up.

So you can place a Mark-up in the smallest size print and then place a mark-up on Greeting Cards.

Any product or size print you do not want to sell leave the mark-up completely blank - no dash - no 0 - no space

Good Luck to you both -


Alyssa Hudson

2 Years Ago

Thank you for this helpful information!


Grand Creation

2 Years Ago

This information is important and educative.I have learnt a lot from it.Thank you.


Amine Cadi

2 Years Ago

Hi David

how Copy and paste the "Embed Code" onto any page of website,
Can you check if gift cards are correcty active on my site? ( )
Thank you
. I use a translator


Amine Cadi

2 Years Ago

Thank you Abbie. But its not the same "Embed Code"

Widget #2: 300 x 120

This is a 300 x 120 widget combined with a pop-up shopping cart. Copy and paste the "Embed Code" onto any page of your website, and the widget will appear. The images in the widget will scroll from right to left automatically. If a visitor to your website clicks on one of the images, a complete shopping cart system will pop up (see Widget #1, above). You can customize the appearance of the widget using the options on the left. You can customize the appearence of the shopping cart by editing Widget #1, above. In both cases, click "Save Changes" to see the changes take effect. The images in this widget are offset to the right so that you can upload your own background image with your own custom branding (e.g. headshot, company name, etc.)


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Amine,

The widgets / shopping cart are not for FAA / Pixels sites.

They are for websites / blogs that you can manage the back end.

You would add the HTML code in the administrative area of your personal website and visitors can purchase your images using that shopping cart


Shanna Tomlin Trudell

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the great info!


Amine Cadi

2 Years Ago

Thank you Abbie&David



2 Years Ago

I appreciate feedback and support with the way in which Fine Art America works with the various settings. I am trying to improve upon the way in which my shop and website looks. Any help is appreciated.


MX Sisters

2 Years Ago

Hello David,

Thank you for the post! I was growing weary of updating my prices each time I uploaded something. ;)

MX Sisters


Denise Walker

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the helpful information!


Barry Byrum

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your info!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Your Welcome Shanna, MX Sisters, Denise, and Barry,

So glad you are her at FAA / Pixels with us.

Have fun creating and good luck selling.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Kathy,

There are two things that I can suggest that will help you move forward here at FAA / Pixels.

You need to upload a Profile Image

And - In order to get more eyes on your work - Use social media - don't forget to post a link back to your Premium Pixels site.

It is up to you to drive customers to your work - Use social media, business cards, art shows, anything that will drive folks to see your work on your sales page.


Anthony Whittum

2 Years Ago

Hello - I may have missed the answer to this question in the long discussion string... Regarding My Bio - The FAA site says "Coming Soon"... is there a minimum number of pieces that need to be posted for the Bio to be visible or is there something I'm missing?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Tony, Welcome to FAA / Pixels,

I see your Bio is posted in your FAA and Pixels sites.

If you want it on your Premium Pixels site you will need to write it again - it will not auto post to that site.

Sign- in to your Premium Pixels site as administrator>

Click on EDIT>

Click on HOMEPAGE>

Click on ABOUT>

Complete you Bio and don’t forget to hit Apply Changes before you leave.


Luis Conde

2 Years Ago

Thank you,this is helpful.


Anthony Whittum

2 Years Ago

Hi David - Thank you for your help!
I do see my Bio on my FAA page, but I am unable to login to my Pixels (Premium?) site.
It says it does not recognize my email address.
Can you help?
Much appreciated.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Tony,

That - I cannot do - : )

If is has a "Forgot Sign-on" use that to reset your sign-on

If it does not - You should contact Tech Support - use the link below


Reagan Elizabeth

2 Years Ago

Great info for new members, thank you


Shawntae Brown

2 Years Ago

This post was full of great advice for artists on the platform, thanks David!


Kristin O'Dell

2 Years Ago

Thank you I've posted about 50 images with short descriptions and Nestor. Now my posts have substance, a pretty good story to every piece and short names.
And I'm using every key word sometimes I have to erase some.
I hope this gets me outings the world. Myartmeans everything to me . I Live eat sleep art. I'm a addicted artist, attached to my precious tablet always making something new before the other50 even had a chance to get out. I'm overwhelmed with the amount of art that is so very important tome every piece I am uploading till dawn, and right back on in the morningtrying to get as much up as possible. I have been creating on a daily basis and selling with 5000 listings on Facebook, working on Ebay and etsy. Bug itsso hard to choose what to put up and in what order. If become overwhelming to groups or miss a rule, I'm not doing it intentionally. I just have a lot, diverse and I'm very proud of all my children. Every one is unique and I've birthed 50,000 pieces every one important . Its great you have advice for star upside. I really want to dedicate to creating a great website and breath taking gallery. My art I'd mystery, and soul.created yet more like birthed. I go through so much labor process when it's delivered I'm exhausted and drained.
I want to be an active member and I've joined about 30 groups, but a lot is sad that I can only post one image a day when I've uploaded 30 in a day, all very important. How will they get noticed and is it okay that I'm asking for reaction actions like and comments I am trying to communicate with fellow artists. J guess patience. Is it desperate to ask for a comment or a like?


Royal Benton

2 Years Ago

Thank you! This was very encouraging!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Reagan, Shawntae, Kristin, and Royal,

Welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels – So glad you all joined us and happy to hear this information was helpful.

Kristin – Joining groups, entering contests and being active on the site is a great way for you to get noticed.

Note: do not ask for comments and favorites – being active on the site – they will come naturally.

The best way to get potential buyers eyes on your work is to market yourself off the site – check the link below for great marketing advice.



2 Years Ago

Good evening,

Im new, and its a pleasure sharing my art with you all


Sharney Jones-Rhodes

2 Years Ago

Thank you immensely. One thing I can not understand is I only want to post paintings and photographs. However, the site is making other items such as exp. towels how do I remedy this.
O' Jones


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Sharney,

If there are items you do not want to sell just leave the markup on those items blank - no 0 - no dash - no space - just blank and they will not be for sale.


Marcie Ann Long

2 Years Ago

I opened this account for my wife and want to connect her twitter account . But so far when I go to enable twitter it only give me my twitter account. needing some help. Thanks in advance.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Marcie's Husband,

Try This:

Go to Settings> Public Profile > Contact Information >

Under – make sure it is your wife’s twitter address and not yours

Don’t forget to hit “Save Changes” before you leave

Now try to set-up the Auto Twitter


Ana Anchundia

2 Years Ago

thanks for this info


John Weeks

2 Years Ago

Hi everyone! I just joined less than two weeks ago and this is all new to me. My biography tells a little history about my life. I am open to helpful ideas and constructive criticism.


Ellis Eclipse

2 Years Ago

I did the most out of the checklist and as I being to add much more serious and experimental virtual photographs to my catalog, I would love to get feedback from everyone that visits my page. I still hold on to the patronage of established galleries and museums supporting my work but i do understand that i need to gather money to get there and being here is a hopeful step to my dream of being recognized or inclusive in this "art world"


Renata Segtowick

2 Years Ago

Hi David and everyone, just got here and find your tips very useful. Thank you a lot and regards from Amazonia!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Ana, John, Ellis and Renata,

Welcome to Fine Art America / Pixels - So glad you all decided to join us.

Have fun creating and good luck selling


Matt Vesce

2 Years Ago

Hi. I welcome any advice for a new artist. Thanks!


Mohmmed Jmail

2 Years Ago

This was really helpful thanks!


Sharon Duke

2 Years Ago

Great advice. Thanks so much for sharing.


Linda Murdock West

2 Years Ago

This post has helped me get started. Thanks so much for all the info.


Julie Brayton

2 Years Ago

I started on FAA in 2012. my url was
I closed the account a few years later. Then I recently reopened in 2020. I had asked to ReOpen the old account but instead was given a new one.
The old url is not connected to the new url. A Google search finds the old url but not the new and they are not connected for patrons, only for me to login to. I would like my original url but with my new files moved into it. That was my original request before I had added work to the new.

