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Jill Love

5 Years Ago

Thanks, Abbie. So funny, as I just had one of these questions answered immediately by looking at this!!! I appreciate it.


Jennifer Kline Sontz

5 Years Ago

Thank you for this information!


Angela Whitehouse

5 Years Ago

Great links to read.


Stanton Allaben

5 Years Ago

Isn't Pixels and Fine Art America one and the same? When I joined many years ago it was with FAA, and then my page got transferred to Pixels. Do I also have a FAA page and do new uploads I put in one show up in the other?


Choose the site you want to use and use that. The other will show automatically.

Just household... Fine Art America
Selling everything? Pixels


Lisa Kaiser

5 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the helpful information, love it.


Alice Love

5 Years Ago

Great idea to get all these links in one! Thanks. Easy to navigate.


Alida M Haslett

5 Years Ago



Matthew Seufer

5 Years Ago

Thank You for Posting!


Gabby Tary

5 Years Ago

Hi Abbey-
I would like to introduce myself, my name is Gabby Tary.
And actually I'm tickled pink about FAA. First of all I'm honored my name does show up when searching, lol.
I've been a part of FAA for some time, but only recently did I discover the value.
Must admit when you changed the homepage I went crazy happy, I started to investigate further.

However, the reason I'm communicating with you is to ask a few questions about the website I'm building within FAA.
In fact, and I know this is a big favor to ask, if you could look at it.
I want to make sure technically I'm not screwing up the payment part.

Or a link to do's and don't when building a website within FAA.

- The artist on FAA are incredible ,so at first I'm like OMG how can I call myself an artist, but then I
discovered that the products are absolutely great looking with some of my work.

So the problem I have, even when I don't price the product it still shows up and some art isn't meant to be on products..

But then I discovered that I can do a whole lot in that little box with HTML, since I can code
that's great. So I chose the images and then linked it directly to the page where they can buy it.
So I figured that out but I can't figure out how to filter those products out when I click on links that is in FAA .

So is there anyway besides not adding the price to product I can filter out those products which don't look good with the art?

And yes, I agree with you on the article about selling, that's my next step once my website is finished.
And what people don't realize, promotion is hell. And promotion is a full time job.
I've done nothing yet, because I want the website to look good.
Thank you I'm sorry about the long post


Dan Carmichael

5 Years Ago


Please consider adding the rules for Group admins to the list.

Also, are there rules for contest creators? Can we limit the emails from contests also?
(I don;t think "voting in two days" and "voting begins today" and "one day left in voting" and "Only 15 hours left in voting" and on, and on are necessary nor productive)

Thanks for your consideration.


I'll be in shortly to follow up



If you choose not to sell something, leave the space for markup totally blank. Not even a space.

You cannot choose between canvas, metal, acrylic, framed or paper prints etc. Only the products or all the prints

Search pages (such as particular product searches) take 24 hours after the prices added to be shown

Use DEFAULT SETTINGS to change pricing for future images
Use BULK IMAGE EDIT for existing images or
EDIT IMAGE for singles

It takes a couple of days for the other pages to catch up with changes


Yes I will add a link to the group guidelines and have a chat with Sean about the contests emails although there are already spamming rules in place that may work.


Lieve Snellings

5 Years Ago

Thank you for this information L Cecka!
As I am new here, this is very helpful!


Mario Carini

5 Years Ago

I've been a member of FAA for years, but I still don't know all the site provides!


Muse Meadow

5 Years Ago

Thank you so much for these links! I've had a neglected account here for a long time but have just recently been freed up to start working on my art full time. Whee! This info will be so helpful in learning what's available and how to use it.


Terri Fair

5 Years Ago

I am new! How do I like and comment on art? How do other artists follow me?


Scarlett Redbud

5 Years Ago

I ordered one of my own prints just so that I could see the quality (which is nice), however I did not log into my retail account. Will I still get my commission on the print?


Scarlett, if not on the account that uploaded the art, you paid our price, plus yours. So you'll get your royalties

If logged into the artists account that uploaded the work, you don't get paid the royalties and purchased at a lower price


Petri Keckman

5 Years Ago

How do I add a profile image? (Sorry, I find the answer already :) )


Barbara Zipperer

5 Years Ago

How and where is the ability to send a newsletter? And how do it find my list of people who have signed up?


Petri Keckman

5 Years Ago

So, this is the Main Discussion Page. So are there others?

Could I start my discussions somewhere else than here, MAIN discussion area.



email campaigns are for premium members. You also need to be ok'ayed for these so if you are a premium member just let me know and I will pass this to our developer


Viet Tran

5 Years Ago

Thank you very much Abbie Shores. All the best to you, your loved ones, and FAA in 2020


Viet Tran

5 Years Ago

Good morning Abbie

I have tried to post any new entry on my poetry thread, but it goes nowhere. I have tried many times without success. Please help me sort out this issue. I appreciate your time for it. Thank you very much.


Viet, I'm unsure why

Would you log out, refresh your history, try again please?


Vevine Goldson

5 Years Ago

Thanks a bunch for the links Abbie,two of my questions already answered.




Linda Burger

5 Years Ago

Hi Everyone! I'm new, just joined yesterday! I have a question. Why don't the note pads, zippered bags and several other items show up on my postings. I've priced all of the items, but they don't show up as available for purchase. I think I'm missing some of the towels too. Thanks for your time. I don't know where to ask questions, hoping this is the right place!


You can see when pricing, your products appear on pixels, and pixel premium sites only


Linda Burger

5 Years Ago

Thanks Abbie! I've upgraded and found that they are showing up on my new website. Thank you again for your response!


Kathy Braud

5 Years Ago

Hi Abbie, In my FAA gallery's, I need to add the " Featured Images 2020",
but I do not see any way to add a new category to the galleries.
all my images are going to have this problem of this showcasing feature in their galleries.


Why would you showcase features in a collection?


Kathy Braud

5 Years Ago

it captured the features in a group - if they were minimally looking for art.


Customers are not honestly bothered about features.

But to add a new collection, go to that page (collections) and create a collection

Or is that not what you mean?


Kendall Kessler

5 Years Ago

Where are the Special Promotions listed?


Kendall Kessler

5 Years Ago

Thanks Abbie but I don't understand. I know I have placed these on Special but I only list one a week.

I want to know how people that visit the site can find the Special Promotions.


They cannot from what I see... but they are not meant for visitors in actuality

The purpose behind these was for artists to share the link with their special customers, or their own social media.......

A limited amount of specially priced items for sale just for the chosen few.


Kendall Kessler

5 Years Ago

Thanks Abbie. There used to be an icon for people to click on so they could see them. I wish the site still had that.


Amber Rose Tea

5 Years Ago

Hello Abbie,

Thank you for all of the helpful tips.

I have just joined and I am unable to upload images to the discussion board. Can you help me with this?



Amber Rose Tea

5 Years Ago

Thank you Abbie :)


Turid Bjornsen

5 Years Ago

Hi I am new to this, and there is meny things I do not understand.
When I shall post my image(s) in featured etc in discussions, something goes wrong. I copy the link under the image (cmd c) and paste it in (cmd v) in the
post reply window, but only my profile picture appears.
Why is it easier for customers to see the images by doing this?

Is it all right to use the already set price in the editing site?

How is the best way for customers to see my images on FAA?

I miss an introduction site for newbies!

Best Turid


Turid Bjornsen

5 Years Ago

Hi again!

You have made a good introduction to many things above, but still I think it is a bit difficult! Need to be here a while to understand it better!



Dritan Zaimi

5 Years Ago

I can't connect my account to any social media. I try facebook from my control panel, I am a Pro user, and the facebook comes out as "doesn;t exist", also When I click instagram merchandise from the bottom of the page, it always asks me to fill in as a new user although I am already logged in, why?


Travel Pics

4 Years Ago

We don't need to have separate links for Fine Art America and Pixels, one will suffice for both.

Transparency In Discussions

<a href='/showmessages.php?messageid=4294579'>Transparency In Discussions</a>


Michel, huh?

I am sorry but the Facebook app does not work at present.

Facebook’s developer’s blog says that no new apps will be allowed to do this, and existing permissions were to be revoked in August.



The publish_actions permission will be deprecated. This permission granted apps access to publish posts to Facebook as the logged in user. Apps created from today onwards will not have access to this permission. Apps created before today that have been previously approved to request publish_actions can continue to do so until August 1, 2018. No further apps will be approved to use publish_actions via app review. Developers currently utilizing publish_actions are encouraged to switch to Facebook's Share dialogs for web, iOS and Android.
(FB Developers blog )

This means they require people to actively share their work manually.

I am not sure what will be happening with our app here as yet. They approved us as a site allowed to add the shop to our FB pages but are still throwing up an error when we try to link them.

You now need to share using the FB button on the image page manually using the FB icon on the right of the image page

You have a button on your Facebook business page under the cover image. You can have that link to your store here direct.


Travel Pics

4 Years Ago


You have links in the opening post for Fine Art America and Pixels. There's no need for both.

By using the 'relative path' link I illustrated above (with HTML code to use), people on Pixels or Fine Art America will both get to the same topic, no matter.

Try it.

Click (or hover over) the link above (from Fine Art America), then try it again (from Pixels).


The Top Travel Pics Group on FAA / Pixels link below will also work from both Fine Art America and Pixels.


📷 Michel
🌎 Top Travel Pics Group on FAA / Pixels.


Yes, I know about those, however, for certain reasons they don't always work.. it's always best to have the full link.

But thank you! Appreciate your taking the time to help, seriously x




4 Years Ago

I recently created a premium website through Fine Art America. I have a general question. I post blogs on my premium website and they automatically post on my Fine Art America profile too.

So my question is which one ranks better on Google?

I want visitors to go to my premium website and not my Fine Art America profile. How does this work?


Cheryl Rhodes

4 Years Ago

I am new to Fine Art America but been on for about 3 months now. Paid for premium. When I put my name Cheryl Rhodes Art in the top search bar there are no matches. I tried every way to search, keyword + artist, artist alone etc. I am really confused and frustrated. How do people find me if it doesn't even recognize my name? Any advice? I have joined a few groups, participated in some of the posting art and liking works of others streams. But not many yet, just haven't been on long enough. Not sure what is wrong. Would welcome any advice others have. Thanks!


Cheryl Rhodes

4 Years Ago

Figured it out, sorry to bother all on discussion stream, had to just eliminate 'art' in artist search needed to just use name only, thought I had to put in full title ugh


Turid Bjornsen

4 Years Ago

I wonder where I find the URL link to a image. In some groups they ask for URL in stead of the embedded link, when you shall post a picture!
Can somebody answer me that! I would be so glad!


TeAnne Pantony

4 Years Ago

This is great info. Thank you


Debra Grace Addison

4 Years Ago

Thank you so much, I appreciate your tenacity and repeating and rehashing all of this information for those of us who are not always on this site. Abbie, thank you.


I'm glad to help

I've also added all you need to know about sizes and dimensions now

Linked above, but here is the link to the post


Debra Grace Addison

4 Years Ago

Cool! And we are glad that you are feeling better!


Thank you!!


Amberly Ruck

4 Years Ago

Abbie, I love your new picture. LOVE the color of your hair. You are gorgeous!



Sergio Florez Alonso

4 Years Ago

Great help for new members. I apreciate all this work. Thanks a lot Abbie🤗


I am glad it helps, Sergio


Scott Froschauer

4 Years Ago

This seems like it should be simple, but I'm not finding it anywhere. How do I tel the system I don't want a particular product to be offered. For instance, if I don't want to offer mugs.

I tried putting the commission at $0 and just got an error.

Thanks so much!


That was mentioned further up

If you choose not to sell something, leave the space for markup totally blank. Not even a space.

You cannot choose between canvas, metal, acrylic, framed or paper prints etc. Only the products or all the prints

Search pages (such as particular product searches) take 24 hours after the prices added to be shown

Use DEFAULT SETTINGS to change pricing for future images
Use BULK IMAGE EDIT for existing images or
EDIT IMAGE for singles

It takes a couple of days for the other pages to catch up with changes


Scott Froschauer

4 Years Ago

Thank you Abbie!

