Browse millions of wholesale art prints from 1+ million independent artists and iconic global brands. Receive 25 - 75% off Fine Art America prices!
1 Month Ago
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1 Month Ago
Could FAA please become a verified merchant on Pinterest like other POD sites. Without this, it seems links to FAA or premium sites don't show when pinning to Pinterest and FAA pins don't appear in Pinterest searches. We have to do our own promoting and what's the point of promoting my work on Pinterest if my pins don't show up in searches or have a link to FAA/Pixels?
1 Month Ago
Please consider hiring some competent programming help - to keep on top of the myriad glitches that seem to pop up far too often.
1 Month Ago
Please become a verified merchant on Pinterest.
It doesn't cost any money to become a verified merchant and the whole process only takes a few minutes.
1 Month Ago
Licensing artworks etc. There is a market out there, i’d like to see a License this Artwork hyperlink added to image pages. That would give us another option to make extra income.
Big task though.
1 Month Ago
I would love to have the ability to let a customer or us have the ability to add text or the like to a product like we can on another site or two. This way they can add their name, or whatever to the product. They can sell company shirts that way, a custom mug with their title on it and so on.
If could wish for one other thing--- maybe another programmer to keep the site up and running.
---Mike Savad
1 Month Ago
Holiday discounts seemed to stimulate sales. It would be fantastic if you would continue to implement sales generating discounts throughout the year.
1 Month Ago
My suggestion for the New Year would be for a "Mockups Library" to Promote our Products on Social Media with Fun Creative Looks that enhance our Artworks.
Thank You to @Sean and @Abbie in advance 🥂
1 Month Ago
Higher than 25mb upload limits so I don't have to keep dumming down my 45mp+ images. Please!
1 Month Ago
I would like to propose an algorithm change (yes... I know.... fat chance...):
I'm on another pod where newly uploaded works are placed *in the middle* of any given search, rather than at the back, like here.
So if, say, someone searches for a cow photo, and there are 50 pages of search results for photography/cow, then the newly uploaded image appears around p. 25. If there are only 10 pages of search results it's found around page 5, etc.
From that "middle position" it's "sink or swim" and up to the image-maker, so sales, views, being placed on a wishlist or in a shopping cart, traffic driven from social media etc. bring it forward. If none of these things happen, it slowly drops back in favor of others. In addition, *any* sales from the portfolio slowly pull forward the entire portfolio in the search. Given good SEO, there is a much better chance of getting found on the site. It also keeps the search results more "fresh".
I think that is a good approach which prevents new works by default being hidden away in the basement so to speak for months and years.
Having taken the liberty to analyse the "sales posts" in the forum for a while, I found that there is a strong correlation between "monthly sales" and "year joined". It appears that those who joined post-2016 or so are really struggling to get seen, with few exceptions. I presume that this has to do not only with the sheer volume of images here but also because new work is always placed way at the back of the queue, even behind work that has been up for years but never sold.
So, that's my suggestion to Sean: "middle placement" with "sink or swim".
Wishing you all a good year ahead.
1 Month Ago
You do realize that every time you make an insulting comment like that about Sean programming you’re being counterproductive, don’t you?
1 Month Ago
I join the requests regarding work with Pinterest.
If compared with December 2023, then with an increase in the Impressions by 1.5 times, the number of Outbound clicks to FAA/Pixels decreased by more than 2 times.
1 Month Ago
Please update the description of the hanging method for metal prints. I understand there was a change but the description says:
"Your image gets printed directly onto a sheet of 1/16" thick aluminum. The aluminum sheet is offset from the wall by a 3/4" thick wooden frame which is attached to the back." I would be afraid to place an order not knowing what the changes are. Even the 3D image hasn't shown a change.
1 Month Ago
Maybe in order to get new and fresh art to be seen there could be a new category called Newest Releases. It could include new work released in say the last 30 days. Each artist could have maybe a max of 2 pieces being shown during any given 30 day period. That would help to weed out those who flood the website with 100s of images weekly if not daily.
It would be nice if each artist would be able to choose which pieces they would like featured in the Newest Release category in order to showcase their very best work.
Being seen is an ongoing problem and is discouraging to those who work so hard at creating beautiful art a few pieces at a time. We get lost in the flood. There are some incredible newer artists here that are never seen, likely causing a huge loss of sales.
1 Month Ago
It would be nice if FAA would send an email out to their artist when they plan on doing website maintenance. That might eliminate some of the frustration.
1 Month Ago
@David - Sorry, that comment was not about Sean. He is a competent and highly talented programmer = after all, he is the person who single-handedly built FAA into the powerhouse that it has become. However, he is only one man, and FAA has grown so large he cannot keep everything in line all by himself - as evidenced by the myriad glitches that keep popping up. That is why I mean some help needs to be hired.
1 Month Ago
Related to this recently closed thread, I would like that there would be an easy way to report fraud images on Fine Art America, which are lying about the medium, for instance AI generated, or digitally manipulated photographs or photos with filters, etc state about their images as Paintings! Or AI images state that they are photographs, etc..