Or I would like the old url completely deleted and unsearchable so my new one can get picked up.

I had talked to someone before since I've been back in but with no success.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Welcome Back Julie,

Your old account has not been closed - that is why you are having these issue.

If you can still sign-on to your old account.

Open settings > click on Close Account and hit YES

That will close your old account.



2 Years Ago

Thank you for the post, I will reference this discussion as I continue to get started sharing some artwork on this site. Cheers, Barrett


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Matt, Mohmmed, Sharon, Linda and Barrett,

So glad to see you all here at FAA / Pixels

Have fun creating and good luck selling


Chanthini Sims

2 Years Ago

Thanks David for the step by step start up guide. Now I can get to work streamlining my experience with fine art America.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Your welcome Chanthini - So glad you found it helpful.

Welcome to FAA / Pixels.


Deborah Burns

2 Years Ago

Thank you for this post. A lot of helpful information here for newcomers!!!


Sibel Kuzey

2 Years Ago

thanks, it was very good


Melih Boruban

2 Years Ago

helped a lot thanks!


Mirela Benes

2 Years Ago


I just joined and I have a question. Unfortunately, Customer Support wasn't able to help, so I hope I might get an answer here.
I saw that Customers can order merchandise with my design on it. Is that a Business of FAA or are the Artists getting anything from it, since it is their design?
Thank you for helping.


Victoria Art

2 Years Ago

Just joined, thank you for the great info?


Franky De Meyer

2 Years Ago

I joined 2 years ago, but only now (finally?) got around to actually uploading some of my work. It's a lot of work, but still I enjoyed doing it. Hope it will be appreciated by the visitors and members of this site. Thanks for the great and extensive explanation!


Jailey A

2 Years Ago

Thank you for your help!


Sheryl Boch-Lloyd

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the great tips.



2 Years Ago

Thank you for the inspiring information. It gives me great pleasure to be amongst great creators in the art world. Hopefully we all can be an inspiration to each other. Once again, thank you for this humbling experience.


Amy Meng

2 Years Ago

Your suggestions are very helpful to me, I've never used any websites to promote myself ever to the extent of actual selling of my art. I value your insight.
Thank you


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Deborah, Sibel, Melih, Mirela, Victoria, Franky, Jailey, Sheryl, Shawn, and Amy,

Sorry - I was away for a bit.

Welcome to FAA / Pixels everyone - so glad you decided to join / re-join us.

Great to hear this information was helpful to you.

Have fun creating and good luck selling

Mirela - Everything sold on this site including prints and merchandise benefits the artist in the form of a markup. All you need to do is add a markup to anything you wish to sell - and when it sells you receive that markup. If there is something you do not wish to sell - just do not add a markup - leave it blank - no 0 - no dash - no space.

I hope this helps.


Bonjour David,
D'après ce que j'ai lu dans un forum, la plupart de mes images sont floues. je pensais avoir fait le nécessaire.
Je souhaite totalement remettre le site à neuf ou le supprimer. Quel conseil pourriez-vous le donner?
Merci et bon dimanche


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Bonjour Ruth,

J'ai jeté un œil à tes images.

Ils semblent être un peu flous / pixélisés.

Ils donnent l'impression que vous les avez créés petits puis agrandis avant de les télécharger.

Si vous avez toujours les images d'origine - avant qu'elles ne soient agrandies et qu'elles mesurent peut-être entre 3000 et 4000 pixels, vous pouvez simplement changer les images - au lieu de supprimer votre travail et de recommencer.

Mais – si vous n'avez pas enregistré vos tailles d'origine – vous devrez peut-être recommencer.

Créez votre art - en commençant par une toile numérique de grande taille, peut-être 8000 pixels ou plus - n'agrandissez jamais votre travail une fois qu'il est terminé - cela le rendra flou / pixélisé.

Si vous utilisez des images du domaine public - assurez-vous qu'il s'agit d'images grandes / claires - regardez-les à 100% avant de les utiliser pour vous en assurer.

Désolé que vous ayez terminé 69 œuvres avant que cela ne soit découvert - bonne chance à vous.


Je vous remercie David pour vos excellents et encourageants conseils
Je vais utiliser les images 3000/4000 Pixels en attendant de me servir d'un appareil photo
ou du scan , ou essayer à 8000 Pixels
Je réserverais uniquement les images qui ont été sélectionnées dans les groupes
Ne soyez pas beaucoup désolé, je n'avais pas ces précieux conseils dans un autre site
Mes amitiés


Qinghui Ge

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the information. I am a self taught artist who just start selling. I’m wondering if I’m able to disable certain categories of product,? for example I feel my picture is not good for duvet cover, or the horizontal pictures are not good for phone cases.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Qinghui,

Welcome to FAA / Pixels

If there are any products you do not wish to sell - just leave the markup completely blank for that product - no 0 - no space - no dash.


Andrea Shrout

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much! I started a profile years ago yet didn't take the time to do all of this... I anticipate more interactions, feedback and sales due to your information!


Rebecca Warren

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the helpful info!


Pam Thomas

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the information, it was very helpful in getting started.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Andrea, Rebecca and Pam,

Welcome and Welcome Back to FAA / Pixels.

So glad you decided to join us here.

Have fun creating and good luck selling.


M A - Art Creations

2 Years Ago

Hi David, Thank you very much for all the useful information. I wish you a nice day.


Miguel Gutierrez

2 Years Ago

Hi, I’m just starting right now, thanks a lot for the advices, still trying to get this, lots of prices to set!


Miguel Gutierrez

2 Years Ago

Hello, guys. Got a question, and I’d appreciate if you can help me. I have three twitter accounts and when I try to link this page with my twitter, it doesn’t allow me to choose the account, and the one that appear os not the right one for this topic. Can you help me? Thank you!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Try this Miguel,

Hover over your name – Top Right Corner>

On the drop down menu - Click on Setting>

Under Public Profile - Click on Contact Information>

Make sure the Twitter Address is the one you want>

Be sure to hit Save Changes before you leave.

If that does not do it – you will need to contact Tech Support using the following link.


Joy Chang

2 Years Ago

This is really helpful, thanks!


Belle Anderson

2 Years Ago



Yousef Alhadi

2 Years Ago

Thanks for your recommendation , appreciated



Log out of the one you don't want and be sure you're logged in the correct one... Then try


Mary Schram

2 Years Ago

Thank you for this helpful information!


Karen Rand Anderson

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much for this intro info!! I"m just getting started, and appreciate any help I can get. Will head to the settings and start my research. ;-)


Karen Rand Anderson

2 Years Ago

I have a question about print quality. I've uploaded images that are 72 dpi, usually 5-18 MB. Will they print ok as fine art prints at larger sizes? Should I have them be 300 dpi instead? Thanks!!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Karen,

Welcome to FAA / Pixels -

dpi means very little here at FAA / Pixels - Any MB is fine under 25 - Pixels is what counts for the larger products - Here are image sizes for products.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Here is some important information for all new members -

If you sell an image FAA will refuse to print it if the image shows.......

Bad cropping
Blurriness not in keeping with the image (ie not meant to be there)
normal font signature (Arial, Times New Roman etc)
signature cropped half off the image
large watermarks
noticeable camera flash
Upsized images

FAA does not do quality control until you sell so, it is your responsibility to quality control your images carefully before uploading. You do this by zooming in using a photo editor to 100% and then carefully going over the image, checking for the above defects

Read this thread for original art copying techniques


Jerry Lohman

2 Years Ago

"About" section:

I entered text in this area a long time ago, but it only shows "Coming soon" on the home page. My logo image shows, but not the text. What am I missing?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Jerry,

When entering your biography you can use A to Z, Numbers, Periods and Commas.

Other special characters should not be used or the bio will not show on your page.

Also Copying and Pasting your bio may have a negative effect on it appearing on your site.


Jerry Lohman

2 Years Ago

Thank you, David. That fixed it.