Your support is fantastic!!!


:-). Very welcome!!


Jeff Burgess

4 Years Ago

What ever happened to the 'new members' and 'new uploads' links on FAA?


Kelly Robinson

4 Years Ago

I have a question not listed here. How do you track the orders that a customer has placed? My customer has not received any email confirmation and neither have I. I need to update my one customer because they are interested in more orders.



Michalakis Ppalis

4 Years Ago

Very good information in one place. Thank you for sharing


Laura Zulian

4 Years Ago

Many thanks Abbie!! Great work!


Kris Houston

4 Years Ago

Thank you for these links.


Julie Palfrey

4 Years Ago

Kelly, if asking about shopify please can you let us know?

Contact customer support


Hazel Lin

4 Years Ago

As a newbie, this is really helpful information. Thank you. =)


GJ Glorijean

4 Years Ago

PUBLIC VIEWING Key Difference!

It appears that the IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE between FAA & Pixels:
* FAA requires signing in.
* PIXELS allows browsing w/o signing in.

* Does Pixel Public Browsing ADD VIEWS to my FAA web page?


Thank you!


GJ Glorijean

None of your post is true

Both sites require log in if you want to do something on it
Both sites are public viewing

Yes, both sites share visitor statistics


Nicola Semprevivo

4 Years Ago



William Woods

4 Years Ago

Hi Abbie I'm not able to link to my face book page. I go to behind the scenes then down to the face book tab than I get 3 choices the one I want to link to is my facebook page, when I click on it nothing happens the other two work but the tab in the middle the one I wont doesn't do any thing. have you any suggestions.


Takea Spring

4 Years Ago

abbie, why no exports to nigeria


Marla Steinke

4 Years Ago

How do I embed a photo to a discussion? I had a photo that was featured and was told I should embed it to the discussion for that group but I am new to this and don’t know how to do that. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!


Leigh Marriott

4 Years Ago



William - the Facebook app will be hidden soon. It is not working. Facebook stopped it

Marla, it's in the big skip.... Scroll to the centre of this thread and click on big skip.

Takea, that's customer support. I have no idea


Walter Holland

4 Years Ago

I have been absent from FAA for a couple of years but recently updated my paid membership.

After uploading new images I noticed that while my art is available on pillows, and mugs and such, there are no prices for regular prints of any, paper, canvas, framed or not...

Where can I go to see how to edit the prices for such?

Thanks in advance.


Kendall Kessler

4 Years Ago

I was logged in for about ten minutes and uploaded a new painting. When I submitted it I was told my session with Fine Art America had timed out.

I don't want to do all that work again if there is a problem with uploading images right now so if anyone else is having this problem please let me know.

Thank you.

Never mind. Must have been a computer glitch. It worked this time.


Sara Richins

4 Years Ago

Thank you for all this great info!


Patty Donoghue

4 Years Ago

I have found the license link for my paintings. I do not see all of them there. Could you please explain how I could fix this?


If you choose not to sell something, leave the space for markup totally blank. Not even a space.

You cannot choose between canvas, metal, acrylic, framed or paper prints etc. Only the products or all the prints

Search pages (such as particular product searches) take 24 hours after the prices added to be shown

Use DEFAULT SETTINGS to change pricing for future images
Use BULK IMAGE EDIT for existing images or
EDIT IMAGE for singles


Search pages (which that is) are taking a while to update right now

Just send people to your home page there


Katrina Pierce

4 Years Ago

Trouble loading images.
The images are jpg and under the max MB.
Any suggestions?

Mahalo (thank you)


What's the error message?



4 Years Ago

Great links to read


Katrina Pierce

4 Years Ago

It says my image must be one of the following file types : .gif, jpg, .jpeg.
Since it is a jpg file and I have uploaded other files successfully, I'm not sure what to do.


My guess is you're using either iPhone, or SD card image

They do not save jpg's in the correct format now

Open in an editor
Save as jpg


Katrina Pierce

4 Years Ago

I had tried that too. I tired it again and it still wouldn't accept it.
I'll try taking new photos with a different camera.

Okay, I used a different camera and those files were able to upload.
Odd that the FAA software wouldn't accept the other jpg files.
Thank you for your help.


Valentina Turtur

4 Years Ago

Thank you for those information, I do have another question there any reason why I uploaded my bio 2 days ago and it's still not visible? I'm trying to get my head around all of this so apology if there is already an answer to my question somewhere I can't see..... :(


Brayan Photography

4 Years Ago

Thank you for the information Abbie.



We only accept

A to z


. Or ,

Anything else will need to be removed


Kim McGuire

4 Years Ago

Hi Abbie,

I haven't received a parcel that has evidently been lost in the post. I've already contacted Customer Service, but haven't heard back since 15 May.

I looked at the FAQs, but couldn't find an answer to my question:

At what point in a failed delivery will the order be re-processed or reimbursed?

I ordered my cushion print a month ago, but the wood print part of the same order was delivered successfully two weeks ago.


Nilanka Sampath

4 Years Ago

thanks !


Wendy Wilton

4 Years Ago

Hi Abbie...I have a small problem, I have an image missing. The logo for Architecture Collection is no longer showing in that collection or anywhere else either. Could just be a glitch but I don't know how to correct it. (I'm looking into if there are any others gone walkabout!!)
Thanks for all the great info here, it really is helpful.


Derek Goldberg

4 Years Ago

Hi Abbie,

I have a question about selling "limited edition" photographic prints. I don't see this topic covered and when I search for it I only get "limited time" hits which is another topic altogether.

I was wondering if you have a feature on the FAA site and search engine to list or show "limited edition prints." As the prices on these will be higher than open series prints, I would want it to be clear to prospective buyers that they are being offered limited edition prints. How would one go about trying to list limited edition prints on your profile page and could prospective buyers search specifically for limited edition prints? I'm assuming not because I tried it and did not get relevant hits in my text search? But maybe I'm just not doing it correctly, so thought I'd ask. Thanks in advance. Derek

Thanks, Derek



Reach out to CS.

They are a little behind but doing their best to catch up. Some shipments are taking longer than others.

Wendy, do you have the exact title?

Derek, we have no dealings with limited edition which you'd have to print yourself. We don't deal with off-site prints at all.


Derek Goldberg

4 Years Ago

Ok. Thanks for the prompt reply, Abbie.


Wendy Wilton

4 Years Ago

Abbie....thanks for the speedy reply but sorry no. I don't keep a note of the titles on my records and can't remember what I called it. Apart from it being the logo on the Architecture collection I can't tell you any more!!!


Zola O'Donnell

4 Years Ago

Thank you!!!


Deborah Grems

4 Years Ago

How do I embed a photo to a discussion? I had a photo that was featured and was told I should embed it to the discussion for that group but I am new to this and don’t know how to do that. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!


Mike Breau

4 Years Ago


Four boxes below your art descrition, you'll recognize the box saying embed.
Just left click in that box with your mouse and it will select the image; right click your mouse to copy;
Paste into the discusion for that group!

or highlight the embed code;
press ctrl c to copy; then ctrl v to paste
either way does the trick!

Best to you,


Emerita Wheeling

4 Years Ago

Hi Deborah Grems! Go to the page where you have the image, then scroll down where you can see the details about that image: "Title", "Artist", "Medium", etc. After "Colors" you will see "Embed". Copy the link and paste it to the group discussion.

Just noticed Mike Breau already answered your question. :)


Snehal Bogar

4 Years Ago

This is really great and comprehensive information.Thanks.


Michael Pedrotti

4 Years Ago

Thank you for this useful informations.
Best regards


Petrus Albertse

4 Years Ago

i am new


Howard Renfrow

4 Years Ago



Lihini Panidara

4 Years Ago

Can anyone explain me how fine art america works please?


David Dehner

4 Years Ago

Lihini, you can start here -

Then go to the top of this discussion and open / read all the links posted

Good luck and welcome to FAA..


Emily Wilson

4 Years Ago

So helpful!


Brian Rivera

4 Years Ago

Choose the site you want to use and use that. The other will show automatically.


Sandra Saylor Seaman

4 Years Ago

Is there a list of the base print prices that FAA sets? I see the base price for the products but not for the prints. This would be so helpful for me to figure out how to price? Thanks for your help!



All markups are input in USD.

You can add your markup for $10 for an 8.0" x 6.4" ... $25 for a 12.0" x 9.6"... or $199 etc Whatever you want.. We charge for our products and add your markup for the licensing of that image at that size

The final prices are a collaboration of

1. What you put in your markup. That is what you will actually earn for a sale.
2. If your markup is $50 or under, we add $5. If your markup is over $50 we add $5 + 10%
3. Plus Our Printing costs

All of our wall decor is custom priced and produced based on your unique image sizes. So the easiest way to figure out base costs for your unique image sizes is to set all of your print markups for that image to $1. Then just see the resulting retail prices by size, and subtract your $1 markup by size to figure out our base costs for each.

Because our ship prices are also specific to your custom image sizes, the easiest way to figure out shipping charges is to add one of your images as a canvas print (or any other wall decor option that you want to figure out ship costs for) to a cart on our FAA or site, enter a US or international shipping address representative of where your customers are likely to be shipping your orders to, and see the ship price that our site shows you.

The Price and Dimensions area should be totally ignored if you are not selling original sculptures, paintings etc. We do not charge or take commissions on these.

If you choose not to sell something, leave the space for markup totally blank. Not even a space.

You cannot choose between canvas OR paper prints etc. Only the products or all the prints. You are not selling the products, we are. So we price the product and you price your image which you are licensing to us to use on all prints


Sandra Saylor Seaman

4 Years Ago

Thank you, Abbie. That helps!


Cassi Bell

4 Years Ago



Kathy Bassett

4 Years Ago

I am so unclear about how to bulk upload facemasks to all of my images with price. Do I have to go page by page to do this? Very unclear. I am asking for specific ... how do I even get there... to do this.


David Dehner

4 Years Ago


You may want to copy and print the following.


While signed into your account

Hover over the blue line below your name (Upper right hand corner)

On the drop-down menu click on (Behind The Scenes)

Click on (Default Settings)

Scroll down to Face Masks, Set your markup, don’t forget to click (Save Changes)

This will set prices on all your future face masks that you upload.


While signed into your account

Hover over the blue line below your name (Upper right hand corner)

On the drop-down menu click on (Behind The Scenes)

Click on (Bulk Edit Prices)

Click on (Show All Images)

Checkmark the square to select all images

Checkmark the square to select all 650 of your images

Click (Edit Checked Images Simultaneously)

Scroll down to Face Masks

Checkmark square to the extreme right of Face Masks

Set the price for your markup, and do not forget to click the (Submit button).

This will set all your current images Face Mask prices

NOTE: you will only see your Face Masks on your Pixel site – not you FAA site


David! Thank you


David Dehner

4 Years Ago

No Problem! Abbie..


Lyle Manring

4 Years Ago


Linaji Creating

4 Years Ago

Sorry please delet this one, I had forgotten to check for the replies so the one below is the one I d like to keep.. OPPS!!


Linaji Creating

4 Years Ago

How do I link words? I am lost on the language to link lets say ... This is a Link to our Newest Gallery....

Thank you for everything else you have posted, quite appreciated!


CJS Photostore

4 Years Ago

I’m confused. I see references to discount programs that don’t include “the accessory commission” from Zenfolio on sales. But I can’t find any info on the accessory commission on the site. Does it still exist? Is it a commission on frames, etc?


Gary Wohlman

4 Years Ago

Hi Abbie,

Thanks for your helpful links.

I'm new to FAA, and I've joined the "PROMOTE YOUR WORK" group...Where I've given comments to each of the 3 links the artist just before me posted. Now it's my turn. How do I find the correct links in my profile like Angelo has posted of:

When I manually attempt to find a similar digital URL for one of my fav pieces so i can post as one of 3 links in that group, i come up with:

Yet that link doesn't work.

