Acronym Game
This is one of my favorite word games and I thought it might be fun to give it a go here. It will definitely keep your brain in top shape, though the rules are very simple. It also tends to be good for a laugh, which I'm guessing we could all use.
We start with a random word typed in all CAPS, for example SPAR.
You then use each letter as the first letter in a string of words to form a sentence, which must make perfect sense, you can't just throw words out there (looking at you Mike -.-). So I say the acronym SPAR stands for:
(S)usan (P)icked (A) (R)ose. See how each first letter in my sentence spells out the word SPAR?
Now I choose a word from my sentence for the next person to play, so it looks like this:
Susan picked a rose.
And now the next person uses the letters in ROSE to make their new sentence, using each letter to begin each word, and then picks a word from their sentence and types it in all caps for the next player in game. Easy right? Yeah, very easy... until someone leaves you with a twelve letter word :P
OK, so the first word is: LIMB
Edit: I forgot to mention that it's OK to take the S off a plural that you used in your sentence, for example Chance just below could have made his word EXAMPLE instead of EXAMPLES. Also, you may want to avoid Xs and Ys in your word when possible, they can trip players up, which ain't the point of the game.