Alysia Ssentamu

2 Years Ago

Very helpful thanks - much appreciated


Very helpful, thanks


Kelvin Aligwo

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the information.


Debby Rose

2 Years Ago

Hi David,

Thank you so much for this post. It made all the difference with me being able to actually get up and running here!

I do have a question. I've so far uploaded 26 photos and they are showing up all together with no spaces between them just like they would on Flickr or Instagram. Did I miss something in settings about how to properly set things up? I notice other sellers pages I look at have nice spacing between their images and also more information below each image, including title, artist, and price. It looks so much better that way.

Thanks so much again!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Debby,

No – You did not do anything wrong..

Your page preference is set to “IMAGES” and that is how it is set to look.

You can change your preference From IMAGES to COLLECTIONS or SHOP

Here is how you do it:

Hover over your name – upper right corner>

On the drop – down menu click Settings>

Then click Default Settings>

Right at the top see Profile Page – Default Settings>

Since you do not have any Collections yet – Set it to “Shop”>

Before you leave - Scroll to the bottom of the page and hit Save Changes

Now when you or a customer comes to your page – it will be your Shop page.

You can change it back again just by following the steps above.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello and welcome - Alysia, Dayang, Kelvin and Debby,

So glad you all decided to join us here on FAA / Pixels

Have fun creating and good luck selling..


Karen Rand Anderson

2 Years Ago

Hi David...

I am slowly getting going with my page, 12 images. And now I am worried that the quality of the images is not good enough. They are an average of 5-10 MB, mostly under 5000 pixels, and for the most part regular iPhone images, not taken by a professional photographer.I am not a photographer by a long shot, and I don't have Photoshop, but have managed to get by so far just with my own photos of my work. They are ok for my website and exhibition purposes. I see that other artists have images that are 10,000+ pixels. :-(

If possible, can you take a look at my images to let me know if they are satisfactory for printing? I may have to start over from square one... I really hope not.

Thank you for all your help getting going with FAA!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Karen,

Not to worry – you do not need to start over from scratch.

I really like your style of painting – It is clear that they are landscapes – but abstract enough to visualize many other things – even though they are acrylic – they have a watercolor look to them – and they have wonderful colors.

OK – being on the abstract side they can be a little on the off focus side for printing – so you are good there.

I did notice that with the size of the uploads you should be able to have 50” prints printed – but it seems you only have up to 30” prints priced.
Lots of buyers like large prints – so if you can price prints above 30” that may help you sell.

Some phones are very good for taking photos – just be sure you have your phone programed to take the largest size.

I did notice you may be having a hard time with Tags / Keywords – I know that can be difficult with abstract art.

Here is some keyword help for abstracts: From Abbie:


Karen Rand Anderson

2 Years Ago

Oh thanks so much David ! Feeling better already. I took the larger sized prints off because I was afraid they wouldn’t work , but now I’ll go back and include them.
I haven’t “launched” my FAA page yet but after I get more images up and the wrinkles ironed out I’ll start putting the word out on my social media and websites.

And thanks so much for your kind words about my work 😊


Caitlin Graves

2 Years Ago

Thanks for this! Super helpful!


Faheemat Odoutchokan

2 Years Ago

This was very very helpful. I appreciate the tips!


Faheemat Odoutchokan

2 Years Ago

I wanted to ask though, if anyone could review my page and my first artwork to see how it is so far.


Karen Rand Anderson

2 Years Ago

Question: How can I change the order of my images on my profile page?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Karen,

Please follow the link below - and scroll down to the last post in the thread - from Abbie.

Once these tests are done - you can place your images in any order you like.

Click on "IMAGES" just below your profile image >

Click on the EDIT at the bottom of an image - or - Click on the pencil icon on the image>

On the drop-down - select the position you want that image to go to.


Karen Rand Anderson

2 Years Ago

Thanks David! Lots to learn...


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

You are correct Karen - Lots to learn.

I am here 10 years and I'm still learning - But heck - that's part of the fun..


Nour Nasser

2 Years Ago

Thanks a lot that was helpful! still struggling here but hope I could find some time to sort things out! ^^


Atira Robinson

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the helpful tips. I just joined and uploaded my first image, I am still learning and getting to know this site.


Fabio Fernandes

2 Years Ago



Karen Rand Anderson

2 Years Ago

Technical glitch..? I am resetting default pricing for my products, and wanted to have ornaments available. I've gone back into each piece and made ornaments available, but when I go onto my shop page and search ornaments, it says there are none. Also-- I wanted to make t-shirts unavailable, and it seems it won't let me make them unavailable. Maybe it just takes a while for the default settings to change?

I don't want the t-shirts to come up!! And I can't get them off...


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Karen,

Default is for Future Uploads and Bulk Edit is for images already uploaded

Here is step by step instructions:

Set Default Settings: For all Future Uploads

While signed into your account

Hover over the blue line below your name (Upper right hand corner)

On the drop-down menu click on (Settings)

Click on (Default Settings)

Scroll down and Set your markup for the products you wish to sell, don’t forget to click (Save Changes)

Note: If you do not wish to sell a certain product (Leave the markup blank) no 0 no dash

This will set prices on all your future images you upload.

Set Bulk Edit Prices: For all images already uploaded

While signed into your account

Hover over the blue line below your name (Upper right hand corner)

On the drop-down menu click on (Settings)

Click on (Bulk Edit Prices)

Click on (Show All Images)

Checkmark the square to select all images

Checkmark the square to select all 29 of your images

Click (Edit Checked Images Simultaneously)

Scroll down and Checkmark square to the extreme right of products you want to adjust price

Set the price for your markup, and do not forget to click the (Submit button) when finished

Note: If you do not wish to sell a certain product (Leave the markup blank) no 0 no dash

This will set all your current image prices


Octavio Soto

2 Years Ago

Thank you. This is very helpful! Just joined hours ago


Karen Rand Anderson

2 Years Ago

Thank you David... this helped!! It appears all my price changes went through.However-- after going through all the steps (for both) I still cannot get the ornaments to come up properly.. it shows several, but when I click on the collection, there's only one image that comes up as an ornament (Road to the Chateau)
Also-- the t-shirts are still showing up as available with my paintings on them , and I don't want to be selling t-shirts, for now. I do not have any prices set for the t-shirts in any of the default settings, so I figured they would be eliminated from the search, but no luck.


Karen Rand Anderson

2 Years Ago

OK!! It seems as if the problem(s) have been solved.. I think. In any case, many thanks for your continued help here, David!
One thing that seems tricky is navigating as a shoppe, but there is a lot of ground to cover ao I assume people figure it out.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Karen,

I did search many of your images and found some still have t-shirts and some do not have ornaments.

That is fine at this stage - it can take 24 to 48 hours for the search to pick up changes.

If some changes do not appear after that time frame you should clear your cache.

If that does not fix it then re-do the Bulk Edit for T's and Ornaments.

Hope This Helps


Karen Rand Anderson

2 Years Ago

Awesome, thanks David!!


Reda Taha

2 Years Ago

Thanks ..


Debby Rose

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much, David. Your help and this thread have been invaluable!

I have one other question. I'm wondering if there is a sense of how many images should be up before breaking them into collections. I do eventually want to do collections but not sure at what point it is best to do that.

Take care!


Alejandro Cueto

2 Years Ago

thanks for the info, it is very helpful c:


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Debby,

You can actually have collections as soon as you have two or more images up - if you want to -

Just do not have the Collections as your default page until you have enough collections to keep a potential customer interested.

If you use collections right up front - you can place your images in a collection as you upload it - You will not need to go though lots and lots of images later trying to place them in collections.


Kiko Aiko

2 Years Ago



David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello and Welcome Caitin, Faheemat, Nour, Atira, Fabio, Octavio, Reda, Alejandro and Tara,

So glad you all decided to join us here at FAA / Pixels.

Have fun creating and good luck selling.


Tanner Friar

2 Years Ago

Thanks for the great advice!


