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Mike Reid

24 Days Ago

2025 Photography Goals?

Anyone have any they care to share or have questions about?

I'm off to Korea in March which should be fun.

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Rosa Marcos

24 Days Ago

I want to take more good pictures of flowers. There's also a special place I want to photograph: a garden overlooking a beach. I want to take a good landscape picture of it.


Mary Bedy

24 Days Ago

I'm starting to love my phone images. I don't have the latest and greatest phone but my close-ups and sill life images and shooting my artwork has become so much easier than trying to set up the camera gear, so I'm going to try to do more still life images, where the depth of field can be sharp throughout because the phone (at least mine) keeps everything sharper than my expensive gear unless I drag out the tripod, and set the camera at f18 or higher and I STILL can't get everything sharp. The macro settings are too fussy.

That, and I'm working up to maybe my 500th ship. I have, as of this date, photographed 428 freighters, tugs, barges and coast guard cutters, with, I think, four river cruise ships thrown in, so It would be nice if I could hit that 500 mark in 2025. For that, I definitely need the regular camera gear.

I hope everybody enjoys their photographic journey in 2025.


Mike Reid

24 Days Ago

Sofia: Well you are off to a great start so far. Love those rose photos. I hope the garden by the sea becomes the photo you are after.

Mary: I think I love your phone images too. Phones lend themselves to many spontaneous shots which are often better than the planned ones with all the gear. You might try focusing on the lower third of the image and using f11-16 and see how that goes. You probably know that though :)


Mel Steinhauer

23 Days Ago

I have been in a "creative slump" for the last 2 or 3 years it seems, for a variety of reasons. Even after buying some new equipment in 2023, that I was sure would play a big role in helping me to " get my mojo back ".

So my big goal for 2025 is to find ways to get inspired and begin using my photography equipment to create new, better and different ( for me ) artistic images to add to my pages here.


Bill Swartwout

23 Days Ago

My 2025 photography goal is simply to upload more here (and elsewhere). I will "always" have a camera with me, realizing that my iPhone 16Pro is as useful as my DSLR and so much easier to carry.

Other goals are to try to enjoy being retired and to travel as much as possible - by car and by our small airplane.


Jason Fink

23 Days Ago

Continue to improve and find some new places to photograph. I have lots of areas around me that I have not visited yet.


Rudy Umans

23 Days Ago

12 significant images

A few more gallery shows

If I have time, Alternative printing (Cyanotype, Anthotype, and maybe Salt/silver)

(and maybe acquire an 8 x10" wooden field camera. Haven't made up my mind yet, and depends on # 3)


Patti Deters

23 Days Ago

I hope to do some housekeeping of the many photos, textures, backgrounds, etc. that I've accumulated over the years - cull the ones I'll never get to and actually work on (and FINISH!) the ones that still speak to me.


Mike Reid

23 Days Ago

Everyone has great goals! I agree about the phone always being with you which is a great thing.

Photo housekeeping. That's a goal of mine too. Going back to some old photos with some new processing tools.

Rudy: I really hope to see those large format images. Serious magic usually comes out of those setups.

Bill: Jealous of your small plane. Hope you make the most of it.


Rudy Umans

23 Days Ago

Mike, I already shoot 8 x10 pinhole and 4 x 5 for pretty much everything else. However, 4 x 5 is too small for contact printing.

Forgot to mention in my first post that I like to do more teaching (photography and composition) and I need to finish my new educational coffee table book, which is in the making


Mike Reid

15 Days Ago

I also hope to get my largest drone in the air for more than ten minutes :) Aerial views are captivating.

I am in NYC at the moment and if you have the chance, B&H is like a disneyland for photographers.


Andrew Pacheco

14 Days Ago

For me in 2025 I'm hoping to just spend more time creating images than I have over the past few years.

I'm also going to try to upload at least 1 image for each week of the year. So far I'm ahead for the year as I'm going through my archive of photos that I haven't finished sorting and editing. I'm hoping that goal of uploading at least 1 image for each week of the year will actually lead me to adding far more than 52 images to my portfolio.

I haven't been incredibly prolific for very long stretches of time since I've started my photographic journey.


Ed Taylor

14 Days Ago

Not to pick up any more gear. I keep telling myself "I have enough".


Tony Singarajah

14 Days Ago

My photography goal is Focus.


Sofia Goldberg

12 Days Ago

My photography goal for this year is: to upload all photos of flowers, nature, architecture and cars that I have in my computer and on CDs. Over 9000 pics.


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