Any ideas how to create 3 links each one matching the uRL of my art as Angelo has created his, please? Appreciating a bit of hand-holding as I'm new to this site, thanks so much. Grateful, Gary


Epoch Collage

4 Years Ago

Thank you, this is very helpful!


Saigelyn Kae

4 Years Ago

I'm terrified of this whole concept but thank you for this



If the image link doesn't work it means the image has been deleted



I do not know what you are asking as we are not Zenfolio


Linaji, that is HTML use my cheat sheet


Gustavo Novaes

4 Years Ago

Great links to read.


Jade Moon

4 Years Ago

I hope you can help me with this or point me to the people who can. I just had to change my password again. This happens quite often, the login refuses my password and I have to create a new one. Sometimes it won't even accept my email in order to GET a new password. Is there some way to fix this?


Jade Moon


David Dehner

4 Years Ago

Hi Jade,

I cannot assist with your password - Abbie should be along to help you with that.

Just in case - do not forget each time you log in - log in as an ARTIST and not a gallery or collector.

That sometimes happens and will fail to log you in -

If this is not the problem - you can always go to the bottom of any page and click Contact Us - send your issue to Technical Support


Elena Karot

4 Years Ago

Thanks for the clarifications! Now I am in great company!


Jade Moon

4 Years Ago

David Dehner, thank you. I have done that (contact us) several times and haven't received any answers, except for a form email saying someone will contact me, which still hasn't happened and it's been over a week. And I also am very careful to log in as Artist. Do you think it might have something to do with having separate log-ins for pixels and FAA?
It happened again just a few minutes ago. I'm logged in here but couldn't get into my Pixels account.
Mahalo for responding.

PS-- I just tried the "Contact Us" email again and will hope for a reply.


David Dehner

4 Years Ago

Hi Jade,

I think you found the answer to your own question..

Your log-in is the same for FAA and Pixels. If it is the same account it cannot have two different log-ins.

When you change it on FAA - the next time you try to log-in to Pixels it will fail because you changed it on FAA

Same site - Same log-in.. Pixels and FAA is the same site - they need the same log-in.


Jade Moon

4 Years Ago

Dave Dehner--- OHHH.
Okay, I'll try it.
Thank you!

Edit: Okay, it worked. Mahalo again!


Ann Nugaeva

4 Years Ago

Thanks for the discussion!


Tiffany Pacheco

4 Years Ago

Thank you so much I'm new here so I'm still winging it


Isabella Chinn

4 Years Ago

Thank you this information is super helpful!


Jennifer Carrico

4 Years Ago

Hello, my name is Jennifer and I'm new. Does anyone know how to tell if they sold anything? I can't for the life of me find a link for it on this website.


David Dehner

4 Years Ago

Hi Jennifer,

While signed into your account

Hover over the blue line below your name (Upper right hand corner)

On the drop-down menu click on (Behind The Scenes)

Scroll down to Sales


Julieanne Case

4 Years Ago

If you decide to change the name of a photo or art work, how does that affect the search for your piece? Will this affect anything permanently or will the search engines eventually find the newly named piece. Thank you.


Sonia Kumari

4 Years Ago

Thank you for the information.


Zakaria Didi

4 Years Ago

Thank you


If we purchase something, does that come off our total balance (if we have had sales)?

Thanks for all you do.

Catherine Ludwig Donleycott


David Dehner

4 Years Ago

Hi Catherine,

Your sales and your purchases are separate.

FAA will not take money owed you from sales to cover your purchases.


Jessica Jalali

4 Years Ago

Hi, I can't figure out how to put an image in a discussion board. How do I do this?


Jessica Jalali

4 Years Ago

Thank you so much!


Davincci Creations

4 Years Ago

Thank goodness I found this! Thank you!


Ingrid Fornazari

4 Years Ago

thank you


Michael Chacon

4 Years Ago

This is Awesome


Sheena A D

4 Years Ago

Good Information to all.


Wendy Wilton

4 Years Ago

Hi everyone....I'm having two problems

Firstly - I am a member of 33 groups but in the expanded list in Behind the Scenes only 26 show. I know that I can get to the others via image edit but don't understand why they are not all listed in the Group Activity area.
Secondly - I am missing 23 images. From my total of 1090 only 1067 are present on FAA. I think a lot of these are all one type and I know that I haven't deleted them. Can FAA reinstate them along with Descriptions, keywords and comments/features? I did have one image go missing a month or two back and I had to re-upload it...these might have gone missing at the same time, I have no way to tell!

I'd be grateful for any help/solutions that you can offer.


If all one type then it's probably a DMCA was issued against them. I see Harley D on your page so that would make sense. Companies like that will make us remove their trademarked content. see groups you belong to there


Rebecca S

4 Years Ago

Thank you! Very helpful.


Wendy Wilton

4 Years Ago

Hi Abbie, I have now had time to go through my records so many thanks - it has helped me get to the bottom of all but one missing image. I think that I now have to go through over 1000 images if I want to find which one is missing unless FAA keeps a list/record? The image that FAA removed a couple of months ago was not sorted out and I spent some time finding it before uploading again. Could I suggest that if FAA have to remove images they let the contributors know in advance in order that we can get our records straight and not just find out by chance.
I understand about the groups.....should all of them appear in the Group list in Behind in Scenes?

Many thanks in advance


Gilbert Gilbert

4 Years Ago

How do we add a signature to our posts on the forum?


Lynsey Mathias

4 Years Ago

Thank you


Lisa Zyski

4 Years Ago

Thank you


Melissa Ireland

4 Years Ago

Hi everyone!
I just joined and have a question....I am not the most technically advanced soul!
I only want my images available as prints and I am not seeing anywhere to control that.
I do not want my images on all these other products. Can someone help me with how to do that?
Is it possible?
Thanks so much.


Wendy Wilton

4 Years Ago

Hi Melissa
I too am technically challenged.....but I think you'll find that if you go in to edit the image and don't put a mark-up for the items you don't want to sell then they shouldn't appear as available. If that doesn't work perhaps someone else will be able to help. Good luck, Wendy


David Dehner

4 Years Ago

Hi Melissa - Wendy is correct - here is how to do it so your present image and all future images are priced the way you want them.

While signed into your account

Hover over the blue line below your name (Upper right hand corner)

On the drop-down menu click on (Behind The Scenes)

Click on (Default Settings)

Scroll down and Set your markup for the products you wish to sell, don’t forget to click (Save Changes)

Note: If you do not wish to sell a certain product (Leave the markup blank) no 0 no dash

This will set prices on all your future images you upload.

While signed into your account

Hover over the blue line below your name (Upper right hand corner)

On the drop-down menu click on (Behind The Scenes)

Click on (Bulk Edit Prices)

Click on (Show All Images)

Checkmark the square to select all images

Checkmark the square to select all 650 of your images

Click (Edit Checked Images Simultaneously)

Scroll down and Checkmark square to the extreme right of products you want to adjust price

Set the price for your markup, and do not forget to click the (Submit button) when finished

Note: If you do not wish to sell a certain product (Leave the markup blank) no 0 no dash

This will set all your current image prices


Shelly Hearne

4 Years Ago

I did have a question that I didn't see a link for. I have uploaded nine images for products but only four of them come up available in the mask (accessories) page. I'm wondering if I missed a step. I downloaded (titled) and went through the settings for each one. I'm wondering if I am only allowed four and no more.



Sandra Saylor Seaman

4 Years Ago

Someone mentioned to me that my images should be 300 dpi. But when I read the faq, it says that dpi does not matter. Wondering why it doesn't matter. When I changed my photo from 72 dpi (where it is when I open photoshop) to 300 dpi, the photo is way to large to upload here. Just a little confused. Thanks for the help!


David Dehner

4 Years Ago

Hi Sandra,

This is what Abbie wrote about DPI


DPI and PPI mean nothing. You do not need to worry about DPI or PPI at all. You are not looking to change those, or even use those


Before you upload your image you MUST go around that image at 100% view in a photo editor to make sure it is of top quality printability

If you sell an image we will refuse to print if the image shows.......

Bad cropping
Blurriness not in keeping with the image (ie not meant to be there)
normal font signature (Arial, Times New Roman etc)
signature cropped half off the image
large watermarks
noticeable camera flash
Upsized images

We do not do quality control until you sell so, it is your responsibility to quality control your images carefully before uploading.


Wendy Wilton

4 Years Ago

Hi Abbie....any chance that you've been able to look at my problem? I'd be grateful to hear from you. Thanks, Wendy



The only time FAA remove images is if they’ve had a DMCA notice

If there was one removed apart from that then it was a glitch. In that case we would not have known or been able to tell you.


Seth Sheets

4 Years Ago

I'm new any information will help out over all :)


Movie Poster Prints

4 Years Ago

Hi Seth - read this and then go to the top of this page and read the F A Q.


Li Newton

4 Years Ago

How do I get my images to show up on my Instagram? I've hit the link but I'm not getting it. Thanks.


Judy O'Hara

4 Years Ago

Hello, For some reason I am not able to share to Pinterest, I get the message that this artis does not want to share to pinterest. I really do and don't know how to change it. Anyone able to help me with this? Thanks Judy



4 Years Ago

Hey, can you tell me how can I design sweatshirts... because eveytime I upload there's only a t-shirt on which I can put my design on


David Dehner

4 Years Ago


When you place an image on the T-Shirt - it is being placed on all clothing.


Saleazucar US

4 Years Ago



Paul Davenport

4 Years Ago

Hi Abbie

Thank you very much for your recent help... REALLY is appreciated :-)

Ive had a query by a customer to buy a digital image / download -
Whilst I have set up everything for image licensing, I don't seem to able to actually get the option to appear anywhere!

Query! - Am I being a bonehead?


David Dehner

4 Years Ago

Hi Paul,

You will need to go to the licensing site - Your log-on is the same.


Kuko Paintings

4 Years Ago

Hi Abbie, I just saw this discussion, it has a lot of information and it's very helpful. I was looking for a space like this. Thank you very much to everyone


Paul Davenport

4 Years Ago

Thank you very much David :-)

(OK - I was being a bonehead!)


Sean Murray

4 Years Ago

thank you


Mike Kiev

4 Years Ago

I see that many sites, including you, sell prints by old artists. Can I upload to my portfolio a reproduction of paintings by old artists from internet or museum? I have heard that after 70 years after the death of the author, these works can be used freely.


Tahura Hossain

4 Years Ago

Thank you Abbie! This is so helpful!



Behind the scenes
Sharing buttons


Yukta Joshi

4 Years Ago

how do i earn and sell my own handmade art works


Annette Winter

4 Years Ago

If I change the name of a collection will it break the links to the images I have shared within that collection? Sorry if this has been addressed elsewhere, I did search but couldn’t find anything.


David Dehner

4 Years Ago

Hi Annette,

No - that will not break the link of the images in the collection that you shared. However, If you shared the link of the collection itself - That would break that link


Reinaldo Martinez

4 Years Ago

Hello everyone,

I went out for merely one day and came back to my PC to find -Goodness Gracious! 87 emails!

There in no possibility of reading them, much less answering a single one of them, because I would have to read all of them to catch the thread.

I dont know how you do it. My initial intention was to socialize and exchange impressions. No way this way,

I am sorry.

Just one question: Is there a possibility of regulating the amount of emails reaching me?



Allison Mahr

4 Years Ago

I have a question, can I choose which products I do and don't sell. I really don't want to sell tshirts or have bedding as an option, they make my pictures look bad. Can I choose not to sell those? How would I do that?


David Dehner

4 Years Ago


Any products you do not wish to sell - just leave the price blank - do not place a 0 or a dash - just blank and those products will not be for sale..


David Dehner

4 Years Ago


I have been with FAA for eight years and I do not believe I have received 87 emails from them in all that time.

Did you join an email club or something??

What are the emails about and who are they from??

Are the emails in your private or your FAA email??


Mike Savad

4 Years Ago

there are some groups that feel like they have to send everyone every single feature, who's on the front page, when its time to vote in a contest, that its time to vote, voting now, people that won etc. and some of them run a great number of contests and groups and send a ton of mail. back from a 3 day trip i have to wade through a few hundred. on a typical day i end up with a few dozen.