Rick Al

2 Years Ago

I'm baaaaack! WOO-HOOOOOO... YAY!
Just uploaded a few paintings.


Chelsie Christ

2 Years Ago

Thank you very much. This was very helpful


Susen Gulce Erismis

2 Years Ago

Thank you very much for this enlightening article.


Robertonis Mascale

2 Years Ago

Hello everyone, i have just joined and I wanna thank you for this informative post, it helped me to set up everything faster. Greetings


Erietta Taf

2 Years Ago

Very helpful! Thank you!


Omar Diaz

2 Years Ago

Thanks, it was very helpful. i am not ready yet but I will prepare to do some nice work.


Daniel Pllumi

2 Years Ago



David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Welcome to FAA / Pixels Kiko, Tanner, Rick, Chelsie, Susen, Robertonis, Erietta, Omar and Daniel,

We are glad you decided to join / return - Have fun creating and good luck selling


Hendrik Enslin

2 Years Ago

Thank you David, this post was very useful.


Karen Rand Anderson

2 Years Ago

Hi David-- I have a question regarding shipping. I ordered a few of my items to see the quality of the printing (nice!) and merchandise (good!). However, the packaging was not good. While on the cards the artist is named on the back, on other merchandise there is no mention of the artist at all, no info included. The mug came in a a generic cardboard box with no label or information, and the tote bag was in a plastic bag with no labeling or information. The prints were tightly rolled in a triangular tube with no information on the shipping label. Is FAA considering improving the quality of its packaging? It was disappointing, and terribly generic.I feel that when customers receive orders, and have paid a hefty shipping fee, they expect some sort of attractive branding from the company they order from, or at the least, some information about the products they have purchased.

Thanks-- I know you're not the one who has ALL the answers, but you seem to be the one to go to.. so thank you!



David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Karen,

While I agree – it is nice that the artist name is on the back of the greeting cards – all prints and products are being sold by FAA / Pixels – we – as artists are agreeing to let FAA / Pixels print our images on their products, and in return we receive the markup we designate.

If you feel you have issues with the packaging and or shipping, the correct department to talk to would be Customer Service – You can reach them by using the link below.

EDIT: Just wanted to add - I have had over 3300 sales on FAA / Pixels and never a complaint from a customer about shipping / packaging : )


C Kerr

2 Years Ago

Thank you for all the help!


Michaela Bryant

2 Years Ago

Just read through all this. Will definitely be following these tips! Thank you so much!


Ellie Adams

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the useful information!


Leah Barr

2 Years Ago

Hello and thank you I just joined yesterday! I have a question about pay pal? Is there going to be any other way to have funds transferred like through e transfer?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hello Handrick, Courtney, Michaela, Ellie and Leah,

Welcome to FAA / Pixels - So glad you found this information useful.

Have fun creating and good luck selling.

Leah - Q - Is there going to be another way to have funds transferred?

As of now - PayPal is our only option - I do not know of any plans to add other options.


Leah Barr

2 Years Ago

I have a question about PayPal again! Can I use my daughters PayPal account to receive funds from you as I did have one but it was hacked and for some unanswered question they will not allow me to have another! Arghhh


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Leah,

Yes you can.

Just make your arrangements with your daughter.

The PayPal email address that you post under Payment Information is the PayPal account that your markup funds will go into.


Om Tolani

2 Years Ago

This post was really helpful


Karen Rand Anderson

2 Years Ago

Thank you for your reply David-- And I"m pleased to know you've never had a complaint from a customer, after thousands of sales! Wow~

(I've sold 3 things so far~!! ;-) )


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Karen,

That is good for being here less than a month -

The good news is - Even the big sellers (and I am not one of them) had just 3 sales at one point. : )


Mary Valdez

2 Years Ago

Hello David, Thank you for the “New Members” information. I’m creating my new profile and was curious if photographers apply their watermark/logo on their photos?


Clarion Soft

2 Years Ago

Thanks you really explained a lot of things


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Welcome to FAA / Pixels Om, Mary and Clarion,

So glad you decided to join us - Have fun creating and I wish you luck selling.

Mary - Q - Do photographers apply their watermark/logo on their photos?

I will answer that with the official answer from FAA / Pixels.

Everything that appears in your images will appear in your prints.

Digital signatures are fine as long as they look "stylized". Think of it this way - if you were a buyer, would you want to see that signature on the artwork?

Copyright notices are generally frowned upon. No one wants to see COPYRIGHT 2012 JOHN SMITH printed across a piece of artwork that they want to hang on their wall and the same goes for watermarks.

Note: Watermarks of any kind - including the FAA watermark can deter sales.


Nancy Troupe

2 Years Ago

Wow! Just started uploading some of my work yesterday, and thanks to David Dehner, the beginning process has gone smoothly. Lots to learn, but this has been VERY helpful. I will be back to learn more and to expand my site. Very grateful for your advice, David.


Zinnat Banli

2 Years Ago

Good Informative post... Thankyou for that..


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Welcome to FAA / Pixels Nancy and Zinnat,

So glad you decided to join us - Have fun creating and good luck selling


Federico Herrera

2 Years Ago

About image size. Thinking about wall art products.

Are there any recommended aspect ratios for the uploaded images?

I allready uploaded some square ones Is this ok? Make it harder to sell?

Now working on 4:3 and 5:4 versions (Digital drawings)


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Federico,

We don't actually worry about aspect ratios here - just upload what you have and don't worry about sizes.

Upload the largest size you have under 25 MB. - It is all about Pixels here.

You can turn on cropping so your customers can crop to common sizes of horizon, vertical, square or the natural size you uploaded.


Federico Herrera

2 Years Ago

Very helpful information Thanks for your answer


Cheryl Acton

2 Years Ago

it is helpful! thanks


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Your Welcome Federico and Cheryl,

Glad the info was useful - welcome to FAA / Pixels - Have fun creating and good luck selling -


Solomon Lubandi

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the helpful information


Faye St

2 Years Ago

Thanks! Very helpful information.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Solomon and Faye,

Welcome, So glad you decided to join us here on FAA / Pixels.

Have fun creating and good luck selling...


Solomon Lubandi

2 Years Ago

Thanks! Mr. David.....though i had some questions if you don't how do i feature my work into groups and how do I add people to my watchlist to get updates every time I post new work?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Solomon,

Getting your work featured in groups:

The administrator of a group features images - The members of the group cannot.

You get your work featured by joining the group - play by the rules - and submit your best work.

How do I add people to my watchlist to get updates every time I post new work?

When you have a members page open - you will see a FOLLOW button next to their profile image - If you follow them - you can see images that they post on your activity page.

In order for them to see your images on their activity page - they need to follow you the same way.

The best way to accomplish both getting featured and added to other members follow list is to be active on the site - Join contests - support other members by commenting and liking their work -etc. etc.


Amanda Bracy

2 Years Ago

Thank you this is very helpful


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Your Welcome Amanda -

Welcome to FAA / Pixels

So glad you found this information useful


Very informative! Thanks so much!


Jayden Morgan

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the help. I wasn't sure on how to set up pricing and my payment method.


Rebecca Hare

2 Years Ago

Wonderful, thanks so much for the info! I must admit I joined without knowing a whole lot about markups and advertisement, so this really helped


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Natassja, Jayden, and Rebecca,

Welcome to FAA / Pixels - we are glad you decided to join us.

Have fun creating and good luck selling.


Mandylynn Jones

2 Years Ago

Thank you this was Extremely helpful!


Sean Hamilton

2 Years Ago

Thank you so so very much. Greatly appreciative. The best to you all.


Jacob-Marc Lemieux

2 Years Ago

Thank you very much for the reply.


Anindita Wulandari

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the information! This is very helpful as I just join to the site ;)


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Mandylynn, Sean, Jacob and Anindita,

Welcome to FAA / Pixels - So glad this information was useful for you.