I mean a button or something to report image, and appropriate action should be taken at least to change to the right medium.
There should be a house Rule not to lie about medium, because with the dishonest, and fraud information, they are not only misleading buyers, but pushing down traditional painters from the search, and pushing them out from the marketplace, traditional artists who cannot compete with the high volume, with the flood of mass produced images which lie that they are paintings, meanwhile they are definitely not.
If there are rules of copyright, or inappropriate content, porn, etc, there should be rule too about stating fake information.
If a buyer search on this site, and select paintings, half or even more of them are not... as these accounts can create images in masses very fast compared to create actual paintings, their volume make difficult to find traditional arts, the real paintings. I don't think that it is fair for traditional painters, that for many it is okay to lie whatever they want.
A traditional painter can create a new artwork in a week, or in a month, sometimes even a year etc. A dishonest creator can create 100 or more images per day, and call them oil paintings etc. Surely something should be done about it.
They lie in medium set as paintings, in titles adding oil, watercolor paintings etc, depend of the effect they use, in keywords, and also in descriptions many times.
If a report was submitted, the reported image should be placed to the right medium, to digital, or AI category.
If the creator of the image can prove that is was a mistake, then prove it with the photo of the tangible artwork, or with work in process images about the painting process!!
The site may decide if support really artists, or support dishonesty.
I am aware that this site sell prints of images... I am not against digital, and not considering paintings as something higher than other mediums, but if there is a medium to select, then there should be a meaning of medium. And if someone can simply call an image in title as painting while it is not, there should be a way to report and change that.
Some artists sells prints of digital creations, some sells prints of photography, mixed media, AI, some artists sell prints of their paintings..
If an image looks like a painting, but to create it was not paint involved then it is NOT a painting as simple as that.
A digital painting is Digital medium.
If a traditional painting was scanned or photographed for the upload, it is still a painting.
If Artificial Intelligence created an image which looks like a painting, or you threw a filter on a photo, you cannot say you painted it with oil, or with watercolour etc..
Thank you for consideration.
1 Month Ago
Several Email providers are blocking email from FAA. I'm not sure why this is happening or what is is about email from FAA, but I would hope this problem could be addressed!
I have to assume that this is up to FAA. This issue affects many people, artists and customers alike. It is a customer service issue.
29 Days Ago
Like many other artists on FAA, I am getting another artist’s weekly update.
Could I recommend that FAA stop sending out these emails until Sean has a chance to fix the issue?
It would be better for FAA’s reputation this way.
Thanks in advance.
28 Days Ago
Please incorporate "Drag-and-Drop feature so we can more easily organize our photos. This would be much quicker, and would replace the cumbersome organize by numbers with our main page and within our albums.
26 Days Ago
It would be incredible if we were able to get customer information from people who ordered off of our artist websites. Even if just an email address.
With the proliferation of AI art and the massive amount of art being sold online in general being able to market to people who have purchased our art would be invaluable.
25 Days Ago
Due to the personalization option on cards I was considering promoting single card purchases with the suggestion the buyer could send to a different recipient. However, after looking into the possible cost of shipping and finding out it almost costs the same as the card itself, I cannot entertain the thought of doing so. Can shipping be reduced for sending a single card? Perhaps no more than double the current 1st class mailing fee in the United States?
23 Days Ago
Hello FAA, thank you for all your help, I was wondering:
When there is a technical issue that customers can obviously see, would maybe be a good idea to show a message to customers saying that FAA is addressing the problem and reassuring that it's only a technical issue that will not affect the quality of any purchased items? Thanks a lot for considering!
23 Days Ago
When two people have the same name the person who joined first avatar to be used. An avatar to each account would also show two different accounts.
19 Days Ago
I just want to add this as a reminder, can you PLEASE remove the collection as a part of the search. I keep running into it and I know for a what has to be a fact that its confusing my customers. I can't say if sales are down because they don't think I have something because of this search thing, but it is totally not helping me sell anything. I just want the ability to turn it off. It goes on without rhyme or reason. The only pattern is saw is that if there are many results normally like when I searched for "people", it showed only 24, with a confusing array of random collections.
So can you remove it? And also when they do a search in a collection, I don't want the search to be limited to that collection, I was looking at google analytics and they were searching for things that I know I have, but in a section that those things weren't in.
---Mike Savad
19 Days Ago
It would be nice if an AI-powered description worked regardless of camera model. For some reason, it works with EOS 6D, but doesn't work with Mavic 3 Pro.
P. S.: I also join the requests about Pinterest.
19 Days Ago
Could we get a monthly list of what the top five or ten search terms are so that we know what type of images that site users are actively looking for? Thank you FAA.
17 Days Ago
I concur regarding the suggestion for drag and drop for organizing the image page, using the number system is far too convoluted and complex.