----Mike Savad


Hi Abbie,
Thanks so much for the great information! So helpful.
My question is...When people have left me comments they
sometimes end it with "l/f". What does that mean? I think I have seen
other abbreviations. Grateful if you could share that information with us.


Mike Savad

4 Years Ago

Lorenzo and Freddie its in celebration of them.

Others thinks it means



David Dehner

4 Years Ago

As our resident humorist says they liked and favorited your image


Zachary Warner

4 Years Ago

Great Read!


Alexandra Wells

4 Years Ago


How do I allow sharing of my photos? Such as to Facebook or Pinterest


At the top of the FAA or Pixels site, in the menu to the right, is a drop down when logged in.

PROFILE page takes you to all your art as you have set it up
BEHIND THE SCENES All your tools are in that area. I always suggest taking a while to just look around and see what you can do. Instructions are on each page.


On a premium site go to your Website Appearance settings and it is in there under Artwork Pages / Social Buttons


Ashley Baehr

4 Years Ago

thanks for posting


Amara Shahid

4 Years Ago



Akshat Goyal

4 Years Ago

Hi Abbie,

Can I pay by my debit card for premium membership?


Yes. Not prepaid visa

But I have a debit visa and pay with that


Sarah Bassett

4 Years Ago

Maybe this is a dumb question but do I technically need a business licence for my FAA account? I live in Alaska and this isn’t much more than just a side gig, if that helps. Thanks!


David Dehner

4 Years Ago


No you do not need a business license the customers belong to FAA and FAA pays you the markup

You'll have to check to see if you need to pay taxes on the markup that you received from FAA

Since you live in the USA you'll need to go behind the scenes to accounting and fill in the tax information


Cleo Kleyn

4 Years Ago

Thank you, so helpful. I feel really stupid in asking this but English is not my first language, and I'm having trouble understanding about posting fan art you create with celebrities in them. I read the link with the rules but I don’t understand if its allowed, like do you need permission from the person who is in the art?. How do you even get that if that is what you need. I did post some but worried about getting into trouble I posted of celebrities that there are a lot of fan art on the site, but not sure if you can post about any celebrity or only dead people or how it works. Really feeling embarrassed to ask but hoping someone can explain to me about this. I understand English but wow they use some hardcore langue in the rules of the site page.


Cleo Kleyn

4 Years Ago

Also if I edit a picture and add keywords or change a description will I loose likes and comments and favorites on that picture? If I change the price to 0 to remove that product option will that remove likes and comments and so on?

Thank you so much!



You need permission and you can contact the person who own the rights. It is up to you to find out who that is

See "EDIT" on the image
Click and scroll down to make changes

You will not lose anything that way

If you choose not to sell something, leave the space for markup totally blank. Not even a space. Definitely no zero


Cleo Kleyn

4 Years Ago


Thank you. You are so helpful.

I was wondering I see in some of the threads sometimes its pictures that is posted and not the link.
How do I post the pictures like they do in some of the discussions?

Thank you again.


David Dehner

4 Years Ago


If you want to post one of your images in an approved discussion thread.

Open your image - scroll down to "Embed" on the right hand side - copy and then paste in the discussion


Cleo Kleyn

4 Years Ago

David thank you so much.


Linda Masson

4 Years Ago

Thanks for the great information.


Barbara LCecka Art

4 Years Ago

My page is coming up not found when my interested people click on my link. What's the issue?


Barbara LCecka Art

4 Years Ago

The link I post is Am I listing this correctly


Barbara LCecka Art

4 Years Ago

Ok it must be them


Abedalrahman Samara

4 Years Ago

Thank you very much


Amber Gomez

4 Years Ago

Thank you!


Steven Sutter

4 Years Ago

Interesting reading !


Sergey Kovalevskiy

4 Years Ago

English is not my native language, I apologize in advance for any mistakes.
A few questions that I couldn't find answers to.
I have an art gallery in Germany, I work not as an individual but as a company and pay VAT.
Also in the European Union there are requirements for sites to disclose information, cookies. I want to work under my own domain.
Can you help me find information or who can consult on the following issues?
How do I reflect VAT in my markup?
Do I have to comply with the requirements of the European Union to the site?

Thank you in advance for your response


Alice Schlesier

4 Years Ago

Thanks Abbie! New question re: tomorrow’s sale. Is it 25% off? Are there any materials to help us market that? Okay to start sharing with potential customers now?


You are not selling the products Sergey, we are. Vat and sales taxes are nothing to do with you on our site. We are already set up for selling in Europe.



Promote now for tomorrow's 25%


Dillon Reno

4 Years Ago

Thank you for posting this!


Sergey Kovalevskiy

4 Years Ago

Dear Abbie, thanks for your answer. I know it`s that`s selling the products, not me, so I don`t have to make my website meet the European requierments (cookies, privacy policy etc), even if I use my own domain name? Or I still have to?

My second question is: is VAT included in the sum I get from fineartamerica/pixels after selling the products? And what is the purpose of payment you choose? My German tax advisor needs this information.

Thank you


We pay in USD and your responsible for all your earnings taxes.

Vat has nothing to do with what we pay you. Sales tax is for customers only

A domain pointed here is fine, you do nothing

If you've your own site and are just using us as a drop in cart, or linking to us, your site would need to be legal and you're responsible for that

If using our premium site with your own domain, you don't need to do anything


Helen Thomas Robson

4 Years Ago


Helen Thomas Robson

4 Years Ago

I have a question. I just noticed that the website is discounting some of my images up to 73% off, but then I look at it from another browser and it doesn't show any discount at all. I am really confused. What is the 73% off about??? What am I missing?


There are three discount types

1. You are logged in, so you see your markup removed. it shows as a discount. Only you see that part.

2. Our online advertising (e.g. Google Shopping ads, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, etc.) is new part of what we offer to artists. When a sale results from one of our ads, we reduce your commission by 50% just like we do for Designer Prints.

We also do the same thing when we run sitewide discount codes (e.g. 20% off phone cases). Your commission will be reduced by that same discount percentage (e.g. 20%). Anyone who wishes to be a part of these discounts can opt in or, if not, opt out.

As always - You may opt out of these programmes whenever you want to. (You have to be logged in to view)

You cannot advertise these as they show randomly and to only a few customers

3. HOLIDAY PROMOTION which are shareable by the artists on social media etc. We give you an email to let you know, and we will let you know in here (discussions)


Kelly Dudka

4 Years Ago

Awesome thanks


Aya Hilal

4 Years Ago

thank you so much


Alice Schlesier

4 Years Ago

Thank you for all you do! You really are a huge help in clarifying things. That said, I have one more question: what are “designer prints”?
Much appreciation,


Sergey Kovalevskiy

4 Years Ago

Abbie, thank you


September First Art

4 Years Ago

Hey guys,
I'm a newbie artist here. I have a problem abput payment. I clearly understood that I need a paypal account to get my payment; however, I live in Turkey. Paypal is forbidden to use in Turkey, so is there another option rather than Paypal?



Abedalrahman Samara

4 Years Ago

Thank you


I am sorry but we only pay by PayPal. Do you have a friend or relative who would allow you to use their PayPal? Otherwise you will not be able to sell through us.


Marko Zivanovic

4 Years Ago



Abedalrahman Samara

4 Years Ago

I hope to see sale , I tried to take all instructions


Andrew Baker

4 Years Ago

if i take in game photos and edit them cas i still post them on here if not ill remove them


David Dehner

4 Years Ago

Hi Andrew,

Can I Upload Celebrities, Buildings, People, Copies, Etc? - Explanation

You may load anything as long as our Terms of Use is applicable

or if on Pixels

Representations and Warranties

.......(C) The Images and all parts thereof are owned and/or controlled by You, unencumbered and original works and are capable of copyright protection in all countries where copyright or similar protection is available;.....

It is your responsibility to prove if needed that they are public domain, or that you have the license to use. Derivatives of other peoples movie stills, photographs, trademarks, or original works, MUST have permission from the original creator

Please note that this includes keywords. You may not use other peoples names in your work unless it is with their permission or public domain work of them


Greg Beecham

4 Years Ago

Thanks for the info



4 Years Ago

I am new to this. Any advice welcome. Novice photographer here!


David Dehner

4 Years Ago

Hi Michelle,

Here are a few important items you must have.

TITLE – Give it a short but descriptive title – “A Beautiful Scene” will not tell perceptive buyers that your image is actually a Butterfly on wildflowers in Central Park.

KEYWORDS – Very important – you can use up to 500 characters, use them all if you can. Note: they must relate to the image. Do not use words or phrases that have nothing to do with the image you are uploading.

DESCRIPTION - Just like your biography when you're uploading art into your gallery, use the "Description" field to tell the story behind the art. Google loves a good story and that can help you in searches. Tell what is it, where it is, why you painted it or photographed it.

Check out this link -

And don't forget to open the FAQ sticky at the top of the discussions page

Welcome to FAA and good luck to you..


Katy L

4 Years Ago

What does it take to be a featured artist? I look from time to time and it’s the same people being featured. I don’t see a particular pattern as to why they were chosen.

It would be nice if when one’s image is featured in a group that they would automatically add it as part of the description. I see it currently displayed but it seems to have a limit of 3 features per image.


Brenda Williams

4 Years Ago

Hi David,

Thank you for the FAQ. I started reading some of it and I am still touring before I post anything. I was looking for hidden fees, so far none but do FineArts charge for the website of the artists or just 30% of any sales?



Mike Savad

4 Years Ago

there are no hidden fees, if you want to upload more than 25 images then its $30 a year. you add your mark up, then get your mark up.

----Mike Savad


Abedalrahman Samara

4 Years Ago

Thank you


David Dehner

4 Years Ago

A b e d a l r a h m a n,

This is not the place to promote your artwork you should do that on social media like Facebook

Thank you


Samuel Polesak

4 Years Ago

Hello! I was wondering if you are able to print on the back of T-Shirts as well? I am already sourcing some amazing artwork from you but am looking to sell a few shirts as well! Thanks! :)


David Dehner

4 Years Ago

Hi Samuel,

At this time Pixels can print a large image front or a pocket size image front on select shirt styles - no image on the back yet.


Edward Fielding

4 Years Ago

Add ---- > "Offering products only" (comes up constantly)


Brian Fancher

4 Years Ago

Thank you for post this information. It made a world of difference setting up my account.


Deborah Ann Baker

4 Years Ago

Thank you for sharing so much information. I'm always amazed at what I find on this site.


Alice Schlesier

4 Years Ago

Hey Abbie & Others,
Yesterday I posted a portrait orientated photo rather than a landscape oriented photo and it is not showing correctly. The website is chopping off the top of the image which is essentially leaving me with a headless egret. Yikes! Please let me know how to correct this and prevent it from happening in the future.


Alice Schlesier

4 Years Ago

Yes, David Dehner, that is the one. Thoughts?


It seems to be showing perfectly?


David Dehner

4 Years Ago


The only time I see it headless is in the thumbnail image on the shop page

If you move it to beyond position number 6 in that collection it won't show up as that small of a thumbnail on the shop page

I hope that makes sense to you


Alice Schlesier

4 Years Ago

Hi Abbie & Fellow Members,
When selecting an image size for purchase, is there a way to add a custom size? If so, how? I think I read somewhere and now can’t find it that that is possible. Wondering as it seems like most sizing here is for custom framing and I would like for both my customers and I to have the ability to choose a different size which would not require that. Thanks!


Alice Schlesier

4 Years Ago

Abbie, Cute photo of your head imposed on the Mona Lisa! Haha! Love it!


David Dehner

4 Years Ago

Hi Alice,

You already have that ability.

Open one of your images - select Wall Art - select Art Print - on the right hand side where it says Shape / Natural Open the Drop Down Menu and you can select Horizontal, Vertical or Square - They are all sizes set for average popular frames.

You can select these for all Wall Art except Tapestries


Tony Camacho

4 Years Ago

Hi Abbie,

For some reason or another I have not received my weekly reports nor my last two Sales Announcements via email. Any suggestions? Thanks.