Good luck to you on your new endeavor


Krystal DeWind

2 Years Ago

This was all very helpful! I am still adjusting my profile, and found your info on the biography section to be useful. I am still at a loss for how to find friends on Facebook, it will not let me "log in to facebook" from this page to find and follow any friends. But thank you so much for all the assistance! I do enjoy the helpful attitude to us new people! Thank you thank you thank you.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Krystal,

Facebook has discontinued auto apps - hopefully they will reinstate them in the future.

Find Friends on Twitter is active.


Diana Devlin

2 Years Ago

Great information- thank you!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Diana,

Welcome to FAA / Pixels - have fun creating and good luck selling...


Resia Mae Solomon

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the tips!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Your Welcome Resia - and Welcome to FAA / Pixels


Lois Bryan

2 Years Ago

giving it a nudge ...


Bita Pejman

2 Years Ago

Hello David,

Hope you are well. I seems to have an issue with my page. There are some photos that I have previously posted on my site and for the sake of having a better resolution, I decided to upload the retouched one and submit. While the image is submitted the image that appears still is the previous one yet when I hit the edit the image Botton I see the latest that I have submitted so I have to submit the submitted work again.

Another issue is that even though I clear my browser’s history and using a new tab every time I access the FAA however sometimes when I am posting comments on other site the comment box keeps on jumping ( seems so super active), I wonder if there is any solution for such issues.

Thank you in advance David for your kind attention and time.

Have a great day



David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Bita,

When you replace an image with a new upload it can take 24 to 48 hours for the new image to show.
It may take longer for some areas to convert to the new image.

If your patience is wearing thin after 48 hours you can try to Clear Your Cache / History from your browser.

If you don’t mind losing your analytics and breaking any links you posted to social media you can delete the old upload completely and start over – giving the new unloaded image an new title - this will post your new image immediately and prevent any future problems with identical titles on the site.

For the jumping issue - I have had something like that happen and when I reboot my computer that normally takes care of it.


Bita Pejman

2 Years Ago

Thank you David for the clarification. And I shall try rebooting next time when there is too much sugar in my computer:)

Have a lovely evening



Deanna Baldwin

2 Years Ago

Thank you! As a new seller this information was very helpful


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Your welcome Deanna,

Welcome to FAA / Pixels - Have fun creating - Good luck selling.


Massimo Morelli

2 Years Ago

Ho letto le informazioni che sono risultate molto utili


David Dehner

2 Years Ago


Sei il benvenuto, sono felice che tu l'abbia trovato utile

Divertiti a creare e buona fortuna a vendere.


Boris Subotic

2 Years Ago



Ieva Paleja

2 Years Ago

Thank you! I think I should make changes in my profile. I have said that I haven't found my own style yet. Now it seems that it was a mistake.


Rivalry Pro

2 Years Ago

Great info but is there something I need to do in order to share sales on my FAA landing page? I have made some sales....YES, but would like to thank them for others to see as well! I share on social media already. RivalryPro


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Boris – yw and welcome to FAA

Leva – Welcome and your changes look good.

Walter – Welcome and you can thank your customers by leaving a comment under the image that was sold.

You will not get customer information.

You are licensing your images for FAA to use on products they sell. So the customers on the site are FAA customers.

It would be against FAA Privacy Policy to give out any information. This also covers your information they hold on file.

If the buyers wish to contact you, they can do that using the CONTACT link on your homepage.

Privacy Policy


Rivalry Pro

2 Years Ago

Thanks for the info!!


Barbara Insalaco

2 Years Ago

Hello! How can I read/respond to "comments" on my work?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Barbara,

There are a couple ways to respond to comments.


Near the top right of your home page next to your name) click Activity

Just under Activity Directed At Me – click Members Commenting On My Artwork.

The Activity Stream will show any new comments under each image.

Click on the image twice to open your image page.

Scroll down to Comments – Any new comments click on Reply – Fill in your comment and hit the Reply Button.

OR –


Hover over your name upper right corner and go to Settings on the Drop-Down-Menu.

Scroll down to Statistics and hit Analytics.

Click on Comments – top center of page.

Scroll down and click on (Last Comment) to bring up your most recent images that were commented on.

Click on the image to open your image page. Scroll down to Comments – Any new comments click on Reply – Fill in your comment and hit the Reply Button.


Peter Blottman

2 Years Ago

Nice, to the point information on getting started. Thank you.


Gan Gan Ardiansyah

2 Years Ago

Thanks you



2 Years Ago

Merci pour toutes ces informations


Furu Turu

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the tips!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Your Welcome Peter, Sheila, J L O and Furu,

Thanks for joining us here at FAA / Pixels - So glad the information was useful.

Have fun creating and good luck selling.


Rivalry Pro

2 Years Ago

Concerning discounts, can I opt out of participating in sitewide sales? If so how? Also if we offer a discount code to our collectors is that in addition to FAA site-wide sales or codes? Thank you sir in advance.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Rivalry,

Yes - You can opt out of any of the discount programs listed below:

Discount codes are in addition to other site discounts - remember - the discount codes are only discounted on your markup.

FAA online advertising (e.g. Google Shopping ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, etc.) is a part of what FAA offers to artists. When a sale results from one of FAA ads, they reduce your commission by 50% just like they do for Designer Prints.

They also do the same thing when they run site wide discounts (e.g. 20% off phone cases). Your commission will be reduced by that same discount percentage (e.g. 20%). Anyone who wishes to be a part of these discounts can opt in or, if not, opt out.

You may opt out of these programs whenever you want to.

If you opt out of the advertising option, then FAA will stop running ads for your products. You're obviously free to spend your own money and run ads on your own, if you want to.

If you opt out of the site wide discount option, then your products won't appear in FAA search results while a discount promotion is running.

So you now have 4 ways to get more eyes on your work.

WHOLESALE BUYERS / DESIGNERPRINTS.COM Do you want to offer your products for sale on our wholesale website,, so that interior designers and corporate art buyers can purchase your products at discounted prices for large-scale design projects? Your profit will be reduced by 25 - 90% for each sale through

BRICK-AND-MORTAR RETAILERS / WHITE-LABEL PARTNERS Our software powers the online storefronts for many brick-and-mortar retailers (e.g. Deck the Walls) and other online affiliates. Do you want to offer your products for sale on these websites? Your profit will be reduced by 50% for each sale received through one of the websites.

ONLINE ADVERTISEMENTS Do you want us to advertise your products for you on Google, Facebook, and Instagram? Your profit will be reduced by 50% for each sale that results from a buyer clicking on one of the advertisements. Please note - there is no guarantee that we'll actually run ads for your products. You're simply giving us the option to do so, if desired.

SITEWIDE DISCOUNTS We occasionally run site wide discount promotions on Fine Art America (e.g. 20% off phone cases). Do you want your products to participate in these promotions? Your profit will be reduced by the promotional discount percentage (e.g. 20% off) for each sale that occurs during the promotion period.

But, as was said, you can opt out of one, or all, of these behind Settings, go to Discount Programs then turn each program on or off.


Priyam Chatterjee

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the tips. It was very helpful. I have joined today. :-)


Heather Prall

2 Years Ago

Just joined the site! This is very helpful info and presented in a great format. Thank you so much! Looking forward to great success with this site.


Marianne Fadden

2 Years Ago

Ok, I believe I have done all the technical requirements and I see that hundreds of viewings are occuring, many from the same cities, but I have not had any sales. Is something wrong or are all these people casual browsers?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Welcome to FAA / Pixels Priyam, Heather and Marianne,

So glad you decided to join us – Have fun creating and good luck selling.

Marianne, to answer your questions,

A lot of visits are Bots or Web Crawlers, They are good things

Web crawlers go by many names, including spiders, robots, and bots, and these descriptive names sum up what they do. They crawl across the World Wide Web to index pages for search engines.

Search engines don’t magically know what website pages exist on the Internet. The programs have to crawl and index them before they can deliver the right pages for keywords and phrases, or the words people use to find a useful page.