In addition I would love to see the confusion in sizing completely overhauled. The current sizing model might work out for traditional art work but for photography with its varied different format sizes that do not always coincide with traditional frames sizes and which forces a lot of uneven fractured sizes for prints its a bit of a mess. This could be implemented a number of different ways, the easiest would be include every inch rather than limited subjective numbers. Typically photography formats, sans cropping, come in 1x1, 2x3, 3x4, 4x5 formats unless someone is using very large format cameras such as 5x7 or even larger but doubt there is much of that going on at FAA.
Thanks FAA
17 Days Ago
I have forwarded the pinterest suggestion
Licensing link
More mockups
Higher limits
and a couple of others
Anton, that appears more a bug.... Please report to Technical Support
I have not forwarded the programming help needed. If Sean makes that call then he will do so by his own volition. He knows what needs to be done over anyone else here.
Sean will not be implementing more sales a year., I can more or less state that with ease. Sites who do that are losing money consistently and are only in business through investors. We have none.
16 Days Ago
Could we have please bulk edit option for keywords? Or at least an easier way to edit them than clicking through all of them one by one?
On the Bulk edit page keywords are already displayed for the filtered images, it just needs to be made editable.
It would be a huge help for organizing our work, it's so much easier to see what is missing or needs to be deleted if we can see the similar images with the keywords on one page.
Abbie, thank you very much for the feedback, it's great to hear back what happens with our suggestions.
Bee Creek Photography - Tod and Cynthia
14 Days Ago
How about allowing us to blog on our AWS sites!
13 Days Ago
Creative shape crop options for apparel and other Pixels products. Imagine the additional sale opportunities for FAA if shoppers could use a circle, star or rough paint swatch crop on any image for shirts? Could even just grab the one on the circular towel product. Thanks for listening to my occasional ramblings about this 😁
12 Days Ago
Can you please pass it to Sean, to make a setting that ALL print orders to EU addresses ship automatically from Netherlands, the EU printing facility?
This problem come up regularly, right now again I have a customer who ordered two prints from Portugal to Portugal address, and they wrote to me, that it will ship from US, and can I do something to ship it from the EU, as on my website I say my site is powered by Fine Art America, but ship from 16 fulfilment centers including EU ??
I already wrote yesterday as fast as I could to the Customer support and Technical support ,that please ship these two prints order from the EU printer to EU address, but no answer.
Once when I had the same problem, CS replied fast, and they changed the printer, and the order shipped to the client from the EU.
I just know these problem when they write me.. and complain, many don't complain just abandon basket!
On the Website of Fine Art America, in the footer, there is information about the printing centres. what ships from where. I joined Fine Art America (and not other POD) in 2016, because of this. I am in the EU, I have customers mainly from US but also from EU, and on my website, even on Etsy ( where I sell only originals, but I tell them they can buy prints too from my website) I write in my descriptions, my prints ship from 16 fulfilments centres located in 5 countries, always from the closest of the location of the order. It is very important for me, because I have potential buyers in EU and US too..
I am sure I lost many order on this issue, they read my prints ship from EU too, they put it to the basket and abandon as they see it ship from US or UK. They will never come back, as they will be frustrated to see this at the check out and wont buy anything. They wont try if bigger print or smaller print ship from different country, they will think I mislead them...
I dont want to be one those those tricky sites who say something and do other thing..
It is very important, not only have more sales, but for credibility. If the site says, there is printer in the EU, then I should be able to say that too confidently if they ask me.
What I did this time too, to find out, it will ship from US, so now I have frustrated customers. I know the clients are not ours, but it seems the problems yes, ours too.
What can I say when the European buyers from EU write me and ask me from where I ship their prints? Should I say, who knows, I dont have idea, can be this or that, just put it into the basket and you will see?! It is extremely unprofessional.
If you are not living in EU, or in certain EU country, you wont understand what its mean. It is not only to pay the extra tax, and to have higher shipping cost. In Portugal, if someone order from outside of EU, it can get stuck literally FOREVER in the system, and it is a big hassle, paperwork, send there and back to get out the item from the customs. A person just do this once in their life and NEVER again they want to buy anything from the US, or UK...
Happened with the Free hoodies I won on the billboard contest, not only I needed to pay for a free thing, but it took eternity..
Here in a thread 7 month ago about the same issue, but there are threads 5 years ago, it is always coming up, the issue is, that we just loosing sales without knowing it:
As many of my American buyers think as I am in Portugal my prints ship from Portugal, for me it is important to mention on my Premium site that my website is powered by Fine Art America, for the American buyers to know, that they can order, my prints won't come from Portugal but from the US.
But exactly because of this it is also very important for me to mention to the buyers in the EU or PT that if they order, prints will come from EU and not from the US or UK.
This way I have more chance to sell.
But if this system is not working, then it is pointless...
I would need to edit at least half of my images descriptions and everywhere to take that out..
I need to know does Fine Art America ship really from EU printer center to European addresses or not..
I need to know what to say to my buyers to be efficient
So in nutshell, just please to do the necessary setting, that ALL print orders to EU addresses are shipped from the EU printing center, as it is stated under:
Thank you!