Unfortunately providers sometimes block them. They will suddenly start again.


Ricardo Leonardo

4 Years Ago

how to gain customers, and followers for new people coming in ?


See Marketing - How to..
in the top post


Tony Camacho

4 Years Ago

Thanks Abbie. Take care!


Darren Towers

4 Years Ago

Hi all - I've been trying to work out if I can easily move my premium account to a free account (I guess, downgrade it is the phrase!). Does anyone know if that's possible or do I have to just close my entire account? Big thanks - and keep safe and well.


Alice Schlesier

4 Years Ago

Is there any way we can find out the specifics of the paper being used for prints? I am thinking of weight, brightness, if it is acid free, archival and whether or not it has OBAd. Also, anyway to view the difference via photos online and/or receive samples? I know FAA has different locations for printers so, I guess it would be on a location basis.?



Just let me know on the day you wish it closed



More is on each print page

"Our art prints are produced on acid-free papers using archival inks to guarantee that they last a lifetime without fading or loss of color. All art prints include a 1" white border around the image to allow for future framing and matting, if desired."

Also on each print are details



Alice Schlesier

4 Years Ago

Thanks for all of your help Abbie & David!! One more question, when I go in to edit my images to add a common between my keywords, I have noticed that the likes on that particular image then disappear. Is there a way to prevent that from happening or is it something Sean would need to address?


David Dehner

4 Years Ago

Hi Alice,

If you go in each image to edit the tags/keywords - that should not affect the likes or comments at all.

Are you - opening your image - clicking EDIT under your open image - adding commas to your keywords - and then hitting SUBMIT ?


Alice Schlesier

4 Years Ago

New question: where do you find results for past contests? I received a comment that one image came in third. Yay! Would like to see the ones that came in first and second and the total number of photographs submitted. I went to search for contest but can’t find it. Thoughts?


Alice Schlesier

4 Years Ago

Yes, thank you. I will try again and see what happens.


Irina Sztukowski

4 Years Ago

Thank you so much Abbie, you put it all so clear and informative! Many Thanks!


Ai Xiao

4 Years Ago

Thank you so much Abbie,AI


Alvin Santos

4 Years Ago

Hello. I have recently lost my original files of images that are listed on FAA. How can I download them to my computer? I don't see a link. Any help would be appreciated.


Jessica Kellogg

4 Years Ago

Hello - I just started my profile. The first piece I uploaded I specifically want available as a jigsaw puzzle. Puzzle was on the list when I was setting the pricing, but doesn't show in my shop. What might I be doing wrong? Thanks for the help.


Movie Poster Prints

4 Years Ago

Hi Jessica,

You will find Wall Art and Home Fashion on your FAA site and you will find everything including puzzles on your Pixels site.


Mahesh Kadam

4 Years Ago

Thank You!


Alice Schlesier

4 Years Ago

Just received a print that I wanted to frame myself a it came out beautifully with 2 exceptions. First, my signature was on the bottom left and about half of it got cut off and secondly, it has a 1” boarder making it too large for frame I chose without having to trim it myself.

It did come flat instead of in a tube so that is another positive.


David Dehner

4 Years Ago

Hi Alice,

Since you are going to frame it yourself you probably ordered a common size in Horizontal or Vertical instead of natural - when you order prints that way they are cropped to that size from the center out - so you will loose some of the edge.

All art prints come with a 1" border and your order page would have stated the size that you ordered and the total size including the border


Andrew Jakubowski

4 Years Ago

Thank you for all the information


Jim DeBeaumont

4 Years Ago

This was really helpful when I first started out! Thanks so much!


Pamela Dudley

3 Years Ago

hey hello hi


Joy Gracefield

3 Years Ago

Great info for beginners like myself!


Cosmin Stan

3 Years Ago

Great advices! Thank you, Abbie!


Stevie Walker

3 Years Ago

Does it take a while to sell paintings, and how do I expand my market?


Karel Miragaya

3 Years Ago

Thanks Abbie

One quick question... Hkw do you post images on this forum?

I keep trying with the "Instagram link" but my posts don't show images, only the links


Mike Savad

3 Years Ago

i didn't know we had an instagram link. there is no links to list on instagram. anyway, if you go on the right side of the image page, below the color boxes, there is a bit of code in a box. copy that, paste that and then submit, and that is the picture.

but you can only post it in the forum as an example, not to advertise.

----Mike Savad


Karel Miragaya

3 Years Ago

Thanks Mike

Below that code says Share Instagram Image. That's the link I was using


Mike Savad

3 Years Ago

i see what its doing. its creating an image for you to use on that site. not a link directly to it. which is actually convenient, i may use that on facebook.

----Mike Savad


H Buchholz

3 Years Ago

I am sure I am just overlooking, but I am going crazy trying to figure out where to enable pinterest button!? ANY help much appreciated!


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi H Buchholz,

Go Behind the Scenes

Scroll Down to Marketing

Click on Sharing buttons

Checkmark the social media buttons you want

Hit Submit


Tony Morgan

3 Years Ago

Up to now I haven't sold a lot of things. Today I sold two t-shirts and I would like to thank the buyer. Im not sure how to go about Post it here?


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Tony,

Not Here -

You can open the image that your customer purchased and leave a thank you in the comments section.

FAA privacy policy will not allow them to give the customers information to anyone.


Alice Schlesier

3 Years Ago

Hi Abbie &/or Assistant,
Some FAA artists are posting on FB FAA site and/or Pixel one and they have a great link to their work on their page. The only one I know about is the embedded one but that has your profile picture on it. Would like to know where to find or how to do the clean one like they are sharing?


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Alice,

Copy the address bar info at the top of the image page

Paste it on your Facebook post first - your image and the address info will show

Above the address info place your title / info and push the address down a few lines


Davincci Creations

3 Years Ago


I accidentally uploaded the unedited version of Looking Glass Falls. I deleted the picture and uploaded the correct version yet the original upload was still the thumbnail unless you clicked on it. I deleted the entire listing, created a new listing, changed the title, etc. It still shows the original unedited version. How do I correct this?


Jessica Jalali

3 Years Ago

Hi. I haven't sold any of my work yet but every week, I get views on the same one (and sometimes two) pictures from what appears to be the same person. This has been going on for 8 months. I am starting to get concerned that the person is using my photo illegally or at least without my permission/buying the picture. Is this suspicious or nothing to worry about? What should I do?


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Jessica,

Those are Bots or Web Crawlers, They are good things

Web crawlers go by many names, including spiders, robots, and bots, and these descriptive names sum up what they do. They crawl across the World Wide Web to index pages for search engines.

Search engines don’t magically know what websites exist on the Internet. The programs have to crawl and index them before they can deliver the right pages for keywords and phrases, or the words people use to find a useful page.


Armen Kungurtsev

3 Years Ago

Great info for beginners. Ty



3 Years Ago

I find most informatives are booster for the beginners. Thanks


Tony Morgan

3 Years Ago

To anyone that can help. Im sure this has been addressed before but Im having a difficult time adding art to the instagram. as I post artwork there is a place to hit that says "share instagram image. I hit it and i thought it was supposed to go onto Instagram . up to now I have had to load my artwork onto my photos on my computer an then go on my iPad,because it won't really work on my iMac, and load the art . It is a long and tedious way to do it. is there a better way? if there is a good place to go and read up on this I would like to know.


Sky Lan

3 Years Ago

Hi! I have a noob question... What are we supposed to do when we come across a HUGE gallery full of a lot of different people’s works, from not so well known to museum type ? And offering to sell prints!
I think it casts a super bad light on this website ☹️ I wanted to upload my own paintings but... not so much now.
Is there any control at all?


Mike Savad

3 Years Ago

@skylan - it really depends, it may be that museum selling it. it may be in the public domain. if you know for a fact its theft of someone else's work, you can report it to the site, abbie has the Stites address, i always mess it up, though i think its but generally the artist of the work has to complain.

generally its best not to get directly involved because it could be their work and they may be able to sell it. just because its in a museum, doesn't mean the content is protected if its old enough. and some of the people here are stock sites.

you can upload your own work, they can't get the small image. but there is always a risk that people will steal stuff. its just how it is. you can hire an online lawyer, you can do a reverse search to track people, and have stuff taken down.

----Mike Savad


Mike Savad

3 Years Ago

@tony - there is no way to share to instagram. since there are no link backs in instagram, and its why i don't use it. as far as i know you can only log in directly using a phone or a PC app to make it look like a phone. its too much of a pain to work with that site that i get no hits back from.

----Mike Savad


Sky Lan

3 Years Ago

Thank you for your answer @MikeSavad..
Thing is, it is a gallery here, on this website and not only she sells prints of Alan Lee, Mucha, Dante Gabriele Rossetti, and many many others along her 270 pages! 😂 but .. She even has Marvel and DC logos available if you want 😂
That is not serious at all. Alan Lee, Ted Nasmith, John Howe are all very warry of those thieves... If the website can’t at least manage what is on display, this is doomed to fail.


Mike Savad

3 Years Ago

that stuff has been here for years. and they are cracking down, the site isn't failing. best you can do is report it to the site. eventually these people get caught one way or another, and sometimes with lawyers.

i don't know if they have a license or if they are using that person as an agent to sell the work. that's why its not ideal to get involved. if you see something report it to tech support or the legal address.

its impossible to view every single thing uploaded to a site, so a lot will get through the cracks, this site has been running for i think 15+ years and seems to be fine right now. i wouldn't worry yourself about other people's stuff, just focus on your own.

----Mike Savad


Tantowi Gilang

3 Years Ago



Karen Zuk Rosenblatt

3 Years Ago

Tony - A while back I heard about a software called "Grids". It lets you upload on the computer. I have a Mac also. About links on Instagram. You can paste a link in the description area. I find it works most of the time.


Anna Skaradzinska

3 Years Ago

Thank you Abbie, very helpful information!


Alice Schlesier

3 Years Ago

Abbie or Mike,
Does the site have the ability or Is there any way to easily make your product page into a JPEG flyer? I know currently there is a PDF for wall art but I am looking for a clean way to share an image and it’s list of products as a photo, not a long link or ugly screenshot. If there’s no current way to do this directly from FAA, may I please request it from Sean? I would think there would be a lot of demand for something like this.


Gillian Moody

3 Years Ago

Thank you so much! As a new member I am grateful for this information.


Marlo Moell

3 Years Ago

Thank you for this information!


Vivek Umathe

3 Years Ago



Davincci Creations

3 Years Ago

I have an issue with a piece purchased. I do not need a refund or return more a complaint and a suggestion. Who do I contact?


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Robin,

Contact Customer Service




Davincci Creations

3 Years Ago

Thank you David


Ahmed Hesham

3 Years Ago

thank you


Ann Lippert

3 Years Ago

question What does STICKY mean? at the beginning of the thread.


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Ann,

It just means that those threads are stuck to the top of the discussions where they can be found easily and will stay there until Abbie un-sticks them.


Mark Tonelli

3 Years Ago

Thank you so much great info!


Davorka Gredicak

3 Years Ago

I apologize in advance if the answer to this question of mine somehwere already exists. I have been looking in discussions for a long time. If I decide I don’t want to be a premium user anymore who decides which 25 photos are the ones that stay on my profile? Me or the FAA? If the FAA decides which ones remain, do they remove the ones that were loaded first, the ones that were last loaded, from the middle of the gallery or at random. God forbid all that time of uploading photos, editing additional products, choosing titles, tags, descriptions to make everything look as good as possible, promoting by groups and social networks, so that all that work disappears. The year of my life and my torment will be erased. Isn't there really a possibility that these works will remain. I uploaded them to the FAA and not to Pixels and Pixels is paid a Premium. Yes I know the FAA and Pixels are “sisters” but they are not twins so that is not the good answer.


David Dehner

3 Years Ago


If at some point I decided that I want to give up the premium membership - I would slowly and methodically chose the 25 images that I want to keep and delete the rest before I went back to the free membership.

But - If you do not want all your work to be for nothing except for 25 images - You can keep your sanity for only $30.00 a year and just leave your premium membership active.