You have beautiful paintings and you should do well here – but remember – Once you get started on any POD site - It is up to you to drive customers to your work. The site will advertise the general site but it is not their job to drive customers to your specific work - that is your job. Use social media, blogs, business cards, art shows, anything that will drive folks to see your work on your sales page.


Weee Bit

2 Years Ago

Great info. Much appreciated!


Luzila Pablico

2 Years Ago

This helps! I have delayed long enough and maybe I should start uploading my painting and photography. Thank you.


Sylvie F Smith

2 Years Ago

Thank you very much for this guide. I found it very helpful.


Jennifer Okutani

2 Years Ago

thank you for this. i’m new and struggling with ways to promote my art


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Welcome to FAA / Pixels Weee Bit, Luzila, Sylvie and Jennifer,

Glad you decided to join – Have fun creating and good luck selling.

Jennifer – Here is some great info about promoting –


Josey Childs

2 Years Ago

Very helpful and informative. I look forward to getting my first sale.


Lois Bryan

2 Years Ago

giving this a little poke to keep it near the top ...


Francis Hopps

2 Years Ago

Hello, I am new to the FAA , and wish everyone the best , it will take a little time to figure out the details of how things are done here , but I am sure I will figure it out .
Love and respect
Francis J Hopps


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Josey and Francis,

Welcome to FAA / Pixels, so glad you joined us.

If you haven’t done so already a great place to gain understanding of how everything functions is to open the links in the FAQ thread.

When you’re done with the FAQ’s take a tour of Settings,
(Hover over your name – upper right corner – click on Settings in the drop-down-menu).
Open all the links and take your time browsing all the great things you can do with your new membership.

After Settings a wealth of information is in the Footer of this page – Grab a favorite beverage – Lots of info down there.

If you still have questions. Complete a search for the answer on the main discussion board - Not There? Post your question on the main discussion board – There are a lot of friendly and knowledgeable members ready to assist.

Have fun creating and best of luck.


Abigail Strand

2 Years Ago

This is very helpful - thank you!


Roger Quesnel

2 Years Ago

Hi David. I seem to be having problems adding images to some of my groups lately. I am fully aware of each of my group’s daily add limits as well. However, I keep getting the message to wait 24 hours before trying to add to my group a lot lately. This happens even after I wait a full 24 hours between attempts to add to my group. It doesn’t happen every time, but seems to happening more frequently lately. I have always been able to add in images to my groups and so I don’t know why this is happening now? I’ve emailed tech support but so far have gotten no where. This is getting annoying. Not sure this has been covered in the forum. Hope you can help.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Roger,

If this is happening with only one or two groups you may be better off posting in that groups discussion forum - asking if anyone else is having the same issue.

If they are - then - maybe the group administrator can contact Tech Support for an answer.


Roger Quesnel

2 Years Ago

Thanks David


Monique Duhamel

2 Years Ago

im new here, so how to make a sale ?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Monique,

First - complete the basic setup using the information at the top of this thread.

After that - follow all the links in the "Looking For Tips To Increase Sales" Thread

If you haven’t done so already a great place to gain understanding of how everything functions is to open the links in the FAQ thread.

When you’re done with the FAQ’s take a tour of Settings,
(Hover over your name – upper right corner – click on Settings in the drop-down-menu).
Open all the links and take your time browsing all the great things you can do with your new membership.

After Settings a wealth of information is in the Footer of this page – Grab a favorite beverage – Lots of info down there.

If you still have questions. Complete a search for the answer on the main discussion board - Not There? Post your question on the main discussion board – There are a lot of friendly and knowledgeable members ready to assist.

Have fun creating and best of luck.


Elizabeth Gregowicz

2 Years Ago

Thank you ever so much, David!! Your responses are helpful and reassuring to this newbie! Quick questions:
How do we set up our pages so the order of view we want shows up? Right now my least fave images load first.
Is there a support link for tech questions, like the one above?
Many thanks!!
Elizabeth / Liz


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Elizabeth,

Q - How do we set our sort order?

Go to Settings -

Click on Default Settings -

At the top see - "How Would You Like Your Images Sorted" -

Change it from "Show The Best Selling Images First" to ""Let Me Manually Set The Sort Order" -

Don't forget to scroll to the bottom of the page and hit "Save Changes" before you leave.

Q - Is there a support link for tech questions like this one?

If you have a specific question complete a search for the answer on the main discussion board - Not There? Post your question on the main discussion board – There are a lot of friendly and knowledgeable members ready to assist. You can also search the FAQ thread.


Gertrud Oberg

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the elaboration! I'm new to the site and found it really helpful, cheers!


Elizabeth Gregowicz

2 Years Ago



Rachel Heitzenrater

2 Years Ago

Thank you!!


Noel Rossetti

2 Years Ago

its very helpful , thank you


Donna Marie Brown

2 Years Ago

Thanks for the helpful information and hope to visit your site soon.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Roger, Monique, Elizabeth, Gertrud, Urthwild, Rachel, Noel, and Donna Marie,

Welcome to FAA / Pixels, so glad you joined us.

If you haven’t done so already a great place to gain understanding of how everything functions is to open the links in the FAQ thread.

When you’re done with the FAQ’s take a tour of Settings,
(Hover over your name – upper right corner – click on Settings in the drop-down-menu).
Open all the links and take your time browsing all the great things you can do with your new membership.

After Settings a wealth of information is in the Footer of this page – Grab a favorite beverage – Lots of info down there.

If you still have questions. Complete a search for the answer on the main discussion board - Not There? Post your question on the main discussion board – There are a lot of friendly and knowledgeable members ready to assist.

Have fun creating and best of luck.


Ladner Products

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the helpful info!


Christine Longberry

2 Years Ago

Thank you David!


Georgina Mizzi

2 Years Ago

Thank you David Dehner for sharing great info …. this is very helpful!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Welcome to FAA / Pixels Ladner, Christine and Georgina,

Glad you decided to join – Have fun creating and good luck selling.


Anke Yarnell

2 Years Ago

Thank you for this helpful post! Just joined a couple days ago after my neighbor encouraging me for quite awhile. While FAA is pretty straight forward, your post helped add details and fill gaps. I am struggling with uploading (says it's not correct file type when I'm uploading .jpg as it requests) but I've already heard back from support and will try her suggestions.

So far, I'm very impressed with the site.

Best, Anke


Angela Chirila

2 Years Ago

thank you!


Wallace Fonseca

2 Years Ago

Thank you very much! I really liked this platform.
Already posted 3 photos and I hope I start selling soon!


Kevin Mcguinness

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the information in the post it was informative and useful. Thank you



2 Years Ago

Hi, can I see how many prople visited my page once I will start?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Welcome Anke, Angela, Wallace, Kevin and Ola,

So glad you joined us here at FAA / Pixels.

Ola, - Yes, you will see your visitor count on your home page - but don't forget - the count will include Bot traffic also.


William Caudle

2 Years Ago

This was the most helpful information I've received since I've joined as a new member. I found helpful tips and directions that I wouldn't have thought of otherwise. Thank you.


Morten Maehre

2 Years Ago

Thanks for the information, but I still find that I'm drowning in an abundance of talent on this site. How are people going to find my artwork? As a classic introvert I've always had a hard time promoting my skills and work. Although I'm a published novelist, writer, songwriter and artist, I always fall victim to the classic impostor syndrome, and I mostly just want to run and hide. Any advice on how to become a "power poser"?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Welcome William and Morten,

So glad you found this information useful -

Morton - I am not all that comfortable self-promoting - but below is a link to a lot of great information to increase sales.

Good luck both of you...


John Hannum

2 Years Ago

Very helpful ! Thank you !


Sarah Sammis

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the helpful post. It highlighted a couple things I missed on my own.


Amy Szczepanski

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much for this information!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi John, Sarah and Amy,

Welcome to FAA / Pixels, so glad you joined us.

If you haven’t done so already a great place to gain understanding of how everything functions is to open the links in the FAQ thread.

When you’re done with the FAQ’s take a tour of Settings,
(Hover over your name – upper right corner – click on Settings in the drop-down-menu).
Open all the links and take your time browsing all the great things you can do with your new membership.

