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Cynthia Decker

7 Years Ago

Marketing: Let's See Your Pixels Artist Sites!

I have my artist page set up to match my personal website. White background, header matches a pattern on my site. I like for all my spaces on the web to have the same look and feel. I put my best sellers and my newest images near the top, and I try to mix up the order every so often to keep things looking fresh.

Link to your page, and tell us why you designed it to look the way it does, and share any advice you may have for making them look their best.

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Michelle Saraswati

7 Years Ago


David King

7 Years Ago

I don't think I designed anything on mine, not a whole lot you can do anyway, I prefer to keep things simple so I mostly left it alone.


David King

7 Years Ago

Never mind, it appears to have sorted itself out.


F A Print Shop

7 Years Ago

I used to have the clean white page.

I went to the black page with mainly light cornered images to really sharpen the view of the image. I organized by most to least important, to me, collections.



Ali Oppy

7 Years Ago

Thank you cynthia great thread topic :)
I set up my page with black background and special gallery images with a small image on them to just give a little hint to what would be in a particular gallery.If someone chooses to hit the images tab to view my art the black background i feel looks good behind my images. I am knowen for my avatar so have also used that which i use for all my art selling sites and advertiseing .


Peggy Collins

7 Years Ago

Mine is very basic, with white type on a black background for the header:

I rounded the corners on my avatar...can't remember how I did it now!


Mo Barton

7 Years Ago

I went for the black background as I felt it really made the images look brighter and more colourful.

On my list once it's the school summer holidays is to give all it an update, currently my photography and marketing is having o take a back seat to everything else.


Mark Tisdale

7 Years Ago

My artist website is - I kept it relatively plain. I basically consider it a shopping cart and would remove more of the features of the AW if I could - (blog, news, events, no need for them). If I get a customer this far into my sales funnel, I'd rather they just shopped.

The great bulk of my traffic comes from my main site - - and they are not designed identically but the header on the AW has backgrounds similar to my main site. I wanted them to feel connected as much as possible. so that it wasn't jarring when the buyer clicks over from one to the other but unless they were both entirely white with a thin header, they aren't going to be exact copies, so this was close enough.

I know the front page can have more choices for background, etc. but since that doesn't flow through the site, I keep the AW simple on the front side too.

PS. Order of images, I try to keep similar subjects together. I've noticed that visitors tend to hit the next arrow until they hit a subject that isn't what they started on. So if they landed on a widget, they browse until they reach the end of the widgets. So if I'm lucky they enter near the start and keep hitting next and find several they want. If I moved the best selling widget to the top away from the rest of them, they'll no longer see more widgets when they hit next... I do leave really new work near the top for awhile. And I keep the first six on popular pieces since they show up beneath each print. But I hate that they are "divorced" from similar subjects. I wish we could set the top six without having to put them at the top.


Matthias Hauser

7 Years Ago

I use the default layout / colors because I like it :-)

At the moment the homepage goes to the galleries but I change that from time to time because I love how the "Images" tab shows my art.

Anyway, this is my Artist Website:


Joseph Westrupp

7 Years Ago

Clean and white, and like with yours, Cynthia, reflective of my website. I like simple, and feel like the emphasis should be on the art as opposed to the website (which simplicity goes a long way toward facilitating).

Joseph Westrupp

I didn't know what else to do with it. I'm still torn, to be honest.


Jessica Jenney

7 Years Ago

Michelle, try putting your link in first and then submit. Then go back and write your text.


Jessica Jenney

7 Years Ago

I prefer a white background and my header is one of my images. I rearrange my images on the images pages with my favorites and according to the seasons.


Robert Woodward

7 Years Ago

Most are choosing either a white or black background, which have a distinctively different viewing experience. I went somewhere in between.

I just noticed this morning that one of my galleries has been duplicated twice but with zero images in each. Anyone experienced this before? I have not modified my galleries arrangement for a long time.


Cynthia Decker

7 Years Ago

One of the reasons I love these threads is that I get to see so many new images and new artists!