Davorka Gredicak

3 Years Ago

Often less is actually more. I really need information on how the FAA stands with that so I can prepare. Maybe Abbie can answer that for me, if it's not a secret. Or refer to the link where that information is. Mr. David thank you for the advice. I really appreciate your effort, time and willingness to help. All the best!


Chris Kurzatkowski

3 Years Ago




What David said

Your work will have the pricing removed down to 25 if a premium account is closed

You'll need to remove all the images to 24 if you wish to edit or add new images

We refund premium memberships up to 30 days after payment

You can book a premium account to be closed through me if in the future. Just give me the date it's due


Davorka Gredicak

3 Years Ago

It says to me that my NEXT RENEWAL: 11/22/2021. If I understood that date correctly, my account will be renewed unless I cancel it through you. If I am late in reporting by that date that I want my premium account not to be renewed anymore then it is renewed, but the FAA can refund the money 30 days after the renewal? I speak Croatian, so to make sure I understood correctly.


I can put that on my diary now to close on 11/20/2021 for you?

If you forget but are within the 30 days then I can refund that for you


Davorka Gredicak

3 Years Ago

Abbie, you can put in your diary that date. If by the day before at least one "nice thing" doesn’t happen to me, then I’ll "yell at you" not to close the premium :-))) Fingers crossed! ;-)


Ok, if I have not heard from you before then your premium side will be turned off on the 20th November


Davorka Gredicak

3 Years Ago

Yes Abbie!


Kayla Palmer

3 Years Ago

Thank yo for posting this! I just created my profile today and this discussion has helped me a good bit!! I hope to have my photos viewed by everyone soon.. thank again!


Nguyen Tu Ninh

3 Years Ago

Thank for your informations!


Nekoda Singer

3 Years Ago

Hello everyone!
Does anybody know how to move positions on profile page? I was absent here foe a long time, and seem to forget everything!
Many thanks in advance!


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Nekoda,

Open your profile page -

Click on Images below your profile image

Roll over the image you want to move

Click on the little pencil

Pick your position in the drop down menu


Nekoda Singer

3 Years Ago

Thank you David! Most helpful.


Yoel Koskas

3 Years Ago

Hi :)
I have an urgent question from a client. What is the difference between natural shape and vertical shape for acrylic print about vertical artwork?
My client doesn't success to buy the size she wants (40x60") if she chooses vertical shape.
Thank you so much for quickly reply :)


Mike Savad

3 Years Ago

Natural is the native pixels you used to make the image.

Vertical often forces the size to fit common frame sizes.

But if your image is too small or the wrong rectangular shape then it may not be able to go as high as 40x60.

----Mike Savad


Mike Savad

3 Years Ago

Looking at some of your work, a lot of it is 4000x3000 and others are 5100, both would be tough at 60"

----Mike Savad


Yoel Koskas

3 Years Ago

thank you so much Mike :)
the client wants this pic:
And I don't understand why, for this vertical artwork (3744 pixels x 5616 pixels - ratio 2/3) the site doesn't let me to choose 40x60" with "vertical shape" but only with "natural shape"?


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Yoel,

Vertical, Horizontal and Square are limited but common sizes.

If your client wants the 40 x 60 - tell them to purchase in Natural - That is the way you intended the image to look - cropping the image to Vertical can eliminate portions of the edge of the image.


Yoel Koskas

3 Years Ago

Thank you very much David :)


Mary Ella Anderson

3 Years Ago

What percentage of a sale does Fine Art America take and what percentage does the seller get once an item is sold?


We do not deal with percentages

You add what YOU want to earn if we sell one of our products and have your image on it


Terry Carlson

3 Years Ago

I would like to use a FAA/Pixel artist's artwork image on the left-hand side of a Blog post, in addition to linking to that image in "Click here for more information" of course. Do I just screen-shot the embed render, and upload that from my computer? Thank you!


Make sure you have permission if not yours

On the right of the image see Instagram, or preview

They open

Right click and save as


Damian Pawlos

3 Years Ago

Very helpful advices. Thanks.


Rahul Bhagat

3 Years Ago

how`s the traffic here.?


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Rahul,

FAA / Pixels has an exceptional amount of traffic to the site - But, If you want visitors to your art - you need to bring them here - Posting on SM can help.

Read how to get started here

Once you get all set up you should search the discussions for marketing.


Ken Walker

3 Years Ago

Forgive me if this is not the right place to ask this. I didn't find it anywhere else, but I'm sure it's been addressed (I admit l didn't search that long forgive me). Is there a reason why you limit the title (file) characters to the basic A-Z? I have a collection with a month of the year and a "colon" then a sub-title. The page doesn't let me use the colon and therefore the title is just a bit off. I put a space to help, but it still looks strange as a title.


Mike Savad

3 Years Ago

File names can't use colons. You can use a comma or maybe a pipe. If they still have that on keyboards.


Susan Lopez

3 Years Ago

Hi there. Im sure youve heard that many people have signed in to paypal, and get notified theyve been banned for life.

I can get no explanation, no customer service to discuss with me.

I have no idea what happened.

My question is -

Are there alternate options for FAA to pay me?

It says they dont pay by check anymore


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Susan,

There is no other way to receive your markups from FAA.

I know there were instances that someone could not open a PayPal account and they used a family member or close friends PayPal account. Just a thought..


Soufiane Lachheb

3 Years Ago

What's the minimum balance required to receive a payment?


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Soufiane,

There is no minimum balance required.

We get paid on the 15th of each month.

There is a waiting period of 30 days due to the fact that the buyer has 30 days to return the purchase.

So if you have sales on or before the 15th of September you get that money on the 15th of October


Marina Matkina

3 Years Ago

Hi. I have some confusion about working with keywords.

I have everything filled in, but I don't appear on the first pages, not even the first 10 pages, in the search results for Fineartamerica.
Can you answer what determines the order of impressions in the search for Fineartamerica?

I have explored various topics here in the tips, but I still haven't found the answer to my question.
Thanks for the answer.


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Marina,

FAA / Pixels search takes into consideration many different factors when determining the sort order of the images.

It takes into consideration:

1. The relevance of your image keywords
2. The number of times an image has been sold
3. The number of times an image has been favorited
4. The number of times an image has been commented on
5. How long an image has been on the site
6. The number of times an image has been featured in a group

There are more than 25 different criteria that the search engine evaluates.


Marina Matkina

3 Years Ago

Hi David,
Thank you very much for the answer.
That is, if I only sell originals, I have too little chance of being on the front pages.
Faced with a lot of fraud on my images, a lawyer recommended that I put watermarks everywhere. Apparently, this can severely limit my sales here.

Thanks again for the answer.



3 Years Ago



Eli Wildeman

3 Years Ago

Thank you for all the information, I've learned a lot.


Randall Branham

3 Years Ago

Is it better to have many collections or just a few, how many pics should one have in a collection before folks get bored looking at " flowers " vs Poppies -Iris' Dahlia's etc.
Thanks Randall


Douglas Brown

3 Years Ago

The link i had saved for creating HTML links is not letting me create them Abbie, it is saying denied access, it is the link that takes me to your Our Arts Magazine. Maybe it is because i have not used the HTML creator for awhile.

Question is, do i have to register to be allowed to use the HTML link creator?


Rhandy P Gautier

3 Years Ago

Interesting topic


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Randall,

Q- How many pics should one have in a collection?

There is no set rule of course – but here is what I think.

If you have 10 or less images in a collection your potential customers will most likely lose interest pretty fast.

If you have 3000 images in a collection it will most likely overwhelm a potential customer.

So somewhere in the middle is the correct answer – lol.

I think – at least 50 images – that will fill the first page of the collection and under 3000 : )

Q – Is it better to have many collections or just a few?

I would say it depends on how many total images you have uploaded. That being said – as many collections that you need to insure your plan is working for you.
Different artists have different thought processes as to how they want their collections to work.

Rule of thumb – If your image meets the requirements to belong to more than one collection that is fine – but if you place the same image in many collections the potential customer is going to think they already seen that collection and will move on.

By the way - you have some beautiful photographs.

Hope this helps


Felix Van Leusden

3 Years Ago

Thank you


Rebecca William

3 Years Ago

I have a question- how do I gain clicks to see and like my photos? Also, have you seen my first photo? Do lend me some support, I am from Singapore! Thank you.


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Rebecca,

Welcome to FAA

There are a lot of friendly members here to assist you.

To get started - go to the top of this page and click on "Just Joined? Click Here"

Then read though the rest of the Frequently Asked Questions

Take your time and look around and get used to the site


Peter Pelke

3 Years Ago

I have uploaded text to the Bio section of my page and it is currently not displaying???? please help???


Randall Branham

3 Years Ago

If I have permission to sell prints of my sister's paintings is there anything else I need to do so?


Mike Savad

3 Years Ago

As far as I know as long as she knows you are selling them. And the images are a fine quality it should be fine. If she is trying to make money off of them then it may be best for her to have her own account since everything is reported to the government over a certain amount and it will only get real confusing at the end.

----Mike Savad


David Dehner

3 Years Ago

Hi Peter,

Only use A to Z and numbers , . - no special characters or it will not post to your site.

Sometime it will not post if you Copy and Paste - you need to type in in.


Scorpion Design

3 Years Ago

I confess; I have not brought anything from FAA; If I had I would know the answer. When a piece of artwork ships; is it accompanied with a document; that states the artists name, title and description of the artwork?


I Feel So Vintage

3 Years Ago



Zakaria Agantar

3 Years Ago

Thank you


Daffa Ramadhani

3 Years Ago



Jay Hanley

2 Years Ago

Hi, I added a puzzle piece option to one of my photos, and it's not showing up on the page where customers choose their specific product. I don't see the sticker option either. They definitely have prices, so why can't the customer see them? It shows canvas, print, throw pillow, a few other things too.

Is where all the products you've priced show


Donna Basile

2 Years Ago

Hi Abbie,

I just became a Premium member, and have a couple of questions.

1. When I post a new image, do I upload it to the Premium account or FAA account?
2. In Premium, can I include additional tabs for Blog and Statement?

Thank you,
Donna B.


Mike Savad

2 Years Ago

I'm not abbie but a close simulant, all sites are the same thing. Upload it to any of them. But you are better to advertise the pro site.

I think If you add a blog, the tab will simply show there. Not sure what a statement is, but there is an ABOUT section.

----Mike Savad


I just look similar


Asad Alee

2 Years Ago

help full


Warren Thompson

2 Years Ago

Is anyone having an issue with changing an image? I have deleted, logged off, added new image, refreshed and the first image keeps showing.
Any ideas?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Warren,

Changed Image Not Changing.

When you replace an image with a new upload it can take 24 to 48 hours for the new image to show.
It may take longer for some areas to convert to the new image.

If your patience is wearing thin you can try to Clear Your Cache / History from your browser.

If you don’t mind losing your analytics and breaking any links you posted to social media you can delete the old upload completely and start over – giving the new unloaded image an new title - this will post your new image immediately and prevent any future problems with identical titles on the site.


Warren Thompson

2 Years Ago

Thanks David!


Carine Martch

2 Years Ago

How do you insert an image into your discussions? Tried to copy paste, etc and can't seem to get it right.


Ii have the same problem as Carine!


Douxie Grimo

2 Years Ago



Haley Barclay

2 Years Ago

Is there a way to get email notifications when you make a sale? Or are we just surprised on the 15th of the month🙂 haha


Mike Savad

2 Years Ago

You should get it automatically. But if you use comcast, aol etc, you might get it randomly. Use a gmail address they don't usually erase our mail. But you don't have to wait for mail, just look under sales or balance.

then you can see it right away.

----Mike Savad


Haley Barclay

2 Years Ago

Thank you!



2 Years Ago

I want to join this group


Banalata Bera

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much for all the info.


Adam Gladstone

2 Years Ago

Carine and Karen,

if you look at an image (any image) that you have up you'll see a lot of stuff on the right. The stuff near the top is the different items that the image is sold on. IF you scroll down further you'll see stats like Number of views, etc. and in that area you'll see a line "EMBED" with some html below it. Below that is a link that says "preview". If you copy the HTML you can paste it into a discussion post.