After Settings a wealth of information is in the Footer of this page – Grab a favorite beverage – Lots of info down there.

If you still have questions. Complete a search for the answer on the main discussion board - Not There? Post your question on the main discussion board – There are a lot of friendly and knowledgeable members ready to assist.

Have fun creating and best of luck.


Ivan Gomez

2 Years Ago

Thank you!


James Inlow

2 Years Ago

great help,Thank you


Kristin Ramos

2 Years Ago

Hello David and FAA members
I am new to this site. I am just starting to figure out how this all works . I do enjoy sharing my work and like to see like minded people doing the same. It’s a beautiful thing to share creative works of art . Thanks for the information above and I will be adding my Bio soon. Best of luck to all of you in this website.
Sincerely ,

Kristin L


Caleb Lunsford

2 Years Ago

I have set up my account and uploaded my first image, but when I search it’s title or my name I do not find the work or my artist page. Am I missing a step?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Caleb,

No - you are not missing a step -

In order for you to be in the search you will need at leas 10 images uploaded.

Our search engine refreshes itself once every 24 hours. If you upload images today, you'll have to wait until tomorrow before you can search for them.

Also - please note that the search engine only pays attention to the keywords that you associated with your images... not their titles. Make sure that you have associated appropriate keywords with all of your images... wait 24 hours... and you'll be all set.


Kristin Ramos

2 Years Ago

Hello David
I am contacting you again . I believe I have done most of the steps to get to making my page profit . Which step do I do to complete this process? Any hints on how to start making a profit?
Thank for your feedback!
Kristin L


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Kristin,

Just follow the link below for great information on making sales.


Sotiris Savvides

2 Years Ago

Nice one.


Al X Mach

2 Years Ago

Hey David,
Thank you, this is extremely helpful for a total noob. Does your YouTube channel deal with both FAA & I'm having trouble with continuity on pricing across the board. Also, on reducing the preview size on the FAA price page. I kept the MB's to under 25, but some look pixelated. FAA & pixels are the coolest. Appreciate.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Al X Mach,

Q – You Tube –

You can link your You Tube posts back to your sales page – the best page to link back to is Pixels – unless you go premium – then you want to link to your premium site.

Q – Pricing across the board –

Set Default Settings: For all Future Uploads

While signed into your account

Hover over the blue line below your name (Upper right hand corner)

On the drop-down menu click on (Settings)

Click on (Default Settings)

Scroll down and Set your markup for the products you wish to sell, don’t forget to click (Save Changes)

Note: If you do not wish to sell a certain product (Leave the markup blank) no 0 no dash

This will set prices on all your future images you upload.

Set Bulk Edit Prices: For all images already uploaded

While signed into your account

Hover over the blue line below your name (Upper right hand corner)

On the drop-down menu click on (Settings)

Click on (Bulk Edit Prices)

Click on (Show All Images)

Checkmark the square to select all images

Checkmark the square to select all 18 of your images

Click (Edit Checked Images Simultaneously)

Scroll down and Checkmark square to the extreme right of products you want to adjust price

Set the price for your markup, and do not forget to click the (Submit button) when finished

Note: If you do not wish to sell a certain product (Leave the markup blank) no 0 no dash

This will set all your current image prices

Q – MB to under 25 –

HOW BIG IS TOO BIG and how small is too small

When it comes to Fine Art America / Pixels we all know that 25 MB is the largest an image should be to upload.

If your image is over 25 MB there is normally not a problem lowering your megabytes in an image editor such as Photoshop, but, what if your image is too small.

An image that is too small is the biggest problem most new artists have, and yes, I said artists – because most photographers know the importance of the megapixel as it relates to the megabyte. That is why it is the photographer that normally has the opposite issue of having an image over 25 MB.

OK – the sign said under 25 MB – so my images are way under that – what’s the problem?

Being under 25 MB is no problem at all – but having a small image is a big problem…

Let me explain:

Pixels is what is important when you want to print your image on a big canvas, paper, metal, tapestry, shower curtain, etc.

You can have an image that is 4000 Pixels x 6000 Pixels and that image can be 4 MB or it can be 25 MB.

No problem they are both going to print just fine up to a 60” image.

The problem comes when your image is small like 600 Pixels x 800 Pixels – Now, the bigger the product or print the blurrier and pixelated the image will be. The biggest image that can be produced is a 6” x 8” image. Not even worthwhile uploading to any POD site.

I’m not saying you need an 8000 or 9000 pixel image to upload to FAA – but guess what? That would be ideal.. A Duvet Cover Template is 8640 pixels x 8640 pixels for the perfect image.

Most of my images are 6000 x 4000 and that covers most products including up to a 60” print.

What size should you upload? I always say The Bigger The Better as long as it is under 25 MB.

NOTE: Your images should come out of your Cameras, Phones or Scanners as the largest size - you should never enlarge an image with your image editor.

Make sure your presentation is impeccable. When your artwork is poorly photographed / scanned, it says you don't value it. Take a look at your photos or scans and be honest with yourself about this. Is your work treated and shown as if it has great value? Give your work the treatment and presentation it deserves.


Shemar Heslop

2 Years Ago

Great Help, Thanks


Nichlas Svartr

2 Years Ago

Thank you for this information, was quite helpful!


Al X Mach

2 Years Ago

Hey David,
Thanks for the in depth info. Lots of my photos were taken 12+ years ago when up-resing was hit or miss. Even though with amazing AI now, I will resist the temptation to go 2 or 4x bigger.


Robin Jack Sarner

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your instructions on how to get started, it was so kind to do for us newbies and it really helped me. Unfortunately I am about to delete my account and throw my computer in the toilet. Anyone else get extremely frustrated with how unfriendly the customization part of the website platform is or is it just me not having a ton of website development experience? I have only been a member for 8 hours, worked on this for four, thought it would take me some time but not 4 hours trying to figure out ONE part of the whole service. I cannot delete the changes I made, I can't see any changes I am making in real time (even though the instructions say you can) and now I am stuck with an ugly website (with a ton of mistakes) with no way to contact a human at FAA for help. Is live support available for new members? If there is, can someone please provide me with a referral/resource/how to get in touch with a real person? Thank you to anyone that can help me get help.


Dawn Sutherland

2 Years Ago

Thank you for all this info!! Happy to be here!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Robin,

Sorry you are having this issue.

You can always contact Tech Support with questions about the site by clicking on Contact Us in the footer of any FAA page. Below is the link.

Everything looks fine on your site - what exactly are you having issues with?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Shemar, Nichlas, Robin and Dawn,

Welcome to FAA / Pixels, so glad you joined us.

If you haven’t done so already a great place to gain understanding of how everything functions is to open the links in the FAQ thread.

When you’re done with the FAQ’s take a tour of Settings,
(Hover over your name – upper right corner – click on Settings in the drop-down-menu).
Open all the links and take your time browsing all the great things you can do with your new membership.

After Settings a wealth of information is in the Footer of this page – Grab a favorite beverage – Lots of info down there.

If you still have questions. Complete a search for the answer on the main discussion board - Not There? Post your question on the main discussion board – There are a lot of friendly and knowledgeable members ready to assist.

Have fun creating and best of luck.


Leslie Ho

2 Years Ago

Hi All,

I have a question. Let us say I have my website, similar to the example listed at,

I list bunches of phone cases (designed by me + saved for selling) on my site. If a customer does not like any of my selection, then how does a customer upload his or her own picture of customization? Is there a way to customize a product - phone cases, pillows, mugs, etc.?

Can somebody guide me on this? Thanks for support.


Mortaza Rezaie

2 Years Ago

Thank you


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Leslie,

If a customer cannot find the image/art they want on FAA/Pixels.

They can go to any page on FAA and click the CREATE button at the top of the page - this will allow them to pick a product and upload their own image to it.


Elliott C Townsend

2 Years Ago

I very much appreciated the information contained in this post, thank you David.


Robin Jack Sarner

2 Years Ago

Thank you David, I am now in touch with Tech Support thanks to your link. The "Contact Us" button went right back to myself, it was so frustrating! LOL. The main problem is this: any customizations I have made that I didn't like and tried to delete are still showing up to the general public (side) even though I have edited them out on my settings side. Something is not working. There are other issues like I am having trouble seeing my edits in real time even though it says in the directions one can do that, I have to toggle between the public viewing of my site and my settings area just to see any changes. (apparently one is suppose to be able to see just below where one is editing what it would like like, but it's just blank all the time?) The link you provided was brilliant, thanks again and I hope I get contacted by Tech Support and we can figure this out.


Al X Mach

2 Years Ago

Hey again, David.
I noticed on the print preview page, the preview image is darker than the ones I uploaded. Could this be from converting from ProPhoto to Adobe RGB? Should I do sRGB?
Maybe just bumping up the exposure before I convert would help.
Totally appreciate all your help.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi AI X Mach,

It could be because your large originals are secure on a different server than the previews for safety resons.

As long as you are following the info below you should be good.

You need to save your images using one of the following color spaces:

Adobe RGB

If your images are saved in CMYK, you may the see the colors get inverted when you upload them to Fine Art America.

Resave your images in sRGB or Adobe RGB, and you'll be all set.



2 Years Ago



Maurice Rodriguez

2 Years Ago

Thank you! I joined a while ago and hadn't seen this!


Awesam Sam

2 Years Ago

Thanks Daniel for these very important house cleaning bits. Looking forward to a profitable artistic stay at FAA.


Al X Mach

2 Years Ago

Thanks, David. They're all either tiff or dng files. I saved them as jpeg and Adobe RGB for uploading to FAA.
Cheers, mate.


Noah Matthews

2 Years Ago

Hello, I'm Noah Matthews, I'm new to Fine Art America but I'm looking forward to sharing my art and perspective. In an effort to keep things organized my fine art America profile/ website is dedicated to selling the originals of my work. My spring store Art and Perspective is dedicated to products made from my art such as clothes, posters, and stickers. I'm aware I have the option to sell products like that in Fine Art America. I may combine it all in the future and only produce products on my site from Fine Art America. I prefer to conduct business this way for now. Since I made my account recently I don't have all the art I want to sell up right now. I forgot to mention that I plan on selling prints as well as the originals of my work. Stay safe and take it easy.


Meraj Fathi

2 Years Ago

Hello guys. I'm new to this website too. My goal is to design artworks from popular things like movies, TV shows, celebrities and etc. I'm working so hard now and I hope people enjoy from my coming artworks.


Morgan Hall-goins

2 Years Ago

Thank you for posting this, i was a little confused on why I needed a bio but I understand now.


Sky Viking

2 Years Ago

what's the best size to upload of an Image? I saw a Minimal size but just curious what size others are uploading their Images as or best size for best quality for a print?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Thomas,

The largest size we print here is 48" X 108" so that's 4800 X 10800 pixels

Most of my images are about 4000 x 6000 pixels - that will give me a 60" print

Read Abbie's post below


Ryan Rybarczyk

2 Years Ago

Thank you! This was very helpful!


Visual Diversity

2 Years Ago

Thank you; very helpful.


Tuxfell Art

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your instructions.


Dorota Orzel

2 Years Ago

Thank you - I found those informations very helpfull. Joined today, hoping for the best :)


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Osvaldo, Maurice, Awesam, AI X, Noah, Meraj, Morgan, Sky, Ryan, Mozelle, Tuxfell, and Dorota,

Welcome to FAA / Pixels, so glad you joined us.

If you haven’t done so already a great place to gain understanding of how everything functions is to open the links in the FAQ thread.

When you’re done with the FAQ’s take a tour of Settings,
(Hover over your name – upper right corner – click on Settings in the drop-down-menu).
Open all the links and take your time browsing all the great things you can do with your new membership.

After Settings a wealth of information is in the Footer of this page – Grab a favorite beverage – Lots of info down there.

If you still have questions. Complete a search for the answer on the main discussion board - Not There? Post your question on the main discussion board – There are a lot of friendly and knowledgeable members ready to assist.

Have fun creating and best of luck.


Yahya Yuksel

2 Years Ago

Thanks for informating us. I've been uploading pictures for a few days. What should I do to increase the number of views? I always try to add new things. Thank you


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Yahya, Welcome,

To bring more visitors and sales follow the info in the link below.

Good luck.


Eric Drane

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the information, I have been on Etsy and sold locally but this is my first day on FAA! I am looking forward to seeing what doors this might open.


Jaime Molina

2 Years Ago

Thanks this is a good read, and a good intro for this website.


Keightlyn Suero

2 Years Ago

Thank you! This was so helpful!


Anthony Cox

2 Years Ago

Does FAA show what percentage of the images they have online have actually sold?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Eric, Jaime, Keightlyn and Anthony,

Welcome to FAA / Pixels - So glad this information was helpful

Have fun creating and good luck selling.

@ Anthony - They do not show the percentage of images sold – but you can see recently sold images here:

And here is some great information on driving sales


Ryan Smithson

2 Years Ago

Hi there! I'm wondering why on my profile page, I choose the Position of each piece, and they show that way for me. But when others visit my site, the order seems to be always determined by popularity. The pieces that get viewed the most are at top, but newly added work goes right to the bottom of the list (on page 3), which is not ideal. Is this a setting I can change? What's the point of designating a Position for each piece? Thanks!


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Ryan,

You can change the order of your images -

Go to settings - then Default Settings -

Near the top "How Would You Like Your Images Sorted"

Choose - "Let Me Manually Set The Sort Order"

Don't forget to scroll down and hit the Save Changes button before you leave,


Ryan Smithson

2 Years Ago

Fantastic! I figured there was a way. Much appreciated!


David Bailey

2 Years Ago

Thanks for the info. I'm new and still trying to figure things out.

I have a question about the keywords. Does it matter if/ or should there be a space after the comma that is behind each word ?Do Caps matter?


Jensen Art Co

2 Years Ago

Hello all


Mad Nowarta

2 Years Ago

Hello people I’m chad thanks for the tips. wish I woulda read all that first. Before I stumbled threw this all myself. This does seem to be a great platform with helpful honest people. I’ve been reluctant commenting or associating with anyone on the internet lately because it seems there is someone always trying to scam you out of your money or sign up for a porn site. Whadayado. Oh and btw David Dehner has got a killer Anthony Hopkins, Hannibal Lecter look going on I’m lovinit. “Claries.”


Megan Murray

2 Years Ago

Hello, Thank you so much for all the great tips. I have been struggling with all the pricing this is going to help me so much. I haven't gotten all my work uploaded yet. But thank you David Dehner for your help.


Moureed Yenam

2 Years Ago

Thanks David, so informative


Myron Kimble

2 Years Ago

Hello everyone. Fine art student looking for any experience anyone would like to share of selling art online.


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Myron,

Lot's of great information on how to increase sales -


Tommy Tan

2 Years Ago

WOW. I am a new member. Your topic is very good to learn. Thank for your share.


Katrina Szeto

2 Years Ago

if I want to be paid by check, how do I set that up?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Katrina,

At this time - It is PayPal only

Go to Settings and then Accounting open Payment Information and enter your PayPal email address. If you do not have a PayPal account, you can set one up for free by visiting

If you live in the USA before leaving Accounting open Tax Information and fill out all the information.

Remember – you won’t get paid until you complete this section.


Christina Lake

2 Years Ago

New today, looking forward to exploring more and learning more about fineartamerica. This discussion thread should be helpful. I will let you know if I have any questions.


Heather Longhenry

2 Years Ago

Thank you for posting this. I just joined and see I have a few more steps to complete. Thank you


Amine Cadi

2 Years Ago

Thanks to all


Julie Begg

2 Years Ago

Thanks for your informative post. I have a query regarding viewing of my site. It seems that sometimes the