So let's talk about dark backgrounds. anyone concerned with readability or focus issues? I think we all know light text on a black background is challenging for most people to read, but I came across this a couple years ago when I redid my site (from dark gray to a white background) - your eyes actually focus differently with black backgrounds and can lose some fine detail. It's probably only truly impactful with text, but something to keep in mind.

"The reason why this matters is because of focus. As this article on UXMovement states, "white stimulates all three types of color sensitive visual receptors in the human eye in nearly equal amounts." It causes the eye to focus by tightening the iris. Since the eye is focused, dark letter forms on light backgrounds are easier to read. When using a dark background with strong light letter forms, the iris opens to allow more light in, but that causes letter forms to blur. Why?

People with astigmatism (approximately 50% of the population) find it harder to read white text on black than black text on white. Part of this has to do with light levels: with a bright display (white background) the iris closes a bit more, decreasing the effect of the "deformed" lens; with a dark display (black background) the iris opens to receive more light and the deformation of the lens creates a much fuzzier focus at the eye."

Jason Harrison – Post Doctoral Fellow, Imager Lab Manager – Sensory Perception and Interaction Research Group, University of British Columbia


Chuck Staley

7 Years Ago

In an article with recommendations for artists, I once remember reading:

"When galleries paint their walls black and Amazon uses black backgrounds, then it's time for everyone to do so.

In the meantime, keep the backgrounds light."

As for mine, I use gray:


F A Print Shop

7 Years Ago


I think Sean very carefully orchestrated an off white for the black page.

It is a choice of highlighting the art or highlighting the text.

Also I enlarge my text. Not quite leaving the whole thing to chance. LOL



Dora Hathazi Mendes

7 Years Ago

Some weeks ago I went from a light background to black ... just wanted to try it out, but it is a bit disturbing me, although I love contrast and colours.. I will let it be for a while, then probably I will change it again

Dora Hathazi Mendes

It is not matching with any of my blogs ( see under), so this way my visitors wont get fed up, and they can see my art in different environments ;)

Cats of Karavella
Cats of Karavella

Karavella Atelier
Karavella Atelier


Mark Andrew Thomas

7 Years Ago

I used a darker background for mine. I do quite a bit of night photography and for me the night shots show up better and "pop" more on a darker background. For that reason I set the default view to Images instead of Collections.


Darice Machel McGuire

7 Years Ago

I kept my background white and arranged my images to show my most recent and strongest paintings. The aqua color of my header matches my business cards, facebook page and my website. It also, coincidentally matches the book I co wrote.


MM Anderson

7 Years Ago

I decided to go with a mid-tone warm gray background mostly because it is my favorite wall color in real life and I think most of my art looks good against that color. Text against the mid gray is a very dark gray. The header is a contrast with a darker gray paper textured background and light gray text. I have astigmatism and can still read it so I think it is probably OK for most folks. I added a few pops of color with the yellow links and red line just to reiterate that most of my work does strive to emphasize color. I've been thinking I might do some editing one of these days though just to freshen up the look.


Roy Erickson

7 Years Ago

I like Cynthia's and I'll have to figure out how you moved the search box over to the right and out of the center. I also like the patterned background.

Mine just is what it is:

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Michelle Saraswati

7 Years Ago

I like modern, minimalist overall look ..
with bold red line menu tab to match the color of my profile picture .. lol.

Thank you Jessica Jenney for the advice to get my link clickable!


Shelli Fitzpatrick

7 Years Ago

Liesl Walsh said
"On my pixels website I wish I could make the cover photos larger for my gallery page. I think they're too small, kinda underwhelming as a first impression. Are we able to adjust the size of these images? I think we can round the corners."

I also had this question, I tried changing the gallery image radius setting but it didn't seem to do anything...