Melanie Paterson

2 Years Ago

Thanks for all the info! I was hoping someone could help me with this though: is there a way I can go back in and edit my listing, for instance, adding keywords, after I have submitted it? Thanks in advance!


Mike Savad

2 Years Ago

@melanie - go to the image, under the picture is EDIT, click it, then add keywords etc, hit SUBMIT. Done.

----Mike Savad


Donna Mibus

2 Years Ago

Melanie, when you are logged in just click on any of your images and under it you will see where you can click to Edit Image. Click that to make changes and add tags, etc. Be sure to click Submit when done to save the changes.

Mike, you were quicker on the draw! Lol


Melanie Paterson

2 Years Ago

Oh!!! Thank you both! I thought that was just for editing the image, I should have investigated further!


Chad Meyer

2 Years Ago

This may sound like a stupid question but the keywords you use should match the tags after you upload the photo correct?

I noticed on my recent heron with fish photos the last tag shows "Oliver Cromwell" but I have water,dam,rocks,waves,fish,nature,wildlife at the end of my keywords


Mike Savad

2 Years Ago

You add the tags when its uploaded. In the past they said not to add your name, is the site now adding our name? That seems new and or weird.

----Mike Savad


Chad Meyer

2 Years Ago

Mike - It's just on the Great Blue Heron photo I uploaded on the 4th and the one today. Did not see it on any of the photos in between

I checked bulk edit and Oliver Cromwell does not appear on any of the keywords


Solomon Lubandi

2 Years Ago

Thank you so much for the helpful information


Mike McBrayer

2 Years Ago

Curious about sales tax on a purchase.
As a reseller I have never paid sales tax on a purchase here at FAA until today.

I list some of my products from FAA on my own website.
If someone buys off my own website, I order from here and either ship it to them or hand deliver it.
My website charges them my state sales tax which I report and pay every year.
If I pay tax here and then charge my customer sales tax again that is double taxation.

What has changed?


Sharon Trickett

2 Years Ago

This is great information. Thank you!


Nicholson Feldman

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the post!


John Klein

2 Years Ago

Great post, thank you.


Hafizul Rosli

2 Years Ago

Thank you for the information!


Douglas White

2 Years Ago

Can someone please explain to me how to delete photos and have them not show up when an another person goes to my site. I no longer see them, but others do and when selected it leads to FFA website.
Thanks in advance


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Douglas,

Deleted images are not accessible to anyone including yourself - unless you change your mind. But after 10 days you have lost them


Douglas White

2 Years Ago

Thank you David. It's been a difficult question to get answered. I really appreciate you going the extra mile.


Douglas White

2 Years Ago

Can somebody tell me if posting images showing the faces of random people is allowed if it's in a public place?


Sandy Bishop

2 Years Ago

Great info!


Bayley Harbeson

2 Years Ago



Sidq Chauhan

2 Years Ago



Lana Bliadze

2 Years Ago

Thanks ! : ))


Douglas White

2 Years Ago

Good day everyone.
Could someone help me understand why I can't add the sponsor a page link into my Wix website? It does not allow the, A href part before the HTTPs://
I'm not a coder, and really do not understand this. I have watched every you tube I can find on it.

Thanks Doug.


Josh Shandera

2 Years Ago

Appreciate this thread!


Douglas, please contact Wix for help with their site


BomBom Store

2 Years Ago

hey i wanna know if i can take back my account was closed 3 months now ?


Eddie Louise

2 Years Ago





2 Years Ago

I am new to the website, and I am worried and thinking about how to let more people see my artwork, pay for it, make it better, and help others. I hope I can do better and better by following this discussion and your sharing. Thank you so much.


Marko Stojanovic

2 Years Ago



Judy Vincent

2 Years Ago

I have a question concerning the return policy - how does that work if someone buys the royalty free image and then decides they want their money back? It's not a product they can simply return. Can they still buy the image and then later say they want their money back? Or does the return policy not apply to a digital download?


Mike Savad

2 Years Ago

I think it only covers physical items that could have defects in which they have to prove it has defects. Downloads wouldn't unless it glitched I guess.

----Mike Savad


Tyler Webb

2 Years Ago

Thank you!


Nikolai Virolainen

2 Years Ago

Why there’s requirement to join online discussion?


Mike Savad

2 Years Ago

@nikolai - as far as I know you have to be at least a member to say things. Otherwise every spam bot will hound this site.

----Mike Savad


Keleen Bishop

2 Years Ago

Hey i have so many questionss


Nova Designs

2 Years Ago

thank you, this was very helpful and detailed, have a nice day!


Diann Fisher

2 Years Ago

Thank you.

Question - I am unable to utilize 3D option for viewing products. I get an error code of 404. Has this been disabled?


Diann Fisher

2 Years Ago

Has anyone else experienced isses with the viewing of products using the 3D link on their product pages?


Joe Dagenais

2 Years Ago

How do you show all variety of products on home page?


Carolyn Fox

2 Years Ago

How do I find out about the FAA sales? I never know about them until it’s too late.


Jake Koh

2 Years Ago

Thank you !


Raymond Maier

2 Years Ago

Thanks for all the great info! My little old question is this - can you do a 'Search' of the Groups?


David Dehner

2 Years Ago

Hi Raymond - Yes you can - go to the groups page - Top Center next to Community Features is a search bar -


Babette Tallberg

2 Years Ago

ALo alo


Trejon Bonds

2 Years Ago

Thank you very much for this! This is exactly what I needed as I am new here.


Ana William

2 Years Ago

Thank you! great post for who is begging in this forum


Will sticky this again on the 1st


Rachael Marsh

2 Years Ago

Great information.


Chad Meyer

2 Years Ago

Is there any difference in uploading via Google Chrome instead of Microsoft Edge?


No Chad, they are both just browsers


Nicolas Cabello

2 Years Ago

thanks for your information!


Morgan Albair

2 Years Ago

I'm new to FAA and uploaded a bunch of my photos to my collections. I'm curious how I get people to start buying my the images I've posted?



2 Years Ago

Super! Thanks for the info!


Alana Dale

2 Years Ago

What is the most popular product to print your artwork on other than regular wall art i.e. pillows, phone cases, towels etc. which seems to be the best sellers.


Denise Richardson

2 Years Ago

Thank you for posting this! Am new and find it super helpful.


BarbiOlyAI O

2 Years Ago

Thank you.


Mykola Striletskyi

2 Years Ago



Catina Wrathall

1 Year Ago

Thank You for Posting


Thx for the great info. Really helpful


Eric Ornstein

1 Year Ago

Very helpful info. Thank you


Desera Grimm

1 Year Ago

These are extremely helpful :)


Ramon Fritz

1 Year Ago

I've read through the Starter and FAQs and cannot find the answer.

Adding images to a Discussion, how does one do this? Is it just the shareable link and renders automatically when posted? TIA


Curtis Birdwhistle

1 Year Ago

Thanks for this, was extremely helpful for a newbie like me


Mike Savad

1 Year Ago

All the text is red...

----Mike Savad


I am still doing it!


Michael Damiani

1 Year Ago

Does anybody know if when you quit a group does the artwork you have in that group stay? or do they leave as well?


Jan Fritz

1 Year Ago

When I upload images there are always about 20 tags/keywords included. But when I look at the site only 5 are taken. How come?
When I start editing I see the included keywords but at your site they are gone???


Mike Savad

1 Year Ago

@jan - physically they are there, but they decided that it should only show a couple, we aren't sure why. You should include more words though btw. But if you edit it or look at the source, they are all shown. Those words end up going back to the search and out of your store anyway. So it may be a good thing.

----Mike Savad


Debra Forand

1 Year Ago

I am going through some older pics and thinking about changing the title. Would this effect the search that they might populate in? I am thinking it may help with some.


Gabriel Helou

1 Year Ago

Thank you for the information.


The M

1 Year Ago

Thank you very much for all the information.


Oceanic SkyView

1 Year Ago

How long does it take to get a response from Tech Support? I'm having an issue with DNS and wanting to use a web address I own. I have put in 2 Support Tickets.


Pallavi Sharma

1 Year Ago

I always get visitors from Shenzen, China everyday. is it a BOT?


PAINTO Painter

1 Year Ago

Thx bro~~ :)



I have images submitted to groups, that have ended up ‘rejected’. The only option is to email the administrator, and ask them to change that, and they tell me ‘just resubmit’. I can’t. The only option is to email them. Do they need to do something? One group seemed to accept my images until I had a health hiatus of 6 weeks, and then it dumped over 10 works into ‘rejected’, all had been previously accepted, now I cannot resubmit them.

Help, please?

****. Never mind, I found it. It is not in the Groups interface, it has to be done on the Edit image screen.****


Sue Whitehead

1 Year Ago

Can I have a picture for one of collection's logo that is not available for printing. I want a picture of the polyptych as the logo with all the panels that comprise the painting inside the collection. So I do not someone to inadvertently print the logo picture that is only there to show how it looks when it is positioned together.


Jasna Dragun

1 Year Ago

When I comment on the product, why does it always get to "site can't be reached"? I also cannot share from my product site to the Pinterest.
Any Help?


Sana Patel

1 Year Ago

Thanks for your information I like it.


Sabina Pamfili

1 Year Ago

I was told to search here for a thread about photo editing apps. I am using Photoshop but want to check out some others. Please could you post the link or tell me where to find the thread?
Thank you, Abbie.


Skeeter Arnold

1 Year Ago

Trying to set up my Custom Domain here on FAA to use my existing domain name. (I have the domain name but the site is not currently being used)
I originally set up my domain with Google Domains ($12 monthly) and their Workspace ($6 monthly) to edit the website and have access to my custom email.
Since FAA is not a domain host outside of ".pixels", my existing domain has to be hosted somewhere else and linked to FAA a Custom Domain. Correct?

What is everyone using for their hosting? Is there a cheaper way to simply host the domain name than what I am currently doing?


Daniel Bradshaw

1 Year Ago

Hello, new member here! There is an issue linking a facebook account to my account and I can not proceed with my account activation. Is there a way around this? Thanks!


Connie Fox

1 Year Ago

Can we block someone from following us, especially if this person has no art posted--no images, no galleries? No information in his bio either, other than being a blogger, web developer, and a few other things not directly related to creating art. In more than a decade, I've never encountered this issue. Thank you.


David Michael Lane

1 Year Ago

Thank You!


Tony Morgan

1 Year Ago

I have a question regarding my pixels website. When I put I get a message from safari saying :This Connection Is Not Private
This website may be impersonating "" to steal your personal or financial information. You should go back to the previous page.
I just had business cards with my Pixels website listed. I could have put "http:// " but I'm use to putting the www.prefix on. I tried removing data and cookies but the same message appears.Could this a problem on my computer or just the prefix on the web address? .
Thanks for any help


Oyunaa Waskin

1 Year Ago

Thanks :)


MiMi Chia

1 Year Ago

Hi - What does "Coming soon..." on my page mean? I added a few pictures to my page and sent the page link to friends but they said they could only see the last version, and not the new additions. Grateful for some guidance on how to get my new listings out there, please. Thank you. (PS My friends are not members on this site.)


Mike Savad

1 Year Ago

Coming soon means you didn't fill something in. Be sure you use different titles, you have at least 2 the same, and that will mess up the system. They will see something random. Be sure the images have no frames of your own and are large enough to print. And make sure they have keywords or no one will find them.

----Mike Savad


Scott Tilghman

1 Year Ago

How come we don't make laptop cover stickers? we make stickers now, why not the size of a Macbook?


Lyvian Lino

1 Year Ago


I've just joined FAA.
I'd like to know, if possible, what are the most wanted pictures, please?
Happy people? Pets? Food?

I've got a bunch of landscaping pictures / nature / Amazon Brazil / birds, butterflies...

Could you help me, please?
Thanks 😘


Nastasia Afonin

1 Year Ago

Thank you for the information.


Ahmed Hamada

1 Year Ago

Thanks for the information
very useful


Lucia Waterson

1 Year Ago

@Tony Regarding your question, we don't put www in front of our pixels site


Lucia Waterson

1 Year Ago

@Lyvian If I knew! :)
But you can see the sales page when you log in, although it's only for the prints


What happened when someone downgrade to free tier but portfolio has more than 25 images?


Lucia Waterson

1 Year Ago

You need to choose what are your best 25 images that you wish to sell. The others cannot be sold.


Jonathan Stewart

1 Year Ago

Do you have color profiles for your papers and other items? If so, I'd like to have them so I can install them for use when uploading images. Thank you! (Especially interested in those for Archival Matte, Glossy Photo, Luster Photo, and Metallic papers.)


Sharon W

1 Year Ago

I have no idea where else to post this!

Forgive me if this is the wrong place, and please forward me to the correct place.
Thank you anybody and everybody.

"I am confused. I have never done this before with AI, as I am fairly new to it, however I have seen it done over and over again way more time than I can count. I have not always noticed whether the artist says AI or not. Not sure it even matters, does it? I mean even if it is a painting, does that matter either without the subject's permission?

Either way, for the first time ever, and only for a contest I posted a movie star using AI. How does FAA allow themselves and the artist to sell without permission? They obviously do, or there would not be SO MANY for sale.

Personally, I don't feel right about it and do not think I will do it again, also I may even delete it.

I am looking for feedback, not only on AI, but the fact that it is anything, or anyone famous done in any form. Because, I don't get it.

Thank you all, I appreciate your opinion."


Ekta Gupta

1 Year Ago

I am a bit confused, to say the least. I have read quite a few questions on the discussion boards, but haven't found a satisfactory answer, so I am posting this query. As I was browsing on FAA, I decided to look for Buddha paintings. Here is a link to the page I was on.
There were 1460 images, quite a few of which had absolutely nothing to do with Buddha, but none of them were mine. I have posted multiple images in the past 10 years that have been clearly tagged as Buddha, so could you please help me understand why none of my images showed up? Am I missing a step somewhere? TIA


Ekta Gupta, if you scroll through the pages, you would see your painting somewhere down in the order. Or try sorting in different orders.


Marcia Lee Jones

1 Year Ago

Abbie, I have a question for you. Today, when I went to my Groups to post an image, 5 of my groups disappeared. Here is the list that seems to be gone.
Lady Photographers & Artists
Your Very Best Work
1-Day Waiting Room Art
Season of Trees in Photography


David Dehner

1 Year Ago

Hi Marcia,

I can see all 22 of your groups - including all listed groups above.


Alex Lapidus

1 Year Ago

I've uploaded new images two days ago that appear when I'm logged into FAA but have not correctly propagated to my own website.

From my own FAA profile, if I go to Collections and click on my City of Dreams collection (using current version of Firefox on Windows 10) I correctly see nine images. From other browsers (I've tested current versions of Chrome and Opera on Windows 10, and Safari on iOS 17.1.1) if I type and click on the City of Dreams collection, I only see the four images that I had uploaded previously, but not the newer five (they also don't appear in other collections I had placed them in).

However there are thumbnails for the new images in the Collections overview of the City of Dreams collection at , so I know they're in there somewhere, just not accessible.

Thanks for any help you can offer!


Thank you, this was so helpful.


Roger Quesnel

1 Year Ago

I’ve been with FAA since July 2022 and have uploaded over 170 images of my paintings. I also set up my website using the FAA template (ie. the dot pixels). I noticed that when I google my name on the internet a whole bunch of my paintings show up as images (which pleases me). Many of the images of my paintings on the net when I click on them, visit me to my FAA profile page, which is fine. However I also noticed that when I click on other images of my paintings on the net to “visit”, it takes me to the Pixels website directly (not my FAA profile page or my FAA personalized website). When I go to the pixels website, I am able to log in using my regular FAA password, but it says I’ve not uploaded any images yet. That’s not my concern though. My concern is that if someone were to see my painting on the net and visit the pixels website that it is tagged to directly, would they be able to buy from that pixels site directly (by passing me) and I don’t get any money from that sale?


David Dehner

1 Year Ago

Hi Roger,

When you make a sale on any of the many websites owned by FAA / Pixels - you will receive your markup for that sale.

The three main sites are listed below.

Your Fine Art America site will show all substrates of prints and Home Décor only.

Your Pixels site will show all substrates of prints and ALL other products.
This is where you want to send your potential customers if you have not upgraded to premium.

If you have upgraded to Premium your Pixels Premium site will show all substrates of prints and ALL other products.
This will be the site you want to send your potential customers – They will see only your art work with no distractions or links to other artists work.

Your Artist sign-in and password is the same for all three sites.


Roger Quesnel

1 Year Ago

Thanks David.


Gary Roberts

1 Year Ago

A question on tagging. FWIW I'm a retired research librarian with experience in digitization and archives. Librarians live and breath Cataloging. Mine was Library Of Congress stuff which mean minutia.

So my question is about the structure of tagging. In library cataloging, keywords or tags can be added as single words followed by a comma or as phrases followed by a comma: wood, work, woodworking, woodworking gift, woodworking birthday present. Barring Boolean phrasing, if I add wood, work that would equal wood, work or woodwork or woodworker or woodworking in the user search query. The suffixes are assumed by the search engine.

But that's in library world stuff. Do those rules apply to FAA/Pixels? Or do I have to add tags as separate items: wood, woodworker, woodworking, etc.?

Hopefully that all makes sense? I don't know what search engine is used here, thus my question.


David T Wilkinson

1 Year Ago

Question on pricing that I don't see answered in FAQ:

I recently uploaded a new image and compared the pricing of the identical product (print size and frame, etc) on my FAA account and on my Pixels account. I had always presumed the retail would be the same between the two accounts. To my surprise the pricing on my Pixels account was about 28% higher than my FAA account. And I was comparing apples to apples. Why is that?


Mike Savad

1 Year Ago

@david - when your logged into whatever site your in - you see the price you pay, not the price I pay. The more money is the right price. The low money is the one the right price. If you log out of whatever site your in you'll see the prices are the same.

----Mike Savad


David T Wilkinson

1 Year Ago

@Mike - I was comparing apples to apples. I was logged into both when I was comparing them. Then I logged out of both and compared them with the same results - about a 28% difference. When I did the same for one of your images -- comparing both FAA and Pixels -- they were the same pricing. I'm not sure what's going on with my accounts.?!?

Here's an example:

Any help/guidance is appreciated. What am I missing?




David T Wilkinson

1 Year Ago

This is a follow up to my own question above.

I submitted a tech support request and Abbie replied quickly with "Please check the currency you are viewing on (footer)."

That was the problem. For some reason Pixels had me in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada using Canadian currency! And I live in Sister Bay, Wisconsin. Don't know how that would have happened. I've corrected my location and that solved it.



Anita Thomas

1 Year Ago

I'm a paid artist and have another artist friend who has reached out to me with a problem she's having logging in. I'm not finding help for this anywhere. She is a new, paid member and hasn't been able to log into her account. She set some basic things up initially, but would like to dig into it more now and is unable to log in.

She tries to reset her password but never gets the email. She has tried multiple times since September and has checked her Junk folders but is not receiving that reset email for whatever reason. She only uses one email address (a simple one that she wouldn't make an error in). I've tested her email with her and it's fine. One suspicious thing is I sent her a message through the pixels contact button on her artist page and she hasn't received that either.

She uses Chrome and Firefox on Windows on a PC.

She phone and was told to go to the Contact page and fill out the form. She has done that about three times and never gets a response. She has tried everything she can. I've tried to help her from different angles and have ruled out different possible problems. We've run out of options.

Is there any way someone can contact her by phone or manually by email (not through the site platform), verify her identity then reset the password for her to something simple. That way she can log in, change her password and get onto the business of setting up the rest of her account? I don't want to reveal her name and email address in the open here, I can provide it privately. Thanks.


It's very simple... If she's not getting emails, all of which were sent, she's not getting the emails.

A couple of email programmes block us entirely but it's more than likely that all the emails are sitting in her spam folder.

If you are happy to be liaison, message me




1 Year Ago

H.i everyone.


Thomas Morrow

11 Months Ago

Thank you for the information.


Rodrigo Grobe

11 Months Ago

Sou um novo membro deste site, e gostaria de saber se a produção de conteúdo para o blog pode atrair novos visitantes com base em busca pelo google? grato.


Karen Conger

11 Months Ago

One of my images (zebra) is not offered as any kind of print. There may be more. I think I set the prices for everything to default as instructed. I want all products available for purchase so I know everything is working correctly. What do I need to do?


David Dehner

11 Months Ago

Hi Karen,

Your Zebra image is 370 x 462 pixels in size –

Much too small for really anything – Even stickers should be 830 pixels and up.

That is why prints are not showing – FAA will only show prints that your size image will produce.

My suggestion – what ever you are taking pictures with – look for settings and adjust images to the largest available size. Then post those images.

For Instance - A 2000 x 3000 pixels image will allow printing of a 20” x 30” print.

If you are working with digital - start with a large canvas.

Open the link below for more information about size –


Karen Conger

11 Months Ago

Thank you, David. I picked the wrong photo to upload! Sorry! Love your artwork! LF


Warren Thompson

11 Months Ago

Are Descriptions and Key words new and automatically added?
Sometimes there are errors like sunrise and sunset?


Mike Savad

11 Months Ago

They are now, its a new AI thing, it won't be able to know if its one or the other, just correct the parts you don't like.

----Mike Savad


Warren Thompson

11 Months Ago

Thanks Mike.


Sorin Megyesi

10 Months Ago

Thank you very much for your support!


Heidi Popek

8 Months Ago

I have a question about pricing. I just joined a few weeks ago, set all my markups. Now I see everything's been discounted a lot and I didn't change anything. Any suggestions? I contacted tech support but have not heard back. Thanks.


Lucia Waterson

8 Months Ago

@Heidi, there was a sale over the past weekend. If you do not wish to be included in random sales you can choose to opt out in Settings but then you won't be in search.


We do offer discounts sometimes in two ways

1. HOLIDAY promotions. You can not stop us offering these discounts but they do not come from your mark-up
2. SITEWIDE DISCOUNTS. You may turn these off at any time


Added instructions for the new metal prints


Help please, I can't get my profile picture to upload. When I try it throws me out to log in again. No matter what.


David Dehner

5 Months Ago

Hi James,

That sounds strange - -

While on your home page > Tape on your Profile Picture > Tap on Upload New > Choose your image –

Don’t forget the image should be no more than 960 X 1087 Pixels.

Also be sure you only have one Pixels/FAA site open.

If this won’t work – try rebooting your computer / tablet / phone - then try again.

If all else fails contact Technical Support –


Escarlate Shadow

5 Months Ago

Good afternoon, I would like to know how to put the photo on the profile, the size is correct.


Joyful Creations NZ

4 Months Ago

Helpful links :)


Dianne Milliard

3 Months Ago

Is there a marketing calendar or something? How do I find out about your site-wide promotions before they happen so that I can, in turn, promote them on my social media? I only learn about them if I open the FAA website and since I work on it usually at night, I've already missed my window to advertise the promotion.


Mike Savad

3 Months Ago

@Dianne - they don't tell you because people promote too early and they wait for the sale and in the meantime there are no sales because of it. There haven't been any promotions, the 20% off happens randomly if you visit the site often enough. Black friday etc would be coming up ish. You can also make your own discount but it will be off only your total you make.

----Mike Savad


Warren Thompson

3 Months Ago

When I post a new image only 1 page of my collections comes up and I can't add to specific collections.
Is there a fix?


Can you tell me why a member's pages would react the way this artist's pages do?
From my view most of her images seem not to be on the titles are present and many of the pages appear blank yet she has more than 600 images..... I am wondering why that might happen.........if you do not see it like that or it appears normal please let me know, Thank you tdp


George Tugart

2 Months Ago

Thanks for the information


Elisabeth Schneider

2 Months Ago

Great info to have. Thanks.


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