Liesl Walsh

7 Years Ago

Hi Shelli, I think I tried that, too, and nothing happened. I noticed that on the Fine Art America website the cover photos on the gallery page are larger and look better. I think because the pixels website has the bio info on the left that the cover photos are smaller to fit on the page. Hopefully there is a way to change that.


Shelli Fitzpatrick

7 Years Ago

Hi Liesl,
Yours looks great anyway though... maybe once I get enough galleries mine will too. mine looks kind of sad right now with only 12 galleries and yours do look a bit larger than mine...

Edit: lol, I was looking at yours with 100% zoom and mine with 80% so that explains that...


Johanne Landry

7 Years Ago

Here is a link to my page

Where can I find informations on how to personalize it ? How to create collections, etc...


Travel Pics

7 Years Ago

I think you need to be premium.

Look in Behind the scenes (under Your Own Website):

Premium: $30 / Year
Fine Art America offers a set of premium features which are designed to give you greater exposure and sales opportunities.




Walter Paul Bebirian

6 Years Ago

while there are over 500,000 images in my collection which I think of as a complete whole - there are only about 12,000 images up here so far:


Travel Pics

6 Years Ago

Custom Websites Tips And Tricks Revisited

Tips and tricks to help revive the look and feel of our Artist Websites.

There's so much we can do with the product. By getting a little creative there's nothing stopping us.

There have been plenty of changes in the last couple of years, so it was time to revisit the subject.

If you're serious about your Artist Websites as a marketing tool, this discussion could interest you.

📷 Michel
🌎 My Space on Fine Art America.


Iris Richardson

6 Years Ago

I love seeing what everyone else has done with their site


Jessica Jenney

6 Years Ago

I have my own header and logo


Cynthia... Do you think mine is too dark?


Alison Frank

6 Years Ago

Here's mine. I kept the header green and simple to complement my logo.


Laurie's Intuitive

6 Years Ago

Mine is still very much a work in progress. This is a great discussion!! Forced me to really look at mine today, changed the background, my picture, and I figured out how to add the side text!!! Yay...


Christopher Maxum

6 Years Ago

I may change the background colour if white on black is hard to read


White on black is awful for dyslexics. My BF cannot read it

yellow on black is good, but IMO looks terrible for the rest of us


Christopher Maxum

6 Years Ago

I always think the colour and b/w tones look better on a black background but I will try it on white. I never used yellow or blue or red as writing ink - it just cant be read by me at all, it gives me a complete nauseating headache, reading white on black I have no big problems with, but its slower reading though - definitely. I'm not dyslexic to my knowledge, I think the key responses are out of sync with my typing rhythm of course. I guess. Reading for long/concentration does give me big headaches though. I was wondering about the trolls, if someone has 50 accounts and is playing with the FAA site, how do we/you know they haven't got into the internals, the database, the sales system and accounts etc? There might be organised crime/countries/individuals withdrawing many sales into an account and no one is wiser, unless you audit prints made separate from from sales made and then compare. So many have zero sales on here. The could even be downloading the images unless they are offline. Just some paranoia for the paranoid. The reality of cyber crime cannot be underestimated. From direct intimidation, subliminal, getting into your IP, stalking of individuals ( a reality!) and taking the money itself!


None of that has anything to do with Cynthia's thread.


Christopher Maxum

6 Years Ago

Sorry that digressed from font and paper colour, into our Pixel artist site security that applies to all internet sites in general. It is food for thought though. I've changed my site to black writing on white background but i do prefer a black background myself.

I have my own site as on wix which I like alot! Its free but you get the banners. That's ok though.

and my artist site as

The Pixels/FAA templates, look and functionality are very good I think.


Alexey Larionov

6 Years Ago
How do these sites use pixels, what kind of password and login do you need?


Andrew Read

6 Years Ago

Using black background at the moment, I haven't really had chance to do too much to the appearance but I'd welcome some input.



6 Years Ago

My AW mirrors my profile page here, with the important exception that on my AW, my BIO is accessible on the landing page.....
which is how it should be.


Alice Heart

6 Years Ago
Here's mine